Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Allows you to use almost any weapon modification on their appropriately expected slot on a weapon. Handguards into handguard slots, stocks on stock slots, muzzle devices of all types may go on all barrels.
(Enable SensibleModsExtended to add certain mod types to other slots)
Use with Universal Ammo mod for increased modification. (Universal Magazines.)
Warning -
Bot Generation may take longer due to the amount of mods that bot generation can now select.
Set "RecursionLimiter" lower if you are not using the default VanillaModLoadouts Setting. 50-60% is a good setting. Anything lower will severely reduce mods that bots will use. 0% makes it so they won't generate properly.
Use with a profile created with the mods SPT version, using outdated profiles may break.
Don't want bots generating with random shit? Have issues with bots generating at all?
Make sure BotsUseVanillaModLoadouts is set to 'true', if you still have issues Your best bet is to use Fontaines Realism mod and use the bot progression system in it, it overwrites bot gen with pre-set loadouts. (Bot Changes Setting)
Config -
"Universal(WeaponSlotName)" true, -- Enabling/Disabling this will enable or disable the specific slot for Universal mod pushing.
"SensibleModsExtended": false, -- Enabling this will provide a few more 'sensible' mod slot pushes.
"RemoveVanillaModConflicts": false, -- Enabling this will remove conflicts for mod items being incompatible with other mod items.
"TrulyCursed": false, -- Enabling this makes every mod capable to be put on every slot. Go crazy.
"RecursionLimiter": "100%", -- This limits how much recursion is done on mod slots, try lowering it if you have performance issues or slow bot generation. Ranges from 100% to 0%, be sure to keep the % after the number. Don't go over 100% either. Does not do anything if VanillaModLoadouts is enabled.
"BotsUseVanillaModLoadouts": true -- This makes bots use separate weapon generation rules made especially for them, this means no wacky bot weapons. Only YOU get to use the wacky shit.
Installation -
Goes in users/mods.
If you'd like to support my creations I do have a Ko-fi. (This is not for commissions, I do not do them and they are against SPT policy.) -
Version 1.1.7
- Tyrian
Still works on 3.7.x+
Incompatible with - "ALGORITHMIC LEVEL PROGRESSION" (And other mods that change how bots spawn, like possibly realism. Unknown.)Fixed the "RemoveVanillaModConflicts" setting not completely working.
Version 1.1.6
- Tyrian
Added two more config settings, "UniversalMuzzleAdapters" & "UniversalMuzzleDevicesOnAdapters". UniversalMuzzleAdapters is rather obviously, to enable Universal Muzzle Adapters on barrels and UniversalMuzzleDevicesOnAdapters is so that Muzzle Devices can go onto *all* Adapters.
Also fixed is weapons that don't technically have a 'Barrel', weapons like the SKS for example don't have a barrel slot and thus because the SKS's barrel is part of the entire weapon it never had any of the muzzle devices pushed to it. That's been fixed.Enjoy!
Version 1.1.5
- Tyrian
Essentially I remade the entire implementation I had that allowed bots to use vanilla mod setups. The original implementation, while it worked, seemed to spam the in game client console with airdrop errors. This has been fixed.
The new implementation also seems to be better for performance in general, as well as bot generation issues created with the prior implementation.
With the removal of the custom database server and custom items.json, I hope this new update provides you all with better bot generation and performance.
Please let me know!
Version 1.1.4 was/is broken, use this instead. -
Version 1.1.4
- Tyrian
Broken, do not use. Please use v1.1.5 or v.1.1.3
Version 1.1.3
- Tyrian
Added the ability to enable and disable which slots you want to be 'Universal' or not. Has a config for each slot. Also optimized the size of the custom items.json by removing items not required for weapon generation. Also optimized the code so that it doesn't create a new database server if you have Vanilla Loadouts set to false.
Version 1.1.2
- Tyrian
SensibleModsExtended config opens up modding even more now.
Added a new config setting called "RemoveVanillaModConflicts" that removes vanilla mod conflicts on item slots.
Version 1.1.1
- Tyrian
Pretty much exactly the same as the previous release, however I pushed a fix that stops it from spamming your console and also fixed the logic behind it.
Version 1.1.0
- Tyrian
After hours of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will, with the guidance of others and a huge helping hand from Gasmo, S.U.W.M can now generate weapon mods more efficiently than ever before.
On top of that comes a new feature, after learning how to create my own database server and tables I have created a separate items.json that the bots use for their weapon generation. This means, that by enabling the provided setting in the config, that only YOU will be the beholder of wacky!
Provided also within the config folder is an optimization feature. A 'Recursion Limiter'. Set to 100% as default, lowering this value will 'reduce' the amount of mod recursion, making the mod easier on your computer. This works by randomly selecting an amount from the slot filters. At 50% it will randomly select 50% of the available mods in the filter. So on and so forth.
Have fun!
Version 1.0.3
- Tyrian
Opened up modding even more, bot generation ability may vary. Use the aforementioned fix if you have bot generation issues.
Version 1.0.2
- Tyrian
Added a new config file with "AllHellBreaksLoose" setting. Disabled by default. Opens up more modding capability.
By enabling this you understand that bots WILL fail to generate, unless you are using a mod that overwrites bot weapon generation such as Fontaines Realism with his Bot Changes setting.
Hello, I have found a temporary workaround for compatibility with the Algorithmic Level Progression Mod. All you have to do is in the config settings of SUWM, Disable Universal Mounts (This Is what causes the red errors) and Universal Gas Blocks (For me this causes the SPT Server to freeze and not finish loading everything, but tell me if this works for you, might be the rest the mods I have installed).
Tyrian Author
I made a patch for Algorithmic Progression version 2.0.1 to work with Sensible Universal Weapon Mods, drag and drop it into user/mods and overwrite the file it tells you to. Load Algorithmic after Universal for maximum compatibility. -…7ZwayM7V/view?usp=sharing
No support will be given by either me or DewardianDev if you use this patch for obvious reasons.
Alright ill give that a try, and see if it works.
Thanks, it worked, has to edit some errors around (punctuation things) and it was all fixed. Thanks!
What was the punctuation fix?
it says in the server. It'll pop up a red error saying what it was. Mine was a space, a few commas, and a hyphon and thats pretty much it
Tyrian Author
Still works on 3.7.x+
Incompatible with - "ALGORITHMIC LEVEL PROGRESSION" (And other mods that change how bots spawn, like possibly realism. Unknown.)
If you have time for input-Is that incompatibility only associated with having your changes to loadouts enabled? Or if that’s disabled does it still mess with bot spawn mods?
Tyrian Author
It seems to trigger regardless of if it's enabled or disabled, I'm not sure why. I believe it's because of how algorithmic level progression specifically tries to weapon mod parts to the weapon mod pool for weapon generation.
That makes sense- thanks!
Just a follow up- I got the advice to isolate this mod from conflicting with alp by using the post Aki load method when loading this mod- any advice on how I can make this change myself?
Tyrian Author
I just changed it and still getting a conflict with that mod -
So it's not as simple as my mod using the post AKI load method.
hello, sorry for bothering you, but I would like to know when you will update the mod, I really like it and I can’t play without it anymore
or you can give instructions for updating
Could you please update this mod? Thank you!
Pls update to 3.8.0
Has anyone tried the mod with 3.8.0. already?
The Musical Soldier
Do you reckon at one point there will be a version of this mod but with no restrictions at all so we can make the most batshit insane cursed firearms in the universe?
Junko Space Mommy
Heads up: This Mod causes an Infinite loading circle on EFT startup in the menu screen. I tested it with 15 mods, 50 mods, and 70 mods respectively, It was only this mod causing the infinite loading screen bug.
When combined with ALP and the patch mentioned in the comments, it appears to work but this is deceptive as it will work until raid exfil/extract and you will get a black screen/ infinite black screen of death. It affects new profiles and ones with mods already. I also believe it is incompatible with SWAG as this touches bot spawns and mod doesn't work with bot spawn mods (realism ALP etc).
Even if you have only this mod and no other progression mod but a spawn mod it will give you the infinite circle loading screen bug.
It is possible ALP also led to the issue of a black infinite screen but I would need more confirmation. In short: Do not use the mod. if you do, you see the mod author's words of no support labeled, do so at your own risk.
To clarify This was tested on SPT 3.7.6. if on this version, the mod will likely not work. The mod does seem to work on 3.7.1 however it seems.
Loved the mod but felt the need to highlight this as people will report borked profiles or issues loading in or even believe the mod to work until they leave raid etc. and blame it on another mod when this is in their load order; remove this and ALP first if you have that and test your profile again if you are on 3.7.6 to see if this issue is fixed.
Junko Space Mommy
just a heads up: This mod causes an Infinite loading circle on startup when you enter the EFT menu. I removed it and my menu screen came back up instantly. The mod is likely not compatible with SWAG going forward and as it stands. You will likely only be able to use this for vanilla playthroughs only. Would recommend avoiding this mod so this issue doesn't occur for players in thei SPT builds.
I tested this with 15 mods and 70 and 50 respectively, it was only this mod causing the infinite loading circle. I had no progression mods and the only spawn mod was SWAG. AGAIN: Would avoid until the issue is fixed.
Note: The mod also conflicts with ALP normally and seems to work with the mentioned patch in the comments until you leave raid and get an infinite black screen bug on raid exfil. do not run this mod until these issues are fixed. (it is also possible ALP led to the Black screen issue but I cannot confirm this entirely.)
CLARIFY: This is on SPT 3.6.7 the latest version.
hello, I was wondering if there is any way to keep the iron sights up when placing them on the mpr45 while also having a scope on the gun that way i could i have canted iron sights, is that something that's possible for me to do?
Hello! I don't have any conflicts but was curious whether or not the mod was working properly for me:
I am unable to put the RK-6 grip on the under rail of the Glock 17.
I was wondering if the mod does not open up this compatibility (without 'truly cursed' enabled) ?
This is a single example I wanted to pick instead of being vague just so I can have a comparable example to work off of.
I'm playing on SPT 3.7.0 and I get this error message in the debug when using this mod. In the config the only things I have chanded is TrulyCursed set to True and BotsUseVanillaModLoadouts to False.
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithCartridge (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\ItemHelper.js)
at BotWeaponGenerator.addOrUpdateMagazinesChildWithAmmo (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.js)
at BotWeaponGenerator.fillExistingMagazines (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.js)
at BotWeaponGenerator.generateWeaponByTpl (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.js)
at BotWeaponGenerator.generateRandomWeapon (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.js)
at BotInventoryGenerator.addWeaponAndMagazinesToInventory (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)
at BotInventoryGenerator.generateAndAddWeaponsToBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)
at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)
at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)
at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
at ItemHelper.fillMagazineWithCartridge (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\ItemHelper.js)
at BotWeaponGenerator.addOrUpdateMagazinesChildWithAmmo (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.js)
at BotWeaponGenerator.fillExistingMagazines (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.js)
at BotWeaponGenerator.generateWeaponByTpl (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.js)
at BotWeaponGenerator.generateRandomWeapon (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotWeaponGenerator.js)
at BotInventoryGenerator.addWeaponAndMagazinesToInventory (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)
at BotInventoryGenerator.generateAndAddWeaponsToBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)
at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)
at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)
at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)
I'm playing on SPT 3.7.0 and I get this error message in the debug when using this mod. In the config the only things I have chanded is TrulyCursed set to True and BotsUseVanillaModLoadouts to False.
Alright I narrowed down the issue. Setting BotsUseVanillaLoadouts to false causes the issue, for what reason, I'm not sure.
Tyrian Author
Did you not read the mod description? Setting it to false causes bot generation issues, the very error you're getting. Because that setting enables custom bot generation so that they don't get an infinite recursion issue.
Yes I did read the description and I've tried 60%, 55%, and 50%. Still the error persists. The only mods I have installed is this one and the Universal Ammo one. Am I tripping or is the VanillaLoadouts setting just currently broken when I set to False? It used to work back when I played it on 3.5.X, bit disappointed it isn't now.
when enabling uni muzzle adapters and disabling the other to muzzle configs it only enables caps instead of all comp/adapters
Hello ! Can i setup handguard and dust cover "SAG MK 3" to ak 105 or this bullshit?
is there a way to turn off bot loadout with yer mod?
Tyrian Author
Yes there's a setting in the config for it, as stated in the description. But this will not make it compatible with the progression mod however.
Damn 😔✊
Hey since I know your a good Modder I have a question, and maybe some help if you have the free time. For some reason whenever I load into a raid, the memory used by SPT increases gradually up to 32gb in about 30 seconds (I have 32gb Only) and then lags my computer basically. If you are willing to help, I can get you a log, or if you have any other suggestions on where I can get help that would be great aswell.
Just figured out, After removing your radar plugin, the issue stopped. Weird. (Accurate Circular Radar Mod) Continuation of your mod.
Tyrian Author
Seems that the continuation of my mod has a memory leak or something, might be worth telling the guy who continued the project.
Okay just ran another test on Factory without the mod, and the issue still occured. It seems this issue is random, since I first tested it on customs 3 times with the mod and it happened everytime, but when I removed it, it ran fine. I just ran a factory raid without the mod, and the issue occured again in around 15 seconds. This is pretty weird.
Tyrian Author
Might I suggest g etting yourself a memory cleaner program like Reduce Memory and have it auto clean ram if it hits 75% ish? That helps me a lot usually.
Well thats the problem, its using 32GB of ram on factory which is 100%. I pretty sure its like a repeating null reference error with a Item or something, since when a wave of Bots spawn at the start, that is when it starts gradually increasing my ram
Any idea if this mod will ever be compatible with Algorithmic Level Progression?
Tyrian Author
The guy who made that mod will need to edit his mod to be compatible with this, I can't change how his mod generates bot loadouts with infinite recursion possibilities.
Okay, Thank you for the quick reply!
Compatible with 3.6.1? and if not is an update coming soon?
Did you ever find this out or make it work?
yes it seems to work fine, shame universal ammo isn't an option for this mod though. just parts
Tyrian Author
Universal ammo is a seperate mod
Anybody have this working on 3.5.8?
It works fine.
Thx for the good work!
two things I thougt need some adjustment:
1. After using the "SensibleModsExtended" ,some slot got accessible to too may attachments and many of them just out of the screen in weapon customization presets...
2. there are many attachments still only accessible to specific attachments/weapons, basically are muzzle/stock adapters or mounts, (for example,MP9 sound suppressor mount or mp133 stock adapter), which really lower the possiblity and joy this mod could offer. It will be appreciated if we could get more loose muzzle device adapters accessibility or mount on mount choices.
Anyway this mod still a exciting one especially for people who enjoy cursed alien stick.
Thank you again!
P.S, could you pls make the receiver and magazine 2 devided options in the config?
i have this problem
Waffe 5a17f98cfcdbcb0980087290 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_barrel' in weapon_glock_glock_17_gen3_9x19 Holster wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5a7ae0c351dfba0017554310 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Bot test is missing an equpiment settings value for: laserIsActiveChancePercent, falling back to default of: 50
Keine Kaliberinformation vorhanden für 5ba26383d4351e00334c93d9 - weapon_hk_mp7a1_46x30, auf 5ba2678ad4351e44f824b344 zurückgefallen
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_stock' in weapon_hk_mp7a1_46x30 SecondPrimaryWeapon wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5ba26383d4351e00334c93d9 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_barrel' in weapon_beretta_m9a3_9x19 Holster wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5cadc190ae921500103bb3b6 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_barrel' in weapon_glock_glock_18c_gen3_9x19 Holster wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5b1fa9b25acfc40018633c01 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_reciever' in weapon_bt_mp9_9x19 FirstPrimaryWeapon wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5e00903ae9dc277128008b87 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Keine Kaliberinformation vorhanden für 5d67abc1a4b93614ec50137f - weapon_fn_five_seven_57x28_fde, auf 5cc80f8fe4a949033b0224a2 zurückgefallen
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_barrel' in weapon_fn_five_seven_57x28_fde Holster wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5d67abc1a4b93614ec50137f wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Keine Kaliberinformation vorhanden für 5e81ebcd8e146c7080625e15 - weapon_fn_40gl_s, auf 5ede474b0c226a66f5402622 zurückgefallen
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_pistol_grip' in weapon_fn_40gl_s SecondPrimaryWeapon wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5e81ebcd8e146c7080625e15 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Keine Kaliberinformation vorhanden für 5d3eb3b0a4b93615055e84d2 - weapon_fn_five_seven_57x28, auf 5cc80f8fe4a949033b0224a2 zurückgefallen
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_barrel' in weapon_fn_five_seven_57x28 Holster wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5d3eb3b0a4b93615055e84d2 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_barrel' in weapon_glock_glock_17_gen3_9x19 Holster wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5a7ae0c351dfba0017554310 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_stock' in weapon_springfield_m1a_762x51 FirstPrimaryWeapon wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5aafa857e5b5b00018480968 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_barrel' in weapon_colt_m45a1_1143x23 Holster wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5f36a0e5fbf956000b716b65 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_pistol_grip' in weapon_molot_aps_9x18pm Holster wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5a17f98cfcdbcb0980087290 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_barrel' in weapon_glock_glock_18c_gen3_9x19 Holster wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 5b1fa9b25acfc40018633c01 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Benötigter Modifikationsplatz 'mod_barrel' in weapon_hk_g36_556x45 FirstPrimaryWeapon wurde leer erzeugt
Waffe 623063e994fc3f7b302a9696 wurde inkorrekt erzeugt, auf Basiswaffe zurückgefallen, siehe Fehlermeldung oben
Profiländerungen gespeichert
[Client Request] /client/game/bot/generate
[Client Request] /launcher/profile/info
[Client Request] /launcher/server/version
Profiländerungen gespeichert
how i can fix it
i read the mod info but i didnt get it to work
bots are spawning but i get this info
is it makes problems or is this mod not really work to 100 procent
maybe i should use aki 3.5.6 intead of 3.5.5
Tyrian Author
It doesn't matter if you use 3.5.6 or 3.5.5, the same version works on both.
Either way, you probably have a mod installed that conflicts. Or, you've not got the bot generation fixes enabled in the config.
i have svm
Maybe its not compatible
but can i turn off bot generation ?
even with all the power this mod gives me, I cant put a CQR grip on an AK
maybe one day
Tyrian Author
You mean like this? Make sure your config is setup right and you've got latest version.
I'll have to mess around with the config until I get it, thank you keeping the dream alive
If I were to uninstall it do I just have to get rid of the cursed weapons or are there extra steps involved?
Tyrian Author
Just uninstall it tbf, the weapons will stay. Until you disassemble them.
Cursed Guns
This there a unsensible version?
Where i can stack scopes on top of each other?
Tyrian Author
Yes, just enable the Cursed option in the config.
Hey, mp5k still doesnt have a muzzle slot after the last change, any chance you can add that?
Tyrian Author
That's because the MP5K receiver doesn't have a muzzle slot as standard. My mod doesn't ADD slots. Just pushes items to the already available slots.
In order to add a slot to the MP5K receiver, it would require finding out how to decompile the bundle and recompile it with a positioning for the muzzle slot.
Currently you can't swap receivers between weapons, but you can use random things to swap into the receiver slot
so for example you cant change mp5k receiver into mp5 because the slot is incompatible, is there any chance you can allow this please? (this is with cursed on)
Tyrian Author
Have you tried enabling the RemoveVanillaModConflicts setting?
Every single thing is set to true, is it possible for you to change M4 Receiver into mp5 or the other way around? I assumed it just doesn't work in the mod, same as switching a magazine from m4 iinto mp5. I can't really tell with your comment if it's my issue or mod issue now
Tyrian Author
I can do that fine with latest. You must be using an outdated version, or another mod is blocking it.
Is there a way to configure the Rows/Columns of the weapon Mods in the Edit Preset screen? I find I have Mods outside of my screen that I cannot get at - or move off the selection since I cannot see "None" as an option. That may be user error on my part. In any case, thank you for your efforts - I am having a ton of fun with this!
Tyrian Author
Sadly there is not, no. All you can really do is try to limit what you enable. Enabling the 'Extended' setting also convolutes the mod screen a lot more too. All you can really do is search for parts on the flea instead and add them on one by one.
I am very glad that you are constantly adding/correcting your mods. Good luck to you!
hey i installed the mod and somehow it doesn't work even after i turn on the '' Truely Cursed '' thing, i can't mod my gun it only shows the normal things it goes with but not the other parts
Tyrian Author
Update to latest, this was fixed with 1.1.5
Tyrian Author
New release has been made, should hopefully fix some of the bot generation issues others were having with my prior implementation of a fix.
Please let me know!