Posts by Makoo

    I've had a strange issue with the mod going into the latest version. Made 100 sure all my mods were up to date, game version as well. I loaded them where they were supposed to be and launched the game. At first it was working fine but in my first raid i noticed my character's hands were shaking quite a bit. When i engaged my first AI, my entire magazine was emptied after 1 shot, my weapon was shaking rapidly back and forth and the scav was unharmed. Bullets did no damage throughout the entire run (Melee and grenades worked fine though). When i went to check, i believe everything looked fine so i went to load the game again when i noticed error saying that sptrealism.dll was not in the correct folder. I checked and it was there. I'm not sure if maybe i missed something but i was hoping that maybe someone here could shed a little light on my situation. Thank you for the amazing mod, it really has changed the game for me