Posts by Zealwind

    After hotfix 5 I played for 5 hours testing with and with out mods. I only ran into 2 times where the AI was "weird" one while playing as a SCAV, a PMC looked at me and did not shoot but moved and shot at other SCAVs. The other time while playing as a PMC, a SCAV was stuck running into a wall... for 5 min before i shot him (i thought it was funny and dont think its related to SPT). Thank you for looking into this and fixing it, you guys are awesome.

    Scavs shoot and act normal however PMCs stand still and dont move or shoot when i play as a PMC. When i play as a Scav they run around but dont shoot. I have tried 3 maps the issue is the same, I have re downloaded SPT and EFT. no error is shown on the server log. Before i played ver 3.3.0, i used 2.2.4 and never ran into this issue.