Posts by AUTsider

    Update here again: It does NOT seem to be the Hephestus Mod, since I have removed that and I still get this error. Additionally, whenever I remove the mentioned key item from my profile.json file, The game behaves, as if I died during the raid (All Items lost, Prapor messaging me about getting my Insurance stuff, No more gear on my PMC) which is hella annoying :(. It must have something to do with the game files, but I just cant figure out what.

    Ok so I just tried it and it seems what is causing the issue is my weapon ? I guess if anything, it would have to do with my Hephaestus mod, since the key number references to a Weapon preset of mine and the trader sells weapon presets. I will try to remove the trader and see if that helps, but would be a big shame, since I love the option to buy my weapons pre built :/

    Yea funnily enough, I just played 3 raids without any issue, but when it arises again, I will defo try that. Do you happen to know if the stuff from my Kappa is in the profile.json file too ? Cause I removed the Case filter with SVM and I have a bunch of Dogtag cases in my Kappa, just to store additional loot. If one of those Items bugs out, do you know if I can remove it too ?

    Yeah fix for my issue led me to realize it might not have been same root cause but might be a similar fix, I went into user -> profiles and there's a json file located there, if you open it you can see all items that were last saved in your inventory from the looks of it. I just used the key that was appearing in the prompt and deleted the instances from the profile json (in my case it was an acog with an rmr plate/rmr on top) and it resolved the issue

    Hmm that sounds really strange. I'll give that a try, Thanks ! But just to diagnose this further: Did you pick up that ACOG in raid ? Are there just Items that you Cannot have more than once in your entire stash now ? I know I havent picked up any Weapon parts in my raids (I usually dont in general) so it might be other Items, but why would there be a restriction that lets you only have x number of Y item in your stash ?

    Also happening to me, I can't even boot the game up at the moment because upon loading profile data I just see this, and clicking OK closes the game:

    Do you also use any AiO Trader mods ? Cause thats pretty much the only similarity I can see between my Version and the version of Warrior. If so, I assume that is whats causing the Issue. We might gotta clear the profile without any AiO traders

    Hello Everyone !

    I am having some trouble with my SPT profile, where when I get out of a Raid (Map or Exit way is not important from what I noticed) my profile will no longer load into the menu always throwing up the error message "An item with the same key has already been added. Key: xyz ("xyz" seems to be an Item number, but when I try to look it up on Item finder, I never find anything. One example for "xyz" would be "660defc401001960b7ccbee8" but the number differs. Also it doesn't seem to match my profile number). Restarting everything didn't solve the issue, the Error message just appears on startup. I have a bunch of mods installed and changed some settings via SVM, so that might be the case, but I would like to remove as little as possible. I have tried a few different ways to "exit" a raid either by killing myself with a grenade right at the start or via run throughs, but all attempts have put me back into the main menu without issue. So I can only assume, that it has something to do either with the raid time or with the loot I take (on the trial runs I just mentioned, I made sure to always find at least one item in the raid before "leaving" since I wanted to test if It was generally any loot but never had any issue). The Issue only occurs when I play a "normal" raid as I would any other (Full Gear, maybe a couple of fights, some damage exchanged / healed, some items looted some time spent in the Raid, some quests/quest parts done, ...) and ONLY when I extract (again type of extract does not seem to matter). When I die in the raid, I never have this issue. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks in advance !

    Edit: Everything in the menu works great before I enter any raids. I can do stuff in my Hideout, trade with traders, buy stuff from the flea, ... Without any issue. Even if I leave a raid by suicide (as described above) I can still do everything in the menu without issue.