Posts by Keaton

    I had an identical issue, what fixed it was when I went into my current profile .json and deleted the part that contains active daily tasks, its somewhere around "RepeatableQuests" in the file.

    It is the many lines between "activeQuests" and "inactiveQuests", just delete between the starting bracket and ending bracket without breaking the code structure if you are able.

    I am not %100 sure if it was the "activeQuests" or "inactiveQuests" part I deleted, just do one by one or both actually, either way it hopefully should work.

    Don't sweat it man, it's a bit of a convoluted mechanic :D just trying to make weapon modding and some weapons more unique and in-depth and true to life, still need to find the right balance for all of it. For an SBR M4 really you need the MK12, you might get by with the standard triangle gas block + a suppressor or muzzle device that has high malf reduction + buffer like the A2 or the new one that came with patch 13. For the next patch or so I'll add better ammo and magazine malf chance stats that actually reflect the odds better.

    Honestly, you do great with it, every build now feels more unique, I feel more invested on building weapons with this mod, I much prefer this type of balance of give and take to the original EFT systems where it's significantly more basic and certain things are straight up better.

    The effort you put in the details is wild, respect.


    In one of your updates you integrated support for some of SamSwats weapons. This is in regards to the shotguns. They all have very low accuracy in the 100s and 70s. I could be wrong but I am assuming they do not normally have accuracy that low. It does pretty much make them unusable except at point blank. This could be intentional, but if not I figured I would mention it.


    2-3 replies or so above they said the SamSWAT mods broke compatibility due to 3.5.0 changes, the FAMAS and such also don't work properly either, they'll fix them in the next patch.

    That's not quite how malfunction chances are calculated in EFT. A standard M4A1 with 260mm barrel, colt buffer and gasblock, reliable mags and ammo will jam once in a while but not every shot. With the MK12 gasblock the 260mm barrel has a malfunction chance of 0.

    Do read the patch notes and check attachment's stats and descriptions for explanations. I replied to someone earlier in the thread about their M4 build that was pretty much as unreliable as you could make it :D

    Ahh, I get it, it was that way because I accidentally put the GS-5B while building instead of my MK12 GB, the amount of malfunctions made me check the barrel first in the mod data and I assumed a typo about it since similar barrels didn't have such a rating.

    Sorry lol, I assumed the patch notes with reduced malfunctions was supposed to fix this and you forgot that barrel, turns out it was my very borked build as I forgot to check buffers, old habits die hard.

    Is the 260mm M4A1 barrel supposed to have such a high malfunction rate like 1000?

    "ModMalfunctionChance": 1000,

    I was wondering why it would jam on every single shot lol.

    I seem to have an issue with my game breaking after me not touching for a couple of months.

    I used to have a pretty good time playing the game, everything would work as intended without any issues, the spawns would be all good, all of my mods would work perfectly without crashes.

    But recently when I started up SPTarkov after a break, my game seems to no longer work properly, I start raids and have either one scav spawn or none, with a boss if I am lucky.

    Not only this but usually after a raid, I end up going to a trader and more than a few items will just have a permanent loading symbol which wouldn't be that unusual but this time they never load and don't show any previews.

    And if I grab this item in question and equip it, my character preview in menu will be invisible aswell.

    I don't know what has caused this, I have tried clearing cache/registry/game settings, reinstalling the patch, reinstalling SPT AKI, disabling all mods, moving install folders and everything I could think of.

    I tried newer versions, older versions but nothing changed between them, I go to Factory with Horde setting and not even one scav shows up 8/10 times.

    I would love for any kind of help on this, the only noteworthy thing that happened recently relating to my computer is that my old HDD died which did not have any relation to Tarkov installs and I removed my battery, which I doubt would change things.

    I am willing to try a lot of things, thanks in advance.

    Edit 1: The items not loading seems to happen almost exclusively after going into a raid and coming back, not before.

    Edit 2: Got a lucky raid where scavs spawned for once after running around in Factory for 5 minutes, item loading error still persists.