Posts by dii

    i changed two settings in nvidia control panel, and so far i haven't seen any blobs (yet) after an extended play session today and yesterday:

    in "Manage 3D settings" > "Global Settings":

    Power management mode (Adaptive)

    Shader Cache Size (10 GB)

    personally idk if the in-game graphics settings would matter here, but i may as well post them just in case:

    Texture Quality: Medium

    Shadows Quality: Low

    Object LOD Quality: 3

    Overall Visibility: 1500

    Anti-Aliasing: TAA

    Resampling: 1x Off

    DLSS: Off

    FSR: Off

    HBAO: High Performance

    SSR: High

    Anisotropic Filtering: Per Texture

    Nvidia Reflex: On

    Mip Streaming: On (prior to this blobs would appear whether it was on or off)

    Mip Streaming Buffer Size: 64

    Mip Streaming Disk Usage Limit: 1024

    so far so good, but if they come back then i'll just put my foot in my mouth or something

    i thought it could've been something related to my nvidia control panel settings but i realize that everything's default now due to me being on a fresh windows install, i went and upgraded some parts to see if performance would improve. from 16gb and an HDD, to 32gb and an SSD. i'm hoping it's not a cpu or gpu issue.

    upon loading into a raid, things like trees and bushes become white blobs, and will then become normal once you get closer to them. could be an LOD thing since messing with that slider in the options helps clear up things in my immediate vicinity, but doesn't really do anything for the blobs way out in the distance. it's especially bad on woods. it doesn't always happen, but when it does, it persists in subsequent raids and even after a game/computer restart... then goes away when it feels like it. i've only tried messing with graphics settings and clearing the temp cache. has this ever happened to anyone else before?