Posts by Andrew_Hazard

    I'm trying out the new med system, I just had some problems 2 raids in a row. One raid I got a light bleed on my stomach, I dropped my armored rig and backpack, but wasn't able to use army bandages or a medkit, but an esmarch worked which is weird cuz you said we wont be able to use tourniqets on stomach/chest. Next raid I got a heavy bleed on chest, dropped armor/backpack but wasnt able to use any meds at all including calok. Idk if im just missing something or if its a bit buggy.

    Same problem with the new health system.

    1)When the "Enable Medical Overhaul" option is enabled, severe bleeding in the chest, on hands(probably legs, don`t get on them) will not be stopped by anything other than the CMS & SURV12 surgical kits and AFH-1 & Zagustin Injectors, not Celox, nor CAT, IFAK, AFAK. "Gear Blocks Heal" was off all the time.

    2)When using TIER 1,2,3 medkits on a player with full HP in hideout through the "heal all" context menu, the game freezes with continuous attempts to heal. During this I can't kill the game process through the task manager, only through a system restart. It happens with both on&off "Enable Medical Overhaul" option.