Posts by Kraas

    Sorry, stepped away for a bit, I'm using google chrome. But whatever you did it is working now, was able to download it no issues thanks

    Hey there, I'm having issues downloading the mod, whenever I click the file link it takes me to the usual page where you click the button to start the download, but I click it and nothing happens. I also tried opening it in a new tab and no download or anything. I'm in the US if that helps/matters

    i moved with my profil from 3.5 to 3.5.3 to 3.5.7 and now to 3.6, everytime i just let start 1 time the server, not the launcher close it after its set up and created new profil ordner, then i just move my profile data in and start the server + launcher and start with my profil, it shows the same with it could be problems because it was made with older version, but i still use my 3.5 profil on 3.6 without problems so far

    Do you have a mod list so I can compare? I'm just curious

    I know Im using some mods that are outdated, but I wasnt having any issues until I updated from 3.5.8 to 3.6.0. I tried to transfer my profile over to the new SPT folder, said it was made with an older version of SPT, and when I tried to load into a raid I would get an error and boot me back to main title screen. So i tried creating a fresh profile in the 3.6 launcher, setting it up, and copy/pasting the values within the profile json that I need to change, now its saying "Backend session active status is null" when I try to log into that profile. Any help transfering my profile would be greatly appreciated. I put a lot of work and time into my game and would hate to restart. TIA