Posts by KaiserDanielus

    I have been wondering about the additional head models available, obviously some are bosses and scavs but there is one with blonde hair and actual on face model beard and i wanted to know if you added this one yourself or if it's some sort of unused in game model for PMCs or scavs

    I have noticed that after playing on 3.0.0 for more or less a week now the AI does not work as well as it used to the first few hours of playing (on 3.0.0).

    I tried playing around with the amount of AI spawning and the AI difficulty but it did not do anything.

    The AI is either very stupid and stands around without really fighting back or even fighting at all, the bosses and to a degree raiders and rogues work as intended with the exception of Tagilla who will just stand with his hammer and do nothing at all unless i walk into melee range where he will hit me and "activate".

    Tried Fin's AiTweaks too but it seemed to break the boss spawnchance from 100% to normal rates.

    Could it be an issue with SPT 3.0.0 or is it something that happened before but to a lesser degree?