Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Note: I am unable to write or respond to comments, for some reason. Please send PM or contact me by email: [email protected]
Simple explanation: Without the mod, you can have for example bots like these:
Bot 1 (Scav): Normal scav
Bot 2 (Scav): Easy scav
Bot 3 (Scav): Hard scav
Bot 4 (PMC): Easy PMC
Bot 5 (PMC): Normal PMC
Bot 6 (Tagilla): Hard Tagilla
With the mod, on 'easy' settings, it would be like this instead:
Bot 1 (Scav): Easy scav
Bot 2 (Scav): Easy scav
Bot 3 (Scav): Easy scav
Bot 4 (PMC): Easy PMC
Bot 5 (PMC): Easy PMC
Bot 6 (Tagilla): Easy Tagilla
This mod forces all bots of each type to use a specified difficulty level. In vanilla, bots can use various difficulty presets, and the difficulty options in the game just controls the distribution between the presets. Instead of allowing NPCs with different difficulties, this mod forces all NPCs of each type to use the same difficulty preset. For example, if you force 'easy' then all scavs will be easy scavs, all PMCs with be easy PMCs, and so on. This means you get a more predictive experience.
Bots still use the presets from their own type, so bosses will still be harder than scavs and will still behave like bosses, etc.
The specifics can be changed in config/config.json.
⚠️ NOTE: From the way this works this unfortunately means that the in-game difficulty setting has no effect. If I find a good way to use those settings, this may change in the future. As it stands now, this mod overwrites all the difficulty settings with the one you have chosen in config/config.json (easy by default).
Compatibility: May not work perfectly with mods that affect bot difficulty settings, but nothing should crash should you choose to try. I recommend using this mod last in the load order if used with mods that affect difficulty settings. Load order relative to unrelated mods doesn't matter at all.
Install: Extract zip into <SPT>/user/mods.
Uninstall: Either:
a) Delete folder in <SPT>/user/mods, or
b) move it out of the mods folder. (For example to <SPT>/user/mods-inactive)
See for details.
More in-depth explanation:
For each bot type, there are four different difficulty presets: easy, normal, hard and impossible. When selecting difficulty in the game, you select the distribution of presets (i.e. how many of each), but you can still get normal and hard (and possibly impossible?) bots on "Easy", it's just that there's fewer of them.
What this mod does is to force all bots to use the preset you have chosen in the config (which is 'easy' by default). In other words, if the game tries to spawn in a hard bot, it will still use the 'easy' difficulty preset. These few lines of code is the core of the mod.
If SVM, POOP or any other mods make changes to the preset you have chosen, those changes will still apply with Force Difficulty. If they make changes to any of the other presets, those changes will have no effect since they are not used.
Version 1.1.0
- TingleSlayerParkov
For SPT 3.5.*
Add verification step. See and for details.
Version 1.0.0
- TingleSlayerParkov
Initial version, for SPT 3.5.*
Would love to use this! But it doesn't work for 3.8.0; will you be updating this so it'll work with the latest version? At the time of this post anyway.
Will you be updating this for 3.6.1 ?
had this w/ SAIN, great experience.
Professor House
Man even with this activated and the bots are forced to easy, the bosses and PMCs still lock right onto your head and full auto you with zero recoil. This game's AI is so bull when it's stock.
After looking in the bot.json file from the Aki_Data I believe that is because there is a chance that PMCs still roll random AI-Types, and TL:DR they have chances to be a PMC with the AI of a Boss like Killa or somebody from the Goons for example, so my Guess is that even if they would be set to Easy PMCs could still rail you down even with the Mod enabled since they would behave like a Boss
Does this affect rogues and bosses? Lots of Mods like MOAR dont seem to touch the bosses so they are absolutely cracked.
I've had good results with this mod! I still encounter the occasional super-trooper 300 meter full auto aimbot PMC on occasion and sometimes the bosses seem a little cracked, but I can definitely feel the effect on the rest of the scavs and most PMCs. Seems like they miss more and take more to be alerted to your presence.
Works with 3.5.3? How i know if it's working?
on server start ther should be a message, that tells you the the difficulty and that is active
Does it work with BetterSpawnPlus ? Because I heard it doesnt use the standard method for spawning bots and ignores most settings outside of its own config files. Thanks.
Is it like a mod back to 12.11?
Wow You save my time! Thx