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Version 2.0
- KCH Armory
Ported to AKI 1.1.0
Version 1.5.0
- KCH Armory
Had the Orsis T10 in there now its removed
Version 1.1.0
- KCH Armory
now contains
Wages of Sin AR-15
Lawmaker 12.7x108 Sniper Rifle
HK 417A2
AK-50 in.50 beowulf
KSG (MemeGun)
6.5 grendel
6.5 creedmoor
.50 Beowulf
fuckette 12g -
Version 1.0.0
- KCH Armory
Mod is not working on 2.0 rc1
[ERROR] Trace:
TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
at Function.assign (<anonymous>)
at ModPack.load (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov1\user\mods\KCH-ModPack\src\ModPack.js:67:32)
at Function.executeMods (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov1\obj\bundle.js:56046:28)
at Function.load (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov1\obj\bundle.js:55994:15)
at Object.load [as aki-mods] (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov1\obj\bundle.js:47446:15)
at Function.load (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov1\obj\bundle.js:57116:27)
at Function.main (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov1\obj\bundle.js:46143:9)
at Object.177../Lib.js (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov1\obj\bundle.js:46148:9)
at o (C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov1\obj\bundle.js:1:265)
at C:\Games\Escape from Tarkov1\obj\bundle.js:1:316
Is this going to be updated?
KCH Armory Author
how come lol?
KCH Armory Author
Going to be migrated with KMC
is there any nerd info for the ammo. dmg/pen stats? plz and thank you
Doesnt work on 2.0 rc1. does anyone have a hotfix?
Sometimes I cany buy certain items off the fleamarket like the wages of sin upper receiver and charging handle for some reason. They're all examined but still not available on the flea market.
Is this compatible with 1.5.1?
And can someone give me a rundown on all theseversions, im really confused. Whats Aki R7 and R8 and so on.
Yes it is, it may conflict with other mods though as I've had issues with it in the past but my current mods work fine with it.
Here's a ss of my modlist for reference if you wanna know what it works with and what works on 1.5.1
Thank you Synthrix!
As a newcomer this is very helpful guide to see what works with 1.5.1!
I can't find all of the parts of the NGSW even with a linked search, is there something I'm missing? Thanks for any help
It's either that you don't have your server set to generate enough flea entries, so there are parts that are missing, or it's that they don't appear until you've inspected them.
The solution to the former is to either use a mod to increase the number of flea entries generated by the server, or to just restart the server and check again a few times. The solution for the latter is to check vendors (and possibly flea) for complete guns, and see if there are any parts on them that you haven't inspected yet.
KCH Armory Author
KCH Modpack Dont even include the NGSW, you mean KMC Modpack found here KMC Core
Mod doesn't seem to work with Bread and Butter. Nothing shows up when I have B&B running.
I have them both running fine, if you don't have any error codes on your server launcher then they probably just haven't come up on the flea market yet. I had to restart a few times in order for them to start showing up in my game.
What version of B&B and SPT are you running?
Newest versions of both. I've also attached a screenshot of my full modlist for reference.
cheers! I’ve gotten it to work. Looks like you have to play a raid for the stuff to be purchasable.
Hey, great mod! However i got one question to the VKS:
The zeroing seems to be off. Regardless of what scope i use, the bullets always impact a little *over* the center. With zeroing at 50m, even after 200m, the bullet hits above the center of the crosshair.
I even played a little with the accuracy-stats of the sts-130, but nothing changes ... Am I overseeing sth?
Thanks in advance!
To specify: The distance between the center of the crosshair and the impact increases with distance. ~50m it's slightly above, ~100m noticeable above and everything behind that gets even bigger ... hm ...
On greater distances I litteraly have to aim at the feet of the enemies to hit their torso / head.
KCH Armory Author
oh fuck, oh god, welp i might have fucked the muzzle velocity and the bullet speed
gonna try to squeeze in some time to fix it cuz man be busy as shet
Got a little deeper into it ... if you put a laser onto it, the laser points also slightly above the crosshair.
It looks like a zeroing of 0 would put the laser (and so the bullet) on the crosshair, but how can you do this?
I keep on getting a core_f error with your mods, any tips for help with it?
KCH Armory Author
it doesnt work with dynamic ragfair
with no intentions to fix it,
however stay put because its going to get merged with KMC Modpack
Is that another mod? Because I am not using anything with that name
Here is the code for trader, however I'm not interest to fix unbalanced weapons like KSG in here so
edit traderID, ReqLv, Curreny to whatever you want and you can have value info from
Why I can't find those guns in my market, is this modpack put in user>mods?
Same issue here
Do traders sell these guns?
KCH Armory Author
flea market
gonna be added to a trader soon
Super excited to see the trader be added, been having alot of issues of the parts actually populating in the flea market so can't wait for one central area for all things KCH!
Thanks for your hard work
Hello, how can move the "mod_tactical" position closer to the sight mounting position in the AR-50 forend?
finally it's back!, yay!
thank you so much for your hard work
Will you update this to the lasted version? Thank you.
KCH Armory Author
update to SPT 1.2.0? Released yesterday what i know. Would be awesome to try new weapons
it is updated to 1.2.0
ok, thanks. BTW, which traders at which level are selling guns?
KCH Armory Author
all guns should be found on Flea