Posts by BrandonSamaK

    To cut it short, I just wanted to shop at Fence's random raffle market,

    I didn't migrate any saves from previous versions and as above I didn't add any mods,

    At first I thought it was some user error thing, because I like to fiddle around with config files in server database folder

    but most of them were boss spawn chance, ragfair related and other minor stuff.

    So I waited for hours until I got the new hotfix for 3.2.2 and I went on to try it again, no mods, no server configs this time.

    After browsing around at fence's shop and buying items in there, the first 2~3 minutes of browsing and buying items went on fine.

    However, if I pass like 5~6 ish minutes(sorry I didn't track the time), I click on an item, request for trade, The whole inventory freezes.

    For about 2~3 minutes later then i get server error and client error saying "Backend error: failed to receive data".
