Posts by Valhalla in Winter

    SPT PrivateBin
    Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.

    This is the most recent User log I believe. I think some things got resolved but now it's like the realism and Donuts is causing the issues remaining issues.

    SPT PrivateBin
    Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.

    This should be the most recent BepinEx/Logout

    There is still an error appearing with the realism mod of some sort now that I do have it installed but if I can remove it without breaking anything, I'd rather do that.

    The error code does state that it's for an outdated version. Realism mode is meant for 3.9.5 apparently.

    Would I delete the Realism folder in the Bepin or the User/Mods folder or both?

    It doesn't need Realism mod. You have at least parts of Realism mod installed. 6th row in your log is about the mod missing one of its files.

    As depressed as I am to say, it's SVM causing all the issues. I made a new account not implementing SVM or uploading anything and everything seems to work just fine. I am a little confused since I can't hit F6 to pull up the AI adjustments, but I have Donuts and can hit F9 to adjust those settings. Do they overwrite each other? I still have no idea what I'm missing with Realism. It states I'm missing the package.json and to make sure I checked the hub for install instructions and I followed everything. I have no idea how I'm missing a file.

    I do in fact have waypoints and big Brain installed.

    Holy, I didn't realize it needed the realism mod, I was trying to avoid that to try a "vanilla" ammunition mod but that's an easy fix. As for the outdated versions, I downloaded and used everything from today and yesterday which would be the most recent. I'll try to figure out the SVM issue, I figured that would be a culprit even though I really wish that wasn't the case. I did remove the no esp, but for some reason it appeared again, I'll go ahead and remove that. I do have bigbrain and waypoints, the most recent version. I'll give everything an attempt at fixing it with these solutions and see what happens. Worst case I may need to remove SVM but I'll try to avoid doing that. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the help!

    I can't tell what's happened. Amand's sense doesn't work, radar doesn't work. It's like none of the mods I have are working. The Server Value mod works but I've never had an issue where that's what's preventing everything else from working.

    SPT PrivateBin
    Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.

    This would be the log. I think I might see an issue and I'll check to see if removing a certain mod will resolve it. I don't think I'm right though.

    I'm unsure if this is the issue, but I have Sain, as well as Looting bots installed, but they keep stating a plugin error, missing dependency which both mods require the big brain mod, which I do have installed. I've been fiddling with the mods I have to see what's possibly causing this error but I haven't found any fix yet.