Kalashnikov Enhanced Modding 3.10 v2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

separated hangduards and barrels on ak's ? its now a thing !

this mod enhance modding abilities on AK platforms by splitting lower and upper handguards

gas tubes has been separated from lowers handguard (M1-B, Troy rail...)
Siderails (RMP rails) have been separated from the guns and now are moddable items
Barrels has been Separated from the guns too

this mod add 94 new possibles combinaison, with conflicting/blocking items matching
stats have been splitted between the separated parts to keep the actual meta,
and a lot of reseach has been made for weight values to match IRL part : )

Compatibility table :

Modname (version)
compatiblity details

i highly recommand deleting cache files (or cache icon folder) if you have issues with icon preview items : )

- AK-102
- AK-104
- AK-105
- AK-74
- AKS-74
- AKS-74U
- AKS-74UB






















Special Thanks To Gatsu66 for his modeling skills
also big thanks ChoccyMilk for his Unity knowledge
without them, this mod doesn't exist : )

  • Hello BaliSt0n, I've encountered a few issues,
    Definitive Weapon Variants
    Acids Progressive Bot System

    When both of these are used, It throws ALOT of errors when giving Bots Weapons.
    Also, Loose Loot AKs do not spawn with the barrel, Trunion, and gas tube.
    Is there a set way of uninstalling the mod? Deleting the mod file does not remove the changed Icons.

    • for the icons you can clear the game cache in the SPT launcher

      unfortunately i can't make these mods compatible since this mod change vital parts deeply into the game so everything related to weapons and bots is sensitive

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello, the compatibility table on the description is broken - I cant see what mods are incompatible!

  • There is a problem when buying AK from Ref. It wont purchase the modded AK and the unmodded AK is constantly in a loading loop.

    • ohhhhh i totally forgot about ref

      i will fix this when i have time

    • Also I think the AKS-74UB is missing. The mission from ref Balancing part 2 is that you have to kill 5 PMC with AKS-74UB also gives you the AKS-74UN, so you cant progress the quest.

  • If you don't mind. I have some problems when I install some trader and quest mods (like guiding light and lotus) that make the server unable to run some errors appear, this has never happened with previous trader mods I installed. Your mod is great so I can't bear to remove it so is there anything I can do to fix the error? Tks if you reply.

    • if you tell me what error apears or what mods are conflicting ? : )

    • i found out that lotus and guiding light are conflict with your mod. it's quite confusing because at first your mod and lotus worked together without any problems but when i added guiding light it got error. Then I tried to reinstall everything from scratch and almost both mods above conflicted with your mod. Quite strange.

    • guiding light is not stable and unfinished, it is not compatible :)

    • i think it conflict with vcql too, I mean some new lotus quests. My server run smoothly after i delete vcql and lotus. So I think it is quite impossible to fix it. Thank you for your reply.

  • hello sir, i think this mod's POPC mount have bugs..
    If I install the popc mount in preset and press part search, the game will be ruined.

    and its error logs.

    • i didn't acheive to replicate this bug, sorry can you explain more ?

    • yep. i modded ak-74n + POPC Stock mount and press part search. Then It keeps trying to load the flea market, saying it can't find the right item. an in-game window that says "0" and an error message in server.

      I think the item is not properly registered on the flea market or the item code is incorrect.

      If you need a list of the mods I'm using, please ask and I'll attach it by tomorrow.

    • yes tell me what mods you're using please

    • well try to remove some mods that conflics with it, i think epic all in one, or maybe betterattachment ?
      some mod that add or modify items can be the problem

  • Cool sfuff! Had an issue with some mod, but it works fine now with the fresh install. Would be dope to have SAG Mk.3 handguard and dust cover as One piece. As well as VS-33 gas tube with SLR Ion handguarg🙌

  • hello everything works so far but how can I get the items because I can't find the mod parts in the flea market

  • Is this mod compatible with BlackCore/Painter series of mods?

  • make it 3.9 now before we get freaky

  • Is it compatible with 3.9.8, if not can you pls post it ?

  • i can't get the rmp5 to get on the ak-74n

  • Thanks so much,really cool mod!

    If I delet all the ak handguards in stash and install this mod,is that okay? :)

    • you do'nt have to, you just have to delete weapons, all the parts are not a problem : )

  • TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')

    at D:\Games\SPT\user\mods\AkEnhancedModding\src.js:531:91

    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

    at AkSplitterMod.postDBLoad (D:\Games\SPT\user\mods\AkEnhancedModding\src.js:506:57)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:53:26)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')

    at D:\Games\SPT\user\mods\AkEnhancedModding\src.js:531:91

    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

    at AkSplitterMod.postDBLoad (D:\Games\SPT\user\mods\AkEnhancedModding\src.js:506:57)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:24)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:53:26)

    something wrong after I updated to 3.10V2

    • what language do you use ?

    • english

    • Additional Note, I found in the raid some Aks did not have Barrel and handguard, and in some cases in Scav or PMC Primary weapon ( previous version )

    • I am getting the same error

    • wierd, i don't understand what's happening , do you other mods that modifiy quests ?

  • Thanks for the update. Is the Github 3.10.4 version the same as this 3.1.0 v2 on the hub?

    • yes i mixed the name but its the latest version don't worry

  • woderful, altough i think every part should be a lil different. Im aware of the amount of work needed so i understand if you tell me to go fuck myself. Still, it'd be nice if the romanian grip had sum extra. The B-11 handguard for the AKS-74U series is unchanged, and the U series arent included in the mod. I get that this is fully intentional. Are you planning on adding them?

  • Hey I have a small issue with what I believe is this mod. In raid when equipping an ak it performs some sort of double animation of the equipping action. It's like it's trying to equip a standard ak and then redoing it once it realizes it's a modded one. Is this something you've come across? Nothing gamebreaking but I noticed it and wanted to inform you about it. Might not even be this mod, but only happens to affected aks.

    • do you have a video of this ?
      do you have any other mods installed ?

  • Gunsmith quest still borked in 3.10 verison, can't hand in Gunsmith Part 2 requiring a normal AKS-74U.

    • whoops i forgot the gunsmith quests, will fix this soon

      -> done :)

  • Wonderful mod. But i notice that .300 aks from epic's all in one mod doesnt have lower handguard . Can you pls fix that ? 😭

    • a lot of work is required, from both mods, to make these work together

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Wonderful mod hope it updates so i can kitbash my dong grips again

  • It seems that the DELETED kalashnikovs can still be obtained as loot in raids. Just picked up a totally naked ak-105 inside a weapon crate and found out sadly that i can only sell it since the handguard cannot be attached normally.Is there a way to replace these loot guns?

  • 827iUrj

    VPO-136 missing texture without magazine or any other that is not the default 10-rounder.

    Somebody else wrote in another comment that the AKM seems to use the VPO texture, so that could be the reason.

    • Do you use BlackCore? 'Cause I had the same issue and had to uninstall it for it to be normal.

    • I don't have that installed, and even disabling all other mods and using a new profile the problem persisted. So I reinstalled it all and now it's fixed. Thanks for giving me the idea that it could've been something else than a mod bug, now I can enjoy the mod to the fullest :thumbup:

      I had another Moxopixel mod installed, but uninstalled it, that could've caused it.

    • Just to follow up on the VPO-136 having missing textures, had it spontaneously start happening again after finding an AK-101 and re-opening the client after a shutdown. The 136 was fine prior.

    • Also happened again for me, clearing the cache fixes it until you tinker with it, then you are forced to clear the cache again for the texture to appear ;(

  • Ran into a minor bug - any quest that unlocks one of the merged/deleted AK variants will lock up the tasks list of that trader and all other traders until restarting the game. Likewise, the deleted AK variant is replaced with a "Factory cellars key" that has a red skull icon.

    You can work around it using Profile Editor at least, by force completing the quest(s) with the fake item.

    Beyond that issue, this mod is fantastic, and I wish I had found it sooner <3


    • When looking at already completed quests it's the same for me.

  • '[ItemInfo] bartersResolver failed because of another mod. Send bug report. Continue safely.'

    An error occurs like this when using odt-item info and Kalashnikov enhanced mod. no problem to playing the game, but I'm leaving a comment to let you know this happened.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Where can I find the cache files to delete?

    • on the SPT launcher -> settings -> clear cache

    • thank you

  • Can you add Ak’s from a profile editor after adding this mod or will that break things?

  • 4d41c8317679d4bd0fea1e1bbceeb06a.png

    scavs can spawn with no handguard. Running with ALP.

    • oh..? interesting
      this shouldn't happend ?

      did you try to spawn with ? what happened ?

      what mods do you have installed ?

  • Can you please make it work with realismMOD? I only use recoil in realismMOD, and I still get an error. It's not cool. https://imgur.com/a/Hc5DzYG

  • AKM lower seems to use the VPO-136 textures.

  • been having an issue with loading bots on Lighthouse sorry wasnt able to shorten the post

    Error: Unable to find preset for weapon with tpl: 57dc2fa62459775949412633

    Error: Unable to find preset for weapon with tpl: 57dc2fa62459775949412633

    at BotWeaponGenerator.getPresetWeaponMods (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.ts:346:19)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateWeaponByTpl (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.ts:192:40)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateRandomWeapon (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.ts:84:21)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.addWeaponAndMagazinesToInventory (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.ts:543:57)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateAndAddWeaponsToBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.ts:484:22)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.ts:80:14)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotGenerator.ts:195:52)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotGenerator.ts:116:20)

    at BotController.generateBotsFirstTime (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\BotController.ts:256:54)

    at BotController.generate (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\BotController.ts:188:25)

    Error: Unable to find preset for weapon with tpl: 57dc2fa62459775949412633

    Error: Unable to find preset for weapon with tpl: 57dc2fa62459775949412633

    at BotWeaponGenerator.getPresetWeaponMods (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.ts:346:19)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateWeaponByTpl (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.ts:192:40)

    at BotWeaponGenerator.generateRandomWeapon (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.ts:84:21)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.addWeaponAndMagazinesToInventory (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.ts:543:57)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateAndAddWeaponsToBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.ts:484:22)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.ts:80:14)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotGenerator.ts:195:52)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBot (C:\snapshot\src\generators\BotGenerator.ts:116:20)

    at BotController.generateBotsFirstTime (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\BotController.ts:256:54)

    at BotController.generate (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\BotController.ts:188:25)

    • what other mods you are using ?

    • MAChop, AkEnhancedModding, Painter, Carl honey Badger, M93 Raffica, Striker, Crackbones Clothing, DJ Core, Epic Range Time weapons, Yet another Port Miralyn, G36 Extension, Black, DJLang Additional Weapons, Pixel Blackcore and Tactical Gear, Rai Rai Raichu Clothes and Plates, Refinge Ammo, Welcome to Tarkov, SVD, HK417, ACR, G3, CZ Scorpion, SUSAT, Server Value Modifier, MASS System, SIG MCX Virtus.

      I tried each map, the only other one I had the same issue was woods.

    • Having the same issue here

    • its one of these mod who generate conflict with this mod for sure,
      its related to something who change bots loadout when entering a raid

    • so I ended up re-downloading SPT and only had your mod loading and I still had the error on lighthouse I think somehow your mod is causing I love the work you did with it though

  • Ohhhh neat, Valens Proression compatible

    I once tried this mod and dropped it cause it was not compatible with DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression. I mean it still is not compatible.

    Any plan of making this compatible with AlgorithmicLevelProgression? And is it worth it to switch from ALP to Valens? I might do that to use this mod but don't know the differences.

    • after testing the AlgorithmicLevelProgression mod, i don't have encountered any errors, let me know if you have a problem ?

    • huh? weird, lemme check and get back to you. Thanks.

    • After testing the game loaded just fine

      I am not sure what caused AlgorithmicLevelProgression to generated bots wrong

      back then


      also Image

      while testing I found the pp-19 zenit is missing from mechanic ll1

      there might be other missing guns too I didn't check all of them

    • i don't know what you means, no weapon is missing dude, before posting comment make sure to test with and without other mods


      Crying 1
    • Seems like it's just on my end
