Posts by Lebronski

    And you did something different or something redownload .NET6 , .NETFramework ?? You just reinstall the game and start the installer? Turn off any antivirus? Windows defender ?

    i just reinstalled everything starting from .NET 6 and framework, then i proceed to unistall 2 to 3 times EFT Live turning off antivirus or defender, and after 3 times i did this magically it happened to work, i guess something was off while downloading everytime i really dunno

    So, i tried 4 times by now the list of things i tried were:

    1. downloading the SPT normally doing everything then encounter this problem

    2. unistall EFT and SPT, downloading back everything with the log in etc.... still having the same problem

    3. unistall SPT, turning off the window defender for the whole download and try of the game and still getting the same loop loading screen.

    4. tried every thread solution and FAQ process, indeed i have the latest .NET downloaded and i'm having the Window Defender down with the game still loading at the moment while i'm writing this down.

    if you need more things just ask, if you have any solution pls help me D;