Posts by pabloeskybruh

    Speaking of spawns and error: Nothing to do with SVM rather mods that adds equipment to spawn on AI, even tho it's only a piece of error above, you can tell already by it.

    Yeah I figured thats what it was, Im just curious if anyone with these mods or similar mods that may be causing it. Im thinking its probably the r201 but disabling it didnt change things oddly.

    Anyone run into the issue where bots dont spawn for a while until about 4/5 minute mark then when they do its only 2/3 and sometimes boss and they just spin in circles shooting at the ground?

    This is starting to confuse the living hell out of me as I cant find any sort of settings or variable config to fix it.

    Possibly other mods interrupting it? Albeit all i have is the kawaii mods, maid store, priscilu, atr201, and all clothes.

    Just done more testing and only now realised its throwing the bellow

    at BotEquipmentModGenerator.getDynamicModPool (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotEquipmentModGenerator.js)

    at BotEquipmentModGenerator.chooseModToPutIntoSlot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotEquipmentModGenerator.js)

    at BotEquipmentModGenerator.generateModsForWeapon (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotEquipmentModGenerator.js)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateWeaponByTpl (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.js)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateRandomWeapon (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.js)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.addWeaponAndMagazinesToInventory (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)