Game stutters/freezes

  • Server version
    SPT-Aki 1.51 (patcher 1.10.0)
    Game client version
    Client log file…JuEaxcwcKEYPuLGKzvQsK6cAY
    Server log file…u2t3e3yk8AkJj2rmLY3jT2wG7
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    First of all i want to thank you guys for the support and the amount of effort you put in this tarkov version/making mods!

    Recently i am encountering some problems with SPT-AKI. I know the game isn't optimized and there are problems with the game itself. But it is running currently in a state i can't play it any longer. I've tried to find out myself what the problem is : various settings with my virus defender/firewall to completly resetting my pc to factory settings multiple times, brought it to a specialist to check my pc for viruses and let him run a stress test on my hardware (no problems).

    I ran the game with mods for 3 months, enemy spawn alsways high without any problems on 4k about 60 fps with occasionaly fps dips when bots spawn.

    And suddenly my problem begins to occure this is about a month ago: the first 10 minutes of the raid is fine all working good steady fps and fluid gameplay. Then after about 15/20 minutes into the raid the game begins to stutter (multiple hard freeze when i ads with a zoom optic and light freeze when bots spawn, this is not present if i use a simple red dot without zoom only the light freeze when bots spwan occures). It doesn't matter if i put bots spawn rate at high or low or which map i choose it always occures.

    After resetting my pc to factory specs the game runs fine without any problems for a few days and then the problem is back again. Tested tarkov itself in offline mode and there aren't any problems. Last time i thought i figured it out: ran the server.exe as admin and the problems where gone, but then after a few days they where back again and now i don't know what to do.

    I hope you guys can help ;)

  • Hey there! Had the same issue and the fix for me was astealz-SmartSpawnController. What you descripe is likely a problem with the Bot Spawn system where the game is starting to put more and more bots into the game until the map is full of bots and the FPS are starting to drop. Give it a try

  • Hey there! Had the same issue and the fix for me was astealz-SmartSpawnController. What you descripe is likely a problem with the Bot Spawn system where the game is starting to put more and more bots into the game until the map is full of bots and the FPS are starting to drop. Give it a try

    Tried this but sadly with no succes, but i did found out another thing: if i open up task manager while the game is starting to freeze and stutter and then go back to the game it is gone and works fine again.

  • Tried this but sadly with no succes, but i did found out another thing: if i open up task manager while the game is starting to freeze and stutter and then go back to the game it is gone and works fine again.

    Well thats something! Its a pain in the ass for sure to switch to task manager an back but at least its working again. Do you need to do this more then once per raid to switch to the task manager?

  • Well thats something! Its a pain in the ass for sure to switch to task manager an back but at least its working again. Do you need to do this more then once per raid to switch to the task manager?

    Yes it works for about 10 minutes and then it's back again. Not playable this way. Did you change any other setting when it occured on your system?

  • Did you notice something unusual in Task Manager? CPU usage spikes? Unusually high RAM usage? I've has several issues with my PC:

    1) sometimes MSI_ActiveX_***_Service.exe began to each 30-40% of CPU for no reason even when no applications is running and that cause micro-stutters even in windows itself while any game turned into slide-show. Happens rarely and I just need to kill that process to resolve the issue

    2) killer network service (aka KillerService.exe) - this damn think caused memory leaks to the point where all 32Gb RAM become locked without an hour after the last reboot (especially if you downloaded anything) and can be released only by another reboot. That turned my PC into slideshow often. Googled how to remove this service completely and since then I have no issues with memory leaks

    3) Microsoft_Audio_Core**** service - sometimes starts to use up to 25-30% of CPU capacity for no reasons. Usually happens during active Discord usage. Does not cause any stutters directly but may affect max FPS in come cases, just killing the process resolves the problem (sometimes need to restart Discord or game to restore sound)

    If you do not hit bottleneck with your PC specs, than it is possible you have issues with one of services or drivers - cannot say with 100% confidence, but worth investigating

    BTW if you have a compatible client version backup for BE RC1 I would recommend to try it to compare performance as in 12.11 BSG did come optimization

  • Andrudis

    No nothing weird going on here CPU usage about 60% temp around 65 degrees in total GPU usage around 70% temp around 70 degrees Memory usage 40%. Had a memory leak where it also would consume all the 32 gb of ram i have, but already fixed it.

    What do you mean with this?

    BTW if you have a compatible client version backup for BE RC1 I would recommend to try it to compare performance as in 12.11 BSG did come optimization

  • What do you mean with this?

    BTW if you have a compatible client version backup for BE RC1 I would recommend to try it to compare performance as in 12.11 BSG did come optimization

    I mean, if you happen to have original EFT client you may try to install Bleeding Edge AKI 2.0 RC1 build without downgrading. BSG implemented NVidea Reflex support and some other optimizations which gave noticeable performance boost with my rig from avg 50-55FPS to avg 65-70FPS with High settings and WQHD resolution.

    Bleeding Edge builds are not stable to just play them, but you may preview what to expect when AKI 2.0 will finally come out

  • Andrudis

    Aha i see, thanks man did not know what you meant by that. I am fairly new to pc gaming and modding but that is a good idea. Gonna try that out too see if it will work when the next patch comes out.

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