Posts by Vee

    Disabling the Experimental Tab fixed my issues, thanks!

    Ohhh, I did have stacks enabled. I'll try defaulting the experimental tab. I did also have the screen blinking, but didn't know if it was related to this.

    I have been using this mod for a very long time, I have never seen such a bug (when using this mod), maybe you have a conflict with another mod (what mods do you have installed?).

    I thought that may be the issue, but I also tested with exclusively this mod enabled, same issue.

    Not sure if this has been reported/answered already, but whenever I have this mod enabled, I can't shoot. Like the gun fires, it uses ammo and reacts properly, but no bullet is produced. No markers are made, no damage is dealt, the AI don't even react to it. I also noticed that AI completely ignore me as well, and the only way I can interact with them is through melee, in which they take damage then run away for a little bit. I can chase them down, kill them, loot them as normal. It's just the guns that are broken for me. It applies to every gun I equip (that I've tested) as well.

    Anyone else have this problem? Am I missing something?

    EDIT: Disabling Experimental Tab resolved this