Just discovered the official SPT discord and found my resolution there. Issue is with dxgi.dll from reshade in the SPT folder. After removing this the issue is gone.
Posts by EnduranceMan
Hello and thanks in advance for the help!
After loading SPT Server I wait for the output to indicate the server is running, then start SPT Launcher. This is a recent install that has been working for about a week.
Today however when loading SPT launcher the launcher window loads but nothing is drawn in the window itself. Just the border of the window is displayed. I can drag it around but the actual contents of the window aren't drawn.
I was able to reinstall SPT into another folder (C:/SPT2/) and run the launcher from that folder which is successful. However if I copy that spt launcher.exe into the old SPT folder and then run the launcher from there I hit the same issue, so I believe the problem is from some launcher config in the original SPT folder. I've reinstalled .Net 6 runtime and .Net desktop as well to no avail. Screenshot of the launcher window attached. In the server output it shows the launcher is detected as started.