Posts by Teegod

    The game ran just fine like 2 days ago. Would be just about before I updated live Tarkov. Now I want to go back to SPT and can't, as whenever I launch the game it goes through the loading screen and then gets stuck at a blank menu screen (Basically where the menu should be) and all I can see is the background image of Tarkov. I can open up the console and move the background by moving my cursor so clearly the game is not frozen in any way, however, I can't do anything at all besides that.
    The SPT Server launches just fine without any errors, at least until I reach what would be the game's menu. Then all that shows up is this (it is also included in the log links):

    Item 6516e971a3d4c6497930b450 not found in item base cache, regenerating cache //This one is Yellow

    Error: Item 6516e971a3d4c6497930b450 still not found in base cache after regeneration //Everything from here on out is red

    Error: Item 6516e971a3d4c6497930b450 still not found in base cache after regeneration

    at ItemBaseClassService.itemHasBaseClass (C:\snapshot\project\src\services\ItemBaseClassService.ts:110:23)

    at ItemHelper.isOfBaseclass (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:87:42)

    at ProfileFixerService.adjustUnreasonableModFleaPrices (C:\snapshot\project\src\services\ProfileFixerService.ts:358:38)

    at ProfileFixerService.checkForAndFixPmcProfileIssues (C:\snapshot\project\src\services\ProfileFixerService.ts:161:18)

    at GameController.gameStart (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\GameController.ts:192:38)

    at GameCallbacks.gameStart (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\GameCallbacks.ts:62:29)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\static\GameStaticRouter.ts:49:47)

    at GameStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:50:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)

    Error: Item 6516e971a3d4c6497930b450 still not found in base cache after regeneration

    Error: Item 6516e971a3d4c6497930b450 still not found in base cache after regeneration

    at ItemBaseClassService.itemHasBaseClass (C:\snapshot\project\src\services\ItemBaseClassService.ts:110:23)

    at ItemHelper.isOfBaseclass (C:\snapshot\project\src\helpers\ItemHelper.ts:87:42)

    at ProfileFixerService.adjustUnreasonableModFleaPrices (C:\snapshot\project\src\services\ProfileFixerService.ts:358:38)

    at ProfileFixerService.checkForAndFixPmcProfileIssues (C:\snapshot\project\src\services\ProfileFixerService.ts:161:18)

    at GameController.gameStart (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\GameController.ts:192:38)

    at GameCallbacks.gameStart (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\GameCallbacks.ts:62:29)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\static\GameStaticRouter.ts:49:47)

    at GameStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:50:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)

    I've made zero changes to SPT itself and as the FAQ suggests, there is no need to tweak anything if my Live game has been updated so I'm kinda confused as to how this has happened.

    Edit: Server version from 3.5.4 to 3.7.4 (messed up my numbers)