Posts by Khabes

    what was the issue?

    I tried using your config, going into raid as scav, extracting, restarting game, wasn't able to reproduce. Does this happen with a new profile, existing profile or both?

    I run all my mods one by one, the problem cam from this mod : Personal Trainer

    I should I should have done it sooner, but when I did it with the health system off, the problem was gone, so I thought it was from your mod. Sorry for that

    Thank you for the reply

    It seem I'm in the good section now (sorry for the mistake) so I'm reposting here:

    I have a problem: I start a new game, I disable the med system and each time I connect again or when I came back from scav raid my pv are weird (screen below)

    I managed to solve the problem by disabling the health system in config.exe but I really like the health system.

    I'm wondering if there's a way of keeping my pvs without disabling the health system.

    Here my config :