Posts by Hood_OK

    The file is only changed if the prices change. If for whatever reason they don't (API stops returning data, or returns the same data as last poll) then the file doesn't change. This is expected, and it eventually starts working again once the API is fixed

    If does not work, prices are reverted to the original SPT ones. The prices.json just committed with raw SPT prices since noting is overwritten by values. Can we avoid updating prices.json file if no prices were fetched from ) for these regular shutdowns of

    The price database seems stuck and has not been updated for a long time despite the actions the runner works. was updated 16 hours ago and the runner works every hour does not return historical prices. Also, it reports warning

    Querying historicalPrices on the Item object will only provide half the prices from the last 2 days. For up to 7 days of historical prices, use the historicalItemPrices query