Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans.
Updated to and only tested on 3.8.0, should work on 3.8.3
The Type 64 is an integrally suppressed submachine gun designed in China in the early 1960s for special forces to use in clandestine operations. It chambers for type 64 7.62x25mm subsonic ammo, but can also fire normal 7.62x25mm rounds.
Due to a combination of an unlocked blowback action, relatively energetic cartridge, and added backpressure from the suppressor, its firerate can reach up to 1000-1300rpm.
It saw actions during the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War and subsequent border conflicts, and was dubbed "Laoshan Ghost" for its good consealment in the combats around Laoshan, a mountain on the Sino-Vietnamese border that was contested by both sides.
It would have been tucked into a conrner of your old weapon collection, but......
Meet the Laoshan Ghost modification kit!
The kit includes two m-lok handguards, polymer pistol grip and magazine, MCX/MPX-style stock adaptor, maximizes the gun's expandability and ergonomics.
Models and textures came from YLdcmy, a modeler from Chinese Tarkov community. He also designed those fictional modifications. This is his artstation page:
Just like other mods. Unzip and drop Mass_type64smg folder into "[Your EFT Directory]/user/mods".
You should be able to find it and its parts in Mechanic's shop and on the flea market.
Feel free to drop your error into the comments.
Known Issue:
Some animations look a little weird,mostly because of my lack of animating tecnique and the inaccessibility of BSG's weapon animator controller. Maybe I can fix it in the future.
YLdcmy — Models, Textures;
Some of my friends - convert orginal PBR materials into EFT materials;
Me — porting everything into tarkov, such as: building unity assets, tweaking animations, creating code and many more things.
Please give clear indication of the author or origin when reuploading on other websites or publicly sharing this mod.
未经允许,请勿发布包含此模组内扩展名为 bundle 的文件或其变体的模组。
Please do not publish mod containing files or their variants with the suffix .bundle within this mod without permission.
Version 1.2.0
- Massivesoft
Updated to and only tested on 3.8.0, should work on 3.8.3
Changed all item ids to mongoID to avoid any potential problems. So it is not compitable with profile created with previous version.
Added 2 types of ammo:
7.62x25mm TT APDS
7.62x25mm TT APST
Version 1.1.0
- Massivesoft
Update to 3.5.7
Change firerate to 1200 rpm.
New firing sound effect : accelerated VSS firing sound.
Muzzle smoke effect fix.
Version 1.0.0
- Massivesoft
i would literally PAY you to add the MAC10 & or TEC-9 into the game.
Is there a way to remove additional ammo types? Thanks!
Massivesoft Author
Remove "New_Ammo" section in \Mass_type64smg\Mass_type64smg\itemmodifier.json
of \Mass_type64smg\src\scripts\mass_type64smg\mass_type64smg.js
Thanks a million! I don't mind new ammo, but it is a bit OP at LVL 1.
I appreciate your mod very much, thank you!
Massivesoft Author
To change loyalty level, find the method that loads ammo data, change
this.MMA.traderAddItems(id, Price, NTrader_1.NTrader.Default);
this.MMA.traderAddItems(id, Price, NTrader_1.NTrader.Default, number of the loyalty level you want);
Is there a way to edit the loyalty level of each item in the mod? Any way to make the new ammos disabled?
I have 2 copies of the LSG version, as well as the base version available at Mechanic LVL 1- but all the magazines are parts are Mech 2 with both the new ammos
It would be my preference to have the base gun, associated parts and mags at LVL 1 and then LSG and associated parts and mags at LVL 2 and remove the new ammos
I have scrubbed every file of the mod and have no found an easy way to do this
It looks like whatever is happening to the assort is inside of the EFT.exe
Massivesoft Author
It's coded in Javasscript, so........
Maybe this is a skill issue on my end but I cannot figure out how to do what I would like to do
Can you assist me with figuring out what would need to be done so I can resolve it on my end ?
Thank you
doge icon for most of the weapon parts? any fix? using 3.8.1
Massivesoft Author
For those who use this with MPT/fika, if you have bundle loading issue (e.g. white texture or doge), please manually distribute bundle files by copy /user/mods/[this mod name]/[this mod name]/bundles folder and merge it with the same-name folder under /user/cache/. This method apply to all my mods.
tried this but still didnt fix the doge issue, also didnt have this problem when installing the Tavor
Massivesoft Author
After copying the bundle folder, go SPT Launcher -> settings -> clean temp files
The gun is great. Just the CQR47 grip/buttstock is not aligned with the gun. It angle upward.
Make It realism compatible please
I second this motion
there is now a third-party patch for this- but I cannot get it to work
First of all, thank you very much for the mod. And secondly I wanted to inform you about the following "bugs" that I found when assembling the weapon, I can add many bipods and put together cqb47 pistolgrip/buttsock with any other buttsotck.
The iron sights get misaligned while leaning for me
I run all of your mods without any sort of problem,but this one just refuses to load its textures,resulting in a doge gun. Is this bug known? did i do something wrong? Console shows multiple failed to read data for the asset bundles
I'm not sure if you are aware of this but you are technically able to use two stocks, one if you use the cqr47 grip and whatever stock is on the gun. You should probably add incompatibility with the cqr grip in a future update
Would you be willing to consider adding the PPSH drum to the compatibility of this weapon? I'm sure there could be some clipping issues, but I can't help but think this would be a fun addition to this cool and inexpensive to feed weapon. Thanks for bringing us this mod.
Dunno the rules of sharing stuff but have shitty edited files enabling PPSH drum, stick and some random misc tweaks
Hey is there anyway to change the prices of the guns and gunparts?
I'm sure this is likely a known issue, but it seems like the recoil is exceptionally high for a gun like this.
Also, I was trying to figure out how to add additional attachment compatibility but could not figure out how to do that with the way this is formatted.
Hopefully this doesn't seem like I'm complaining. Love your mods. It's awesome to see some really creative new guns making their way to Tarkov. I look forward to whatever other madness you've got in store.
Massivesoft Author
Check your weapon's data against the image I posted. If not match, consider mod compatibility issue.
That would be really incredible to see these weapons in the game
can u create some guns from contract wars ?
like the Bizon,Springfield Operator trp,Raging judge
or a pistol like the beretta 92f
WARNING STOCK0_TYPE64_ITSELF_QTM addAttachment STOCK0_TYPE64_ITSELF_LSGLSG64-QTZJQ 枪托转接器 slot type same item already exist
Massivesoft Author
Just ignore it.
very nice gun, but character is not holding vertical grips correctly, he just holds the magwell
but the gin is still awesome
Looks amazing. Will you ever upload a Type 56 AK variant?
Awesome gun! Don't know if it's intentional for the type of gun or a bug, but the gun doesn't have a chamber for me. As in, I can't directly load the one bullet into the gun in inventory or in game, I have to load it via mag. And when reloading, I don't have the +1 in the chamber either.
This is an open bolt smg like the PPSH, there is no way to load one into the chamber beforehand realistically.
Ahh, ok makes sense
Awesome! Many thanks!
Thanks for making this, now I don't have to make my own 7.62 TT firing firing AR-15.