Posts by Tinyteeth

    Ah yeah i just did a fresh install with the mods and not getting an error, sadly though now im running into the infinite loading glitch..

    (also the infinite loading glitch happens when i put my mods and plugins back into their respective folders)

    Doesn't seem like a realism issue, uninstall your mods, if the game loads fine then reinstall them 1 by 1 until it no longer loads and you should have your answer.

    Try uninstalling Realism, if the game launches then you have a mod conflict, if it doesn't launch then you have an installation problem.

    If it's a mod conflict then it's likely conflicting with a trader mod so try turning off all the trader settings in realism's config tool and see if that fixes the issue.

    If it's an installation issue then you should do a refresh install.

    I knew is was intentional but it's kinda weird to neutered an ultra-expensive item to uselessness. Not to mention that you can't see the laser when using point firing which defeat the purpose of it.

    Each their own, if you don't like it don't use it. The name of the mod is "REALISM" not "Kinda realistic but not really but kinda but only when I want"

    Why can't I use irons sight with T-7 thermal goggle. Even though NVGs works just fine.

    I'm using Goggles++ by TEOA and Realism 0.14.6.

    Most likely due to the size/profile of the NVG that you're using vs the profile of the t-7. No clue without you providing more context, if you think it might be a mod conflict, try with no other mods but realism installed, but id hazard a guess that it was an intentional decision.

    Okay, I updated Realism, And it seems to be hit or miss if the sway issue happens, I thought it was "sprint aim penalties" but it seems to just come and go now, Anyways, For now, it's working fine, I also have another issue though, For some reason, Headsets volume are really low, I've tried messing with the grain, I've tried the key binds, and nothing seems to work, I had to turn them off in the realism.exe just to be able to hear footsteps.

    Sounds like you had a mod conflict as headsets work just fine for me and I have seen no other complaints. Try out both the sway and the headsets with no other mods installed than realism.

    Hello, I'm currently using the S.L.U.Ts stim mod alongside the Realism Mod. However I've run into a bit of an incompatibility - according to the author, one of the stims that removes all bleeds and fractures in essentially a Surv12 with modified values. I was wondering if there is a way for me to add this stim into the Realism Mod files so it functions as intended?

    You might be able to, but without reasonably extensive knowledge of how Realism works and how modding works in general I would say it would be very difficult.

    Fontaine almost certainly doesn't have the time nor the desire to make them compatible, so that would either fall on the SLUTs author or yourself.

    Appreciate it, what would also be really helpful would be a video of what you're referring to as sway could be entirely subjective .

    Also, older versions of Realism do not get support, please update to the latest version and if the issue persists then please provide the above video.

    K so, I've been trying to adjust the sway, I'm trying to snipe rogues, And the sway is kind of insane, I'm prone, mounted, And holding my breath but my guy still sways as someone hit him in the head with a folding chair, I tried turning down the sway option in bepinx menu but nothing happened, even when set to 0.

    cmon chief, that's just enough information for me to ask you for more information.

    Have you tried with no other mods installed?

    What version of realism?
    What version of SPT?
    What gun?
    What scope?

    etc etc etc

    Hi Fontaine. Just wanted to let you know that I recently experienced the sudden 90-degree rotation bug. It happened after I killed a Scav on Factory with an MDR. Was experiencing another bug at the time with recoil being far too much. THAT bug only started after I mounted a box to show some friends the mounting mechanic. IDK if all these bugs are linked as it could just be a mod conflict (I'll test more), but I wanted to let you know about the rotation bug ASAP <3

    What version of Realism was this?

    This is what happens when i try to use Realism mod, my charecter just stuck like this, cant do anything

    Cool story bro, thanks for providing context, game version, mod versions, logs, the other mods you have installed, anything useful.

    Considering that I haven't seen any other reports of this issue you likely have a conflict with another mod or your SPT installation is fucked, try completely uninstalling realism and then see if the issue persists.

    Getting an error in the console:

    Realism Mod: RealismMod.dll is missing form path: D:\SPT\BepInEx\plugins\RealismMod.dll, but 'Recoil, Ballistics and Attachment Overhaul' is enabled, server will disable these changes.

    I have made sure that RealismMod.dll is in the plugins folder and it still appears in the console.

    If you are getting that error then the .dll is NOT in the correct folder.

    Make sure that there is a RealismMod.dll in EXACTLY "D:\SPT\BepInEx\plugins\" It sounds stupid but please also make sure that this is ACTUALLY the version of Spt you are launching if you have multiple versions.

    If you for some reason are 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000% sure that it is in the correct place then launch SPT and press f12, if there is no Realism menu then redownload Realism and try again. If that doesn't fix it, follow the step above.

    Hi Fontaine,

    How did you go about creating the various loadout preset files? Are there any tools that would help me add to the existing entries with all of the formatting as someone with zero experience?

    No, my only suggestion would be to get reading and look for an advanced text editor like VSCode or Notepad++ Thankfully Fontaine is a human (could be an AI, jury still out) so the formatting is very straight forward, there is just a lot to it. Oh also... this comes in useful Item Finder (


    Have you uninstalled realism and tried to launch your game again?

    just tested and its related directly to spt, dunno why are the concussions and tinnitius missing tho, its a cool realistic thing, any ideas how to fix it since there are no errors?

    If this issue is not directly related to Realism please ask for assistance in the correct section of the forums (or the discord), Fontaine is a very busy man that unfortunately doesn't have time to help with issues that are not caused by him.

    That error is just a bot failing to generate a preset, and using a backup instead, it is entirely harmless and not the issue. If you just started having this issue and just started using SVM it seems like you already know what the answer to your own question is... Either SVM is broken or you fucked up somewhere, would advise uninstalling SVM and trying to load into raid again.

    Either way, this is not a Realism related issue.

    Do everyone have thing that game sometimes just randomly silent crashes?

    I played 8-10 raids all good, but now game crashed 2 raids in a row, on 3-4'th minute and on 9'th minute on factory, on third time it crashed on 5'th second. XD

    Game just frezes and crashes in 3-4 seconds.

    It may be not exactly this mod, but it also may happend without mods installed. I do have high tier PC and latest drivers, 32 gb Ram, so there shoul be no RAM problem. =(

    Please only post issues related to Realism in this section. This is likely a base Tarkov issue and it is your ram being used up due to numerous memory leaks in the base game. It is terrible.

    If it's happening that early in a raid then I would advise you to do a complete reinstall.