Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
*Updated to 3.10.**
*GuestGear Digital Flora Clothing has been moved into this mod*
I've uploaded a couple new Russian camo patterns for this mod those 2 being SURPAT and SURPAT Savanna. I've added quite a few new retextures on existing BSG models as well.
Got rid of my ATACS-FG retextures as I felt I could not get the colors right. svbtext's ATACS-FG retextures are far superior.
Special thanks to FALmonsta for teaching me how to do this, it was very tedious and time consuming work. Really appreciate the time he took to help me out and answer any questions I had.
Version 3.1.0
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
I guess we will call this 3.1.0. This is a bit of an overhaul to this mod, I've redone almost every texture in this mod. I've revamped almost all camos to bring them to scale. I re-did some of the BEAR patches to make them stand out more, as well as added a few more items. Really proud of the way this turned out and I'm working on getting the USEC version revamped as well but it will not be done until 3.11* due to BSGs Unity update. (.bundles from current version of live Tarkov can't be pulled to this version of SPT.)
Here is a WARNING!!!I have removed several items from this mod. Either I didn't have a backup of the texture file when I went to update the camo or BSGs models threw a fit colors wise when I went to redo it (Looking at you VOIN lowers.)
If you download this updated version of BEAR clothing and still have the previous version (3.0.0) you run the risk of corrupting your profile. This is due to items being removed and CAB IDs being changed.
Simplest solution: Wipe or use a mod cleaning service (Profile Editor) after removing the old BEAR Clothing folder.
Another solution:Set `removeModItemsFromProfile` to true inside `SPT_Data\Server\configs\core.json`
Gave BEAR side their own version of Birdeye's lower since I thought it looked great on the USEC clothing- comes in EMR, A-TACS FG, SURPAT, SURPAT Savanna, and Multicam.
Hope you guys enjoy!
Version 3.0.0
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
Sorry for the long wait on this, had a lot of stuff going on in the real world that prevented me from putting in the time to update this mod. Shout out to Kopat1ch for the code without it I wouldn't have been able to update this mod. I do not know if the gear component of this mod will be updated, I'd love to do it but don't know if I would have the time. Sadly, these uniforms won't appear on bots like my old mod did.
Also this mod does not require a dependency. Just click the download button and move the user folder to your SPT file.
Thank you and Enjoy!
Everything is free at RAGMAN!
Version 2.0.0
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
Requires BMWCore 1.0.0 to work. It can be found here.
Re-did several patterns and added 2 EMR Autumn tops for a winter camo. Will eventually add EMR Autumn pants. -
Version 1.0.2
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
Requires JustNU's core updated to 3.7.1 to work. Found here.
Version 1.0.1
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
This version only works for 3.5.0
REQUIRES JUSTNU CORE 1.1.0! It can be found HERE
Completely rewrote the mod, and added two new retextures:
Infiltrator Combat Shirt (A-TACS FG)
SRVV Pants (A-TACS FG)Will add more when I get time.
Redid the textures on Commando and TIGR pants
Redid the texture Adaptive Top and fixed positioning of the Russia patch.
Only works on 3.5.0
Enjoy and thank you!
Version 1.0.0
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
Could you give more info about the process of removing the mod and how to be extra safe with the new version, because the simple version with profile editor is not really clear to me?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Sure, back your profile up before doing anything.
Then remove the old BEAR additional clothing from your mods folder.
Then go back to your main SPT directory and click the SPT_data folder.
Click the Server folder.
Then the configs folder, and open up core.json.
Under "fixes" set "removeModItemsFromProfile" to true.
Once you do that I like to run my SPT without the mod to make sure it's good, then close the game and then install the new BEAR additional clothing folder.
Okay will try it out and let you know, thanks!
Edit: It worked once again thanks for the mod
Wow! Top clothing mods! Ty!
new poponas for horses
are you going to update this mod to 3.9.x or there are no plans fro that?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I'm slowly working on it. Looks like the mods are going to have to have an entire rewrite which sucks and is going to take some time.
Friend, do you have any plans to update the mod to a new version of SPT, without your mods I don't see the point of playing EFT
One of the best clothing mod I've ever found
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Thank you so much! Really appreciate it!
Sumrak in white birch camo(see bear voin pants) and emr spring camo for multiple clothes would be awesome.
I would really like to see an update to 3.8.0, please
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I have finally figured out the correct code for 3.8.0. This as well as my other mods will be back probably next week. I am in the process of updating some of my retextures on my clothing mods.
Oh, I'll be looking forward to it.
where can i find the clothes so i can wear them ?
haven't testeed yet, is this and the Bear gear mod functional on 3.6.1?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
It works you'll just have to change the package from 3.5.* to 3.6.* -Plan on updating soon.
Cool, thanks for the reply, Just wasnt sure if it was the simple or if there was more involved changes needed
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Not that I know of. Its random as to what or if they'll be wearing my retextures.
It is possible. I think it would be much better to use a mod for this purpose, in terms of safety or maybe advanced features (such as templates), but personally I don't know any, so preferred to edit the server database directly. Of course it is not recommended to do so, in case you have no idea what you are doing this can cause problems, up to complete inoperability. I strictly insist on backig up files before editing.
Take a look at the files in the "EFT\Aki_Data\Server\database\bots\types" directory. These contain settings for the different bot types (by faction), which are stored in separate files for each. There are many parameters of technical content inside, but there are including the appearance, voices, clothing, loot, as well as the chances of spawning all of the included categories.
In the case of items/gear (outfits are items/gear too), their record is not kept in the form of actual names, but in the form of IDs, which can be found on a special site, and in the case of the custom items in the mod files (usually in the settings file).
The process of creating a bot by the game is tied to a random selection of several entries in each category, step by step. You need to take this into account, since the top and bottom clothes are in different categories, hence the set of one type most likely will not work, as a result. Avoiding this, which is obviously possible with only one specific item of clothing per category. Less variability, but one hundred percent expected results.
As a bonus, in this way you can give soldiers of a particular faction armbands of a particular color. I've seen mods like this, but usually you can't customize them. Just specify the ID of such in the desired category and set 100% chance of spawning in the corresponding block. Done.
I want to note that it is important to follow the correct recording format, taking into account all punctuation marks and list structure, the opposite will lead to errors at the stage of starting the server. In such cases, the type of error will be indicated, but usually there is no reference to a specific file, much less to a specific line with an error in it. Don't rush, try adding changes gradually, checking for errors by running the server. No need to run the game itself, just check the status of database importing in the console window.
Mods, affecting the formation of the gear, of course, refer to the same data, but will have a higher priority, and as a consequence rewrite the changes in the original server files, but specifically clothing, faces and voices, they usually do not affect.
Don't have too much fun with editing, because modding may end up taking more time than the game itself. Once you try it, there's no way back.
Sorry my language too. With best regards.
If you want some ideas for other stuff that's more BEAR merc like than atacs or EMR (it fits more for the high tier outfits imo) , you could try doing some of the alt versions of the summer field camo. The camo line itself is easiest to find under Amoeba Palma on google searching
good stuff soldier. slava z
could you add an A-TACS version of the BEAR Base Lower?
Might be neat to get ATACs or Multicam voin pants, for less crazy option of those than KLMK.
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
The A-TACS Version is in my port of FALmonsta's A-TACS FG Clothing and he also has a Multicam version in his Multicam mod. The multicam mod works fine for 3.5.0 all you have to do is update the version in the package.json to 3.5.0
Does it? I didn't remember it having Voin pants in ATACs or Multicam since the ATACs mod was quite a bit older mod.
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I ported the A-TACS file to 3.5.0
And maybe SURPAT based on SRVV pants & Borey Top? And Partizan SS camo on Sumrak top model?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I plan on getting to SURPAT eventually.
If you want to make somethin` like 6Sh122 Ratnik camo suit, right colours are 1&2 in this post:…riants_for_6sh122_ratnik/
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I used number 2 when I was originally trying to do an EMR Autumn pattern, I'll have to mess with it some more but the colors always come out looking horrendous when I put the textures back into the game.
Greetings! You're my savier!!! It really great stuff! Can You make 6B43 Armor & 6B47 Helmet in proper EMR pattern?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I am finishing up a couple more clothing items to go in this pack, then I will begin working on a few gear pieces, that will go into a separate mod.
Glad to hear it!!
Look super good man, good job
I'm not usually an aesthetics/skin mods guy, but this looks lovely!