Posts by ospo1337

    Older versions of Realism or SPT are not supported. The issue is with your install, combination of mods and potentially incorrect versions of those mods

    Ok i see, well i am using a cracked version of EFT ( The reason for this is that my battle state account got hacked into and i cannot access it anymoore because its linked to my old phone number. I guess my only real fix would be to buy the game again but its too expensive rn

    Only the latest version of Realism is supported, you didn't show your plugins folder and Realism isn't even installed in your user folder

    Here is plugins folder, yes its not installed now because i removed it due to the hands buggin out, but as soon as i install it again the hands go crazy again, like in the picture i uploaded

    Cool story bro, thanks for providing context, game version, mod versions, logs, the other mods you have installed, anything useful.

    Considering that I haven't seen any other reports of this issue you likely have a conflict with another mod or your SPT installation is fucked, try completely uninstalling realism and then see if the issue persists.

    Spt AKI version 3.7.0 realism mod 3.7.0 and im not sure how to get logs, plz tell me so i can provide this.

    Cool story bro, thanks for providing context, game version, mod versions, logs, the other mods you have installed, anything useful.

    Considering that I haven't seen any other reports of this issue you likely have a conflict with another mod or your SPT installation is fucked, try completely uninstalling realism and then see if the issue persists.