Posts by az3nk

    I just updated my spt aki to 3.2.3, when i play the game, as pmc, i never even get to extract, always Crash To Desktop. about 20 to 30 minutes in-raid then suddenly the game crash without error message, always the same error that is CTD, but random times (always in-raid, never in menu).

    this is about 8-10 times this happened. i'll try to play without any mods next time to make sure it's the mods that caused this problem.

    my spt aki v 3.0.0 seems more stable even with more mods, about 80% of the time I played have successful extract. just rarely extract to infinite black screen and maybe one or two times CTD without error message (maybe because it's already 3 hours in-game raid), but very very rarely.

    But, since i update the latest spt aki 3.2.3 & client i never even got 1 hour in-raid without CTD. :(
    I've tried increasing my system's virtual memory from 4GB to 8GB on the drive where the game is installed (I have 24GB ram), it seems to give longer in-raid playing time before crashed. but still... in the end, it's still crashed.

    any help would be much appreciated.
