Posts by ghagerott

    I can't collect quest rewards or view new quest dialogue until I restart AKI. I can complete the quests just fine but nothing appears in the Messenger tab next to handbook until I restart. I haven't done Polikhim yet so I don't think that could be the issue, but maybe another "completed" quest is causing bug. It seems that this version I currently play is significantly less stable than AKI A7.3 for example which I played heavily. I am running 1.0.1 as I said with mods that are "1.0.0 compatible" so that might be an issue but there are no apparent server issues

    I've had that happen a few times too. Happens to me during reloads too. On an empty AR or M4 when he goes to hit the bolt release the hand freezes and I can't do anything. Same type bug if you try to fold an MP9 that doesn't have a stock.

    It's like the context menu gets frozen or something