Posts by p40805

    Hi, as from other ppl previously mentioned Iam experiencing exactly same thing and was delving into logs or whatever i can catch up with but i found literally nothing that i could send u than help u other than describe whats happening, and so far everything works fine on first raid after starting server and then any other raid is basically empty or having just scavs/bosses or just as someone mentioned tagilla only spawned on factory but no pmcs and scavs whatsoever, only restarting server works. I also tested if it will spawn any other things during the whole raid i was just running around and checking aki server console if something is spawned but nothing for whole raid, for example customs contained just reshala and minions and sniper scavs but nothing else. (I recently moved from 3.5.1 to 3.5.3 - List of mods ( KIKI-DegradationRemover,ModularNVG,zFin-AITweaks, AmandsGraphics, AmandsHitmarker) but since other ppl mentioned this happens with no other mods involved i dont think its important.

    I would love if ud fix this because ur mod is amazing and it seemed uve put alot work to it, with this mod (even if it works just first raid now) is quiet more fun and it feels alot more alive than all the time half dead maps. This mod is basically essential for SPT i think, and wanted to congratulate u for a great job u did here for community :).