JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteTuned the finishers for slightly more oomph
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteTuned the finishers for slightly more oomph
JankyTheClown added a new version:
Quote* Finishers now play irrespective of the death being visible or nearby, resulting in more blood splash around dead bodies you come across.
* Fixed a minor incompatibility between FIKA and the finishers (thanks Ozen for reporting).
JankyTheClown added a new version:
Quote* Fixed VC incompatibility
* Minor tuning of finishers for more variety
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteDisplay More* Scaled down blood splatter size
* Made blood splatter size adjustable
* Added toggle for ragdolls dropping weapons
* Tuned down effect sizes slightly to enable more scaling for big guns
NB: If you want to get back the impact sizes in 1.4.0, set the effect size to 1.15. I advise that you try playing with the current size. It's only a touch smaller but actually makes the truly big guns feel much more punchy in comparison.
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteDisplay MoreNote: Fairly chunky update again. I recommend that you back up your configuration and start with a fresh setup.
* Overhauled blood & gore
* Finisher effects for killshots with volumetric blood
* Bleed-like effects now get attached to the ragdoll
* Penetrating shots generate high definition blood splatter behind enemies (16 different varieties)
* Bleed drops variety and quality vastly improved (16 different varieties)
* Bullet wound decals now appear on dead bodies as well
* Ambient smoke improved
* Dynamic ragdoll reactivation! No need to keep active ragdolls eating your CPU.
* Removed blood effects appearing when the local player is shot at
* A lot of foundational work under the hood to make further work easier & more efficient
Thanks to Arttumiro, Soren and Devraccoon for testing and providing feedback, much appreciated!
NB: This is the last major release before the migration to SPT 3.11. See you on Tarkov 0.16!
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteFixed minor graphical glitch where the center of metal impacts would overdrive the shader and result in a black splotch.
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteSignificant effect design tuning pass after the recent lighting system release. Everything is much more punchy, more oomph but the definition and visibility of effects has actually increased.
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteTweaked the impact shockwave to be quite a bit nicer
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteDisplay MoreChonky Update!
Probably some testing needed to iron out imperfections.
* Dynamic ambient lighting to adjust the brightness and visibility of the effects. On average, things should be more visible, but less bright and weirdnesses like effects being black when it's overcast should no longer be an issue. The system needs tuning so please let me know if things look whack.
* Cinematic ragdolls! Things die quite a bit more theatrically now, with arms flying.
* Empty bullet casings hang around a configurable amount of time (60s by default). Their size has been increased slightly to make them more visible.* Shotgun pellets now generate proper kinetic energy. Bsg set their weight too low by a factor of 10. This means ambience and ragdoll effects apply properly now.
* Replaced remaining bsg dust puffs at impact with much neater ones with less cursed lighting.
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteHopefully addressed a report that amandsense and loot radius were broken by the 1.2.0 version. It was likely due to my clumsy attempt at making dropped weapons work as part of the dead body.
Thanks to FiveF for the report.
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteDisplay More* Ragdolls! Disabled when Visceral Combat is running to avoid conflicts.
* Configurable "active time" for ragdolls.
* Configurable ragdoll impact force. The base value is calculated from the kinetic energy of the bullet.
* Configurable size for the body wound decals
* Body wound decals can be turned off if you favor the base game option. You philistine!
NB: The ragdolls are very lightweight and unless you dial up the active lifetime to 9000, it's indistinguishable from the base game. They are eventually turned into solid objects by the game, just like with default Tarkov. If you want the persistent ragdoll experience with dismemberment, use Visceral Combat.
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteRemoved a debug light I left in the asset bundle. It spawned bold as brass into the maps and was shining bright bang in the middle.
JankyTheClown added a new version:
Quote* A dozen or so extra dust puffs - mainly for metals (these didn't work before)
* Cuter bullet hole smoke
* Falling dust from ceiling impacts
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteDisplay MoreM'ladies and M'entlegen,
In your hands, you find a massive... update!
NB: Many new things have been added. Consider this a Release Candidate - not a stable version yet. Tuning & bugfixes are likely to happen in the coming days.
- Massively improved the definition and resolution of the various puffs
- Added 40+ new puffs
- Improved blood effects
- Blood on clothes & body
- Blood splatter on ground
- Improved bullet hole smoke
- Optimized particle counts on various effects
- Bug fixes
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteHopefully made the asset loading more robust. Some people with, let's just say "ambitious" number of mods were having issues.
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteFixed gnarly bug that caused the effects to get borked if loading into the hideout. Damn you BSG and your shonky hideout implementation...
For now, the impacts are reverted fully to vanilla while in the hideout and will only show in the raids.
JankyTheClown added a new version:
Quote* Ambient Battle Effects
* More config settings. MORE! MORE!
NB: The ambient effects need a bit more tuning to get it right under all lighting conditions. If you find something that looks really wonky, please drop me a screenshot.
JankyTheClown added a new version:
Quote* Tweaked the baseline sizes of the effects to be smaller (about 25-30%).
* The thresholds are now in Joules - kinetic energy. This is a much better unit for sizing the effects. Thanks Fontaine for the recommendation.
NB: I recommend you reset all the sizes to the config defaults and use those as the baseline for any further tweaks.
Next up: Battle Ambiance. Lingering dust, smoke and debris that dissipates over time for that authentic RAID feel! This will mark the official V1.0.0 of the mod. Many more features to come!
JankyTheClown added a new version:
QuoteBig update. Bigly big. To quantify it's bigness would be doing it a disservice.
- Scale effects based on bullet weight (3 categories: small, medium, chonk)
- Config to adjust weight thresholds
- Config to adjust effect sizes