Posts by djuice

    I just noticed that you capped the PMC's level to 50, in your Loadout, which makes it impossible to complete the Trophy Task from Peacekeeper, where you have to hand in 20 level 50+ dogtags of both USEC and BEAR.

    Hello, love your mod!

    Any ideas on what can I change to make rogues on Lighthouse bearable? They just laser me from 250m away and there is nothing I can do about it :(

    Use POOP, and nerf them to hell. SPT's recoil changes makes it so bot's are extremely accurate while firing in full auto, and hardly ever miss.

    Great changes so far, but can you set a toggle so we can disable NVG + Optics passive aiming in the F12 Config, not really a fan of that, but otherwise great changes all round.

    I didn't mind the Mosin accuracy been somewhat okay, but the bolt chambering speed on it is horrible, like a full 4-5 seconds to just chamber the next round after shooting makes follow up shots impossible, it's also an issue on the SV-98, but a stock M700 seems fine.

    That's probably true for like the cherry picked rifles and using hand loaded match ammunition. Realistically the average MOA for an AKM using standard 122/123 grain mild steel FMJ is around 4 MOA at 100m, you could get around 3 MOA if you are using a brand new barrel. This is more due to the bullet construction and the quality control for the ammunition, as the standard deviation for the velocity is quite large. It's also the same with the AK-74 but slightly better, 3.5 MOA on average, with the shorter barrel AKS-74U clocking in around 6 MOA, and this is with the 53 grain FMJ rounds.

    Not sure if it's a bug or not, but the Global Recoil Modifiers in the GUI does nothing.

    Changing the values for Horizontal, Vertical recoil multipliers seems to do nothing. It does not show any changes to the weapon stats information, nor does it change how the weapons recoil feels when used.

    Version 0.73 Hotfix 3

    Hi Fin) I noticed, that on lighthouse we have new zone, called Zone_Island with default exusec spawn, you ll update advanced spawn config with that spawn zone?

    You can just add it yourself if you know the zone name.


    "Zone_Island": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],

    under "zone_spawn_weight_bot_types":{ in the Lighthouse section.

    Nobody attacks me during my scav runs since I installed FAIT, is there a solution to this ?

    Did you enabled Behaviour Changes? If you did, it sometimes makes the PMCs friendly towards you as a Player SCAV. Disabling/False should set it back to normal.

    Its somewhere in the middle) Fait always was heavy coded, so main basis was about converting pr replacing something into another thing, since AKI 3.1.1 devs (or BSG) made ExUsecs like copypasted Usecs, Fait is just doing what it must to do. And yeah it's gamebreaking sh@t, so we can only wait till Fin will rework this feature, or made some kind of blacklist for AI\Gear\Behaviour converting

    Ah yes, I see what you mean, I just did Lighthouse for the first time, and I went to the USEC base, and all the Rogues were replaced by USEC PMCs. Regarding the Goon Squad spawns, I'm also missing Big Pipe, him been replaced by a random PMC, either Bear or USEC for some strange reason, but Birdeye and Knight does spawn 100% of the time, only Big Pipe seems to be replaced.

    I am still experience issues with getting Sniper SCAVs to spawn, been messing with the config, and I can't seem to get them to spawn on Customs, been messing around with opening/closing spawn zones, and they still won't spawn.

    I already wrote about it) And you ll meet all ExUsecs as PMC bots too, Aki 3+ have new pattern for them,Ex's use Usec Ai, that's why all are turning into Usec\bear. But I don't understand why only the big pipe changes)

    Is this a FAIT issue, or AKI 3.1.1 issue?

    Version 1.24.0E

    Break up Spawn waves is still broken, image below is a 25 minute Interchange RAID with the option "enabled", beside the initial spawns at start of the RAID, it only spawn an additional 12 SCAVs/Bots for the 25 mins duration of the raid.

    and here I've ran another Interchange RAID with all the settings the same, beside disabling Break up Spawn Waves, this was a 20min RAID instead.

    Now for that 20 minute Interchange RAID with the option disabled it spawn an additional 27 SCAVs/Bots.

    I've also encountered another issue, and that's with the option disabled, Sniper SCAVs on top of towers/buildings/outcrops no longer spawns on any map.

    Those are the settings I am using from Advanced Spawn Configuration.

    and here is the debug hash.


    xĀā,87318994592576Ĉ,356046ć013ě420,1900670ČģĪČēĜ33Ď7Đ0Ċ8ďēİĈ0802ij5ć11,Ĩ98ċ34ĝ4ĵ236,2ğķĎ962ł5Ħ,ċ65ĽřŇ9Š8řă3ĨŦ53ū7ċ14,|ġŵĢųassaultųpmcboſfollowergluharŹŻŽƆƈƊƌƎƐƒrscouƘƉƋƍƏƑƓsecurity,ƇƥƛƨƞsnipeƳƙƦrkojaƺƲƴƚƍŻƺtƓƾƵƍbŽlƲ||ƕżžgrƢp,beǎuƫcų-ńġǧ,-2ŷńǭ1.5ǮDzŷ0.7ŷ3ĢǵńĚēŒġǨǮ,ġPMCsȅȋ|ƄtnameshƍƽƫƼƔtetȕmwưhơmmŹųǾȄȨȨȂȋŶȪŷǭǻȯȨǗźǙſǖƁƃƅǏljƜƩƔȶƗȽǀƷƪơƣɄƶƝƪƬƮưLJƿɋɀƹƻƽǖǠǢǤ,ǘƗǛǝȧȄǷőǻśŒdzŴēġǖȂɫ|ǻőǖńǻɬĢɭȁɪ,ɦ1ġdzŶ|ɼēɨ|ş,ĤųʄdzŤʈǖʅʇʍʊʃ|ōȌɩŲǖȱʈŲĠɡȃ|ʈųȮŷǹǷ8ŅɺɽɫʁʔɵĝʈʊʈǻʗɩŶġŲʁőǰȌɦɦǖʋɼɮʿĥʌ|˂ˁdzˀʌʮʜʘŝʈǭǭʘġʮʀǶųʠʴȩġǰ˓˛˃ʄɶˏ,ɱ˙ȬȨǻǹʺ|ɻ˟˅ˈ˭ˆ˄˱ʾ˯ɮ|ŏʨˏʩʈ˞ʱˣ˾ʃʜ4ʦ˷˖ʟǖʝ˖ȯ˫d52cc5ba4b9ŐůļśĥŘɺcdeb229d7fĥcĥ0e7ce1ůʡųȥpȐȒȔȖ,ȘƍațȝeȟȡȣȥȊɩȃȃʢ͊ȭŷŴ.ʦDZʺDZˈ.ȲȄ˕ʔʜǯȋ͛Ȭǭ˛Œȋː˹ɽɺŷdzĖʵ͌͜ĠͪǨ1:ĥͱ͠aƉɜͶ͵lͷͺ͹ͻȄ white blueBG

    Hey Fin,

    I have been using your Advance Spawn Config exclusively, without any Extra Waves. Does setting the "Break up spawn waves" to true, break spawn from the Advance Spawn Config?


    "min_wave_size_bot_types": [3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

    "max_wave_size_bot_types": [3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

    "instant_waves_bot_types": [8, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

    "regular_waves_bot_types": [20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

    That's what I have set in Advance Spawn Config for one of the maps, I've noticed that with the option set to True, it seems to only spawn 1 SCAV per wave instead of the 3 I set, but with the option set to False, it would spawn 3 SCAVs in only 1 zone ( group of 3 bots in 8 different zones at the start) now it spawns 1 SCAVs in 8 different zones. Is that how is supposed to work?

    Is the Advanced Spawn Config working for 3.1.1 (1.24.0c/d)? I've used it with the old version for 2.3.1, and it worked fine then. I copied over the config to 1.24.0c/d and there is a significant difference is the amount of bots spawning. The old version for 2.3.1 seems to 2-3x as much bots spawning in comparison to 3.1.1. I was wondering are there significant changes or settings between the 2 versions for the Advanced Spawn config and FAIT that would caused the difference in bots spawn. Even though the FAIT config settings between the 2 version are the same.

    Okay, nevermind my issue, I think I solved it be reinstalling the mod.

    I think what caused the issue was that I installed FAIT and configured it before even starting up Tarkov for the first time and that may have caused the errors I was seeing. After a clean install, it seemed to have fixed it. Sorry for wasting y'all time.

    Debug Hash



    (node:229940) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'includes' of undefined

    at E:\Games\SPT 3.11\obj\bundle.js:8858:136

    at Array.some (<anonymous>)

    at BotGeneratorHelper.isItemIncompatibleWithCurrentItems (E:\Games\SPT 3.11\obj\bundle.js:8858:33)

    at BotGeneratorHelper.AITweaks.generateModsForItem (E:\Games\SPT 3.11\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:9499:37)

    at BotGeneratorHelper.AITweaks.generateModsForItem (E:\Games\SPT 3.11\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:9554:36)

    at BotGeneratorHelper.AITweaks.generateModsForItem (E:\Games\SPT 3.11\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:9554:36)

    at BotGeneratorHelper.AITweaks.generateModsForItem (E:\Games\SPT 3.11\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:9554:36)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateWeapon (E:\Games\SPT 3.11\obj\bundle.js:7514:92)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (E:\Games\SPT 3.11\obj\bundle.js:7211:171)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (E:\Games\SPT 3.11\obj\bundle.js:6911:52)

    (Use `Aki.Server --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)

    (node:229940) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see…unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 1)

    (node:229940) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

    FinAITweak version 1.24-0b , the game is playable, and bot do spawn, but it does not save any progress made.