Anyone run into the issue where bots dont spawn for a while until about 4/5 minute mark then when they do its only 2/3 and sometimes boss and they just spin in circles shooting at the ground?
This is starting to confuse the living hell out of me as I cant find any sort of settings or variable config to fix it.
Possibly other mods interrupting it? Albeit all i have is the kawaii mods, maid store, priscilu, atr201, and all clothes.
Just done more testing and only now realised its throwing the bellow
at BotEquipmentModGenerator.getDynamicModPool (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotEquipmentModGenerator.js)
at BotEquipmentModGenerator.chooseModToPutIntoSlot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotEquipmentModGenerator.js)
at BotEquipmentModGenerator.generateModsForWeapon (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotEquipmentModGenerator.js)
at BotWeaponGenerator.generateWeaponByTpl (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.js)
at BotWeaponGenerator.generateRandomWeapon (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.js)
at BotInventoryGenerator.addWeaponAndMagazinesToInventory (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)