I know this issue is on the FAQ and it was questioned before! So I'll try to be brief.
I saw the FAQ and 2 threads and googled about the bitcoin time issue but really couldn't find a couple of things I'm in doubt with.
1 question - So what as I saw any mod that affects bitcoin farming time will cause an issue where it tells there is one but there isn't, thing is I didn't DIRECTLY alter the time. As I noticed the "Crafting" and "Hideout Management" skills weren't going up, what I did was use SP-EFT-ProfileEditor to up the skills gradually "manually". As expected of the skills, they >>reduce time for crafting<< and up buffs. My question is: so not even the skills can, for a fact, reduce the time of bitcoin production??
2 question - Couldn't find this one anywhere too: so the graphic cards don't really reduce the production time at all? Therefore there wouldn't be any point in upgrading and saving/buying graphic cards? Can I just sell them all then?
Thanks in advance, and sorry for babbling in a known issue!
Sorry for any english mistakes too.