Posts by cannasaurus-rex#0135

    EDIT: Nevermind, I finally got it working. I guess now the proper way to install is to extract AKI to the new directory FIRST, THEN copy/paste the client data into the AKI folder. It's probably a good idea to update the installation instructions to reflect this, since this is basically the complete opposite of how one would install older versions afaik.

    Copy back your live installation into aki installation

    can you explain exactly what you mean by this? I have the exact same issue as the op and I can't seem to get any version post-b3 to work properly. I'm sure this is a dumb question for you, but for those of us who aren't coders, these instructions aren't very specific or helpful. Do we copy/paste the contents of the folder, or the folder itself? And where exactly inside the AKI directory are we supposed to paste them?

    I'm sorry for sounding frustrated, it's just disheartening being unable to play any cool new versions of the mod for no apparent reason while everyone else seems to be playing them with no issues whatsoever.