Posts by Tatu25

    reinstalled everything for the fourth time and now it works. no idea why

    Game upon login is saying that it has 1 plugin that failed to load? not entirely sure why that is.

    this is the only mod i have downloaded, along with bigbrain and waypoints since they are needed. Maybe i did something wrong but i'm not sure what. i even reinstalled the whole game to reset the files so to speak and i get the same error.

    [Info :AKI.Singleplayer] Completed: Aki.SinglePlayer

    [Info : BepInEx] Loading [DrakiaXYZ-BigBrain]

    [Error : BepInEx] Error loading [DrakiaXYZ-BigBrain] :

    [Info : BepInEx] Loading [DrakiaXYZ-Waypoints 1.3.4]

    [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch DebugPatch

    [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch WaypointPatch

    [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch BotOwnerRunPatch

    [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch EditorPatch

    [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch DoorBlockerPatch

    [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch AICellDataGetCellPatch

    [Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch DoorLinkPatch

    [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [SAIN 2.1.8] because it has a dependency that was not loaded. See previous errors for details.

    [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete

    i guess its having a hard time loading bigbrain? not sure why either.