Posts by Ch47l13

    I need steps to reproduce it and videos demonstrating it because it's not something I can reproduce, not sure what I'm supposed to do otherwise

    I deeply apologize for not investigating the core of the problem properly before posting it as an issue. I have managed to narrow down the main culprit of my problem.

    In this link, you will be able to see that ADS from High Ready is a little strange, having a weird cant before rotating to the correct orientation.

    In my attempt to make it less obvious, I adjusted the "High Ready Reset Speed Multi", which caused the weapon to not return to the active aim original position. I changed from the default value of 6 to ~40-50 and the issue I described in earlier posts would appear. Adjusting the z-axis position only amplified the issue and not the issue itself.

    X-axis isn't up and down, it's side to side. You messed around with the advanced config so the first thing to do is delete the config instead of reporting it as an issue

    My apologies, it's the z-axis. I did delete the config. It works somewhat okay if I left it in the default z-position but on low framerates I would still experience the issue I mentioned where the weapon goes lower than normal in the active aim after transiting from high-ready.

    I only thought this was an issue because this has never happened in the previous versions - no matter how I adjusted the axis values. If you thought that this isn't a problem then I'll accept it and move on.

    Can't reproduce, and you didn't give steps to reproduce. Issue most likely on your end. You're using the latest version of this mod?

    Yes, I'm using the latest version and running SPT 3.5.8. I think it most likely happens if I adjust the advanced sliders to move the position of the high ready on the X-axis lower down from the screen.

    After the recent update, toggling between high-ready and active aim - there appears to be issues going from high-ready to active aim. The weapon becomes very low and aiming down canted sights will have clipping issues.

    Below are screenshots of the issues:


    Clipping when ADS


    Weapon extremely low after going from high ready to active aim

    I really enjoyed this mod and it worked perfectly for me for 3.5.5 but after the update to 3.5.8 there appears to be quite a bit of issues ;(