Posts by Keeks Mgee

    I am trying to run Zicomans's configs with all required mods. I load into game and the preset account is working. If I try to load into a raid everything loads I can hear the ambient sound but I do not get the red countdown timer then it reloads into the main page. I have alot of errors in the log but i have no idea what im doing wrong. Thankyou in advance

    Update: Removed all mods and ran with no gear into raid and it still did not work. Exited and made a new account usec level 1 with standard gear and it loaded into game. It seems to be the Zico Profile that is causing the issue Armed and Ready i think its called. Any info on how to get this to run i have installed all required mods and copied the correct Configs over.

    Ok so massive thanks to CWX for their help. I was copying the Launcher folder instead of the game folder. In the launcher under game directory it was installed on my D drive not my C, I have now copied the correct folder to the C drive and its working. Again massive thanks. I knew i was doing something stupid.

    Yes all files from BsgLauncher into my own SPT-SKI Adding the mod folder running the server works launcher runs and i can make an account but if i run the game it says the tarkov.exe is missing. I notice my launcher is called BsgLauncher.exe and on the tutorials they are called EscapeFromTarkov.exe and again changing this didnt make it better. I have got it to almost launch by adding the missing Assembly-CSharp.dll file and it then says.


    oh really I have only just installed the game updated and played the game. I only Re downloaded the game to play SPT today? I may have put the wrong version on as i got the version from the details tab of the launcher as was stated but the game version on the launcher is matching the download version for SPT-AKI.


    Hello, I am failing on what seems a small issue but i cannot get past it. I have tried everything I can think of. I am sorry if this is something simple that i am doing wrong but I cannot find any way to get past it.

    I have copied the Main game file into a folder called /SPT-AKI Then Extracted the SPT files into it. I do not get any overwrite messages (not sure if i should). Then I start the server.exe, Launcher.exe and then when i press play. "EscapeFromTarkov.exe not found at game path. Please Check that the directory is correct." my directory file is the copied main game folder with the SPT files. I have tried to rename the BsgLauncher.exe to tarkov.exe and get another message about managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll not found.

    Again sorry if this is some thing simple I am missing.