MoreCheckmarks v1.5.14 for 3.9.0 - 30626

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

A mod that adds checkmarks and more detailed tooltips to items to indicate if it is needed for hideout upgrades, quests, or if it is on your wishlist

More Checkmarks

A mod for SPT-AKI that shows a colored checkmark on items needed to upgrade hideout modules and items that are on the player's wish list.

Also shows a tooltip with the list of modules the item is needed for when cursor hovers over the checkmark.

If the item is also needed for a quest or is found in raid (so should already have a checkmark) it will have the different color but will still show found in raid or the quest in the tooltip.

  • A RED checkmark means the item is needed in hideout but more is needed to fulfill the requirement of at least one of the modules you need it for.
  • A GREEN checkmark means the item is needed in hideout and fulfills the required amount of all the modules that need it. Note that this does not mean you have enough to upgrade all of the modules that need it. Say if you need 2 wires to upgrade a module and 3 wires to upgrade another, and you have 3 wires in total inside your stash, the checkmark will be blue but if you upgrade one of the modules, you wont have enough to upgrade the other and the checkmark will go back to red. This though, can now be changed in the config using the fulfilledAnyCanBeUpgraded setting. See config section below.
  • A BLUE checkmark means the item is on the wish list.
  • A MAGENTA checkmark means the item is needed for a trade/barter.
  • A CYAN checkmark means the item is needed for a crafting recipe.
  • The tooltip will first show "found in raid count"/"total count in stash"
  • The tooltip will show individual color for each module, green, red, or blue, depending on whether you have enough of the item for the specific module or if it's on the wish list.
  • The tooltip will also show the counts: (current count of the item in the stash / total count needed by all modules)
  • If the "Take" option is available when trying to pick up loose loot, it will be color coded as well.
  • The colors can be changed in the config. The ones above are default.







1. Download

2. Extract zip file into the game folder (Inside you game folder you should end up with /BepinEx/plugins/MoreCheckmarks and /user/mods/MoreCheckmarksBackend)


There are some settings available in the provided config file described below:

- fulfilledAnyCanBeUpgraded: This setting will decide when to display a fulfilled checkmark for a hideout required item.

true means to display fulfilled when AT LEAST ONE of the hideout modules requiring this item can be upgraded with the amount of the item there is in stash

false means to display fulfilled when ALL of the hideout modules requiring this item can be upgraded

- questPrioriry, hideoutPriority, wishlistPriority, barterPriority and craftPriority: These settings will decide which checkmark to give priority to. If the item is needed for a quest, needed for a hideout module, and is on the wishlist, the one with the highest priority will be displayed. These are integers, and the greater the number, the higher the priority.

- showFutureModulesLevels: This setting will decide whether to show requirements for future hideout module levels instead of only the next one.

- showBarter: This setting will decide whether to show checkmark and tooltip for barter/trades this item is needed for.

- showCraft: This setting will decide whether to show checkmark and tooltip for crafting recipes this item is needed for.

- showFutureCraft: This setting will decide whether to show checkmark and tooltip for crafting recipes this item is needed for on hideout areas of higher level than they are now.

- needMoreColor, fulfilledColor, wishlistColor, barterColor and craftColor: These settings are used to changed the colors of the different checkmarks. needMoreColor is a light red by default, appears when you still need more of that item. fulfilledColor is a light green by default, appears when you fulfilled the requirements of all modules that require it depending on fulfilledAnyCanBeUpgraded setting. The format is [ red,green,blue ]. The values should always be in RGB in range [0 - 1]

- includeFutureQuests: This setting will decide whether to consider future quests when checking which quests an item is required for. If false, will just be as vanilla.

  • :thumbup: <3

  • Seems to be dumping on module init.

    SPT - 3.9.2 - 63420f

    EFT -

  • Is there any way to set it so that if I have enough items for all future quests it changes the checkmart to green?

    The way it does for hideout upgrades, but so that it also behaves that way for quests?

    At the moment, I have 4 tapes, but according to the checkmark I need only one for a future quest Key to the tower, but the checkmark is still yellow.

    Any ideas? Any help will be highly appriciated! Thank you!

  • This is such a good mod. Thank you for creating this!

  • Absolutely bizarre bug encountered just now. When installing, seems to work fine and like expected in game. However, trying to load the Hideout simply sends you to a blank main menu screen, unable to leave the screen and forcing you to force close the game. When trying to play as SCAV the menu for choosing a map is blank, with only the back button. Removing the mod files fixes the problem. Bizzare.

  • Can't play without this mod. I have like 30 mods and this works flawlessly with them, thank you so much!

    Heart 2
  • im having an issue and i dont know why, I installed the mod and all fine, even on the laucher shows that the mod is intalles but when im on the game it doesn work, the checkmarks never appeard, I dont know why:(

  • Great mod! But I've met trouble!
    I installed lots of mods includes swag+donuts, traders and so on. And I found when I pick loose loot up, the model won't vanish, I still can take item into my backpack.

    And it's the same when I drop my backpack and pick up again, there's a backpack model on the ground.

    I uninstall this mod and everything works fine. I will try to install it again, just to let you know

  • Can't play the game without this mod, so useful, thanks for making this!

  • Noticed some slight issues with quest checkmarks, will sometimes show 0/0 for recently completed quests, or 0/X for quest items you have already turned in.

  • Great mod, the first one to install.

    one question:fulfilled green color dont work on quest items right? or i set something wrong.

    i set questpriority to 4 hideout to 3 dont work, 4/4 quest items checkmarks still yellow.

    also dont work if showFutureModulesLevels: true, 8/8 still red. if set it to "false" 5/5 checkmark shows green.

    im good with it. just want to let you know, or maybe you make it this way. :thumbup:

  • I have no idea what just happened, the mod stop working :( I think I installed Mosin Extension with compatibility patch, guiding lights, ram cleaner and auto deposit. I reinstalled this mod and uninstalled all new ones but still does not work. No idea what logs do you need so I will post every logs I can find :v…dz1c2BCbFKGYP?usp=sharing

    • Somehow managed to make it work again, after reinstalling all quest/traders mods, and reinstalling all VQCT again and changing things in order.json it works. Maybe it was something about mods and replacing existing files.

  • Is there a way to clear items from your wishlist? I have gathered them already, and just want items I still need.

    • yeah just in the base game

      go to flea, in the top left next to the 'browse' tab, there is a 'w-list' tab

      right click the items you dont want and click "remove from wishlist"

      you dont have to be in the 'w-lists' tab to do this though, you can right click an item already on your wish list and click "remove from wishlist", its just easier to see them all in one spot :)

  • Is it possible to use the actual names for custom traders when looking at barters in the drop down? For example it says "custom trader 9" instead of "Scorpion"

  • Is it normal that the mod will void the checkmarks for a properly modified weapon that fit the gunsmith quest requirement? Or a setting problem?

  • Still not working for SPT-AKI 3.8.0 - 0c404c build without any other mods.

    Mod loads and has no errors but there is just no "more checkmarks".

  • How to disable "take" color function? In any other language, the annoying English inscription "TAKE"


    • Oh yeah i think i hardcoded that. You could probably modify the code to use the locales instead. Github is there, implement that and make a pull request.

  • Is there a way to make the check mark always show? even on not FiR items

    • You mean specifically for quest items? Not currently.

      I won't be adding features to this any time soon. Github link is there, feel free to implement it yourself and make a pull request.

  • I have finished the Therapist's quest "First in Line" but I still get the checkmark for the quest on medical items, do you know how I can fix this?

    • Has restarted the game fixed the issue?

    • Yes, the issue has been resolved and was likely due to a restart or profile reset. Probably an issue on my end. I forgot to come back and inform. Thanks a lot for the great mod!

    • I thought i was updating a quest's item requirements when the quest gets completed but it might not be working as intended. A restart would refresh which quests are now completed so it would fix it yeah. Anyway, if it happens again let me know, I could take a look

    • Roger that, will do!

  • Could you consider in the future adding ‘needed for future quests’ as a separate entity with its own colour? Perhaps orange? I would like to be able to distinguish between an item that is needed now and an item that is needed sometime in the future.

    • I won't be adding features to this any time soon. Github link is there, feel free to implement it yourself and make a pull request.

  • Any chance you can add a config option to disable wishlist checkmarks? I use the wishlist to track items I want to buy quickly from the flea market, so having those items checkmarked is annoying. Obviously a solution is to just not use the wishlist like this, but I still wanted to ask in case it'd be possible.

    • I won't be adding features to this any time soon. Github link is there, feel free to implement it yourself and make a pull request.

      Heart 1
  • Not sure if anyone has a solution but its worth a shot.

    Importing configs...

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.257Z] info: Commit hash: 2dd4d914382657378d9cdec173039d771fe33220

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.257Z] info: Build date: 1714109715211

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.288Z] info: ModLoader: loading 1 server mods...

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.289Z] error: Mod (MoreCheckmarks-1.5.13-for-3.8.0-29197) is missing package.json. Make sure you have checked the mods hub page for install instructions

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.331Z] info: Server: executing startup callbacks...

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.331Z] debug: OS: x64 | Windows 10 Home | win32

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.332Z] debug: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz cores: 6

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.332Z] debug: RAM: 15.92GB

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.332Z] debug: PATH: QzpcVXNlcnNcZGFmdDRcT25lRHJpdmVcRGVza3RvcFxpbnRzYWxsYWVyXEFraS5TZXJ2ZXIuZXhl

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.332Z] debug: PATH: QzpcVXNlcnNcZGFmdDRcT25lRHJpdmVcRGVza3RvcFxpbnRzYWxsYWVyXEFraS5TZXJ2ZXIuZXhl

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.333Z] debug: Server: 3.8.0

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.333Z] debug: Date: 1714109715211

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.333Z] debug: Commit: 2dd4d914382657378d9cdec173039d771fe33220

    [2024-05-03T22:32:04.334Z] info: Importing database...

    [2024-05-03T22:32:08.505Z] info: Database import finished

    [2024-05-03T22:32:13.473Z] succ: Started webserver at

    [2024-05-03T22:32:13.473Z] succ: Started websocket at ws://

    [2024-05-03T22:32:13.474Z] succ: Server is running, do not close while playing SPT, Happy playing!!

    This mod used to work then I updated everything and it does not work at allll with out this mod the game is poop! Help please...

    Thinking 1
  • Hello,

    Do you think it would be possible as an optional config setting (disabled by default) to make it show floating icons on colored loot. For instance if a container has a wishlisted item and it's in a container near you an icon will show on the container with the color.

    • Loot gets generated when you open the container, it would be too complicated

    • X to doubt. This mod was able to do it:

      I used it last wipe and it showed loot values in containers, cabinets, etc. See screenshot.

      The mod owner isn't going to be updating it anymore so I'm looking for someone who can make something similar.


    • "What is worth searching" not "Exactly what loot it contains".

      Look, its definitely possible, and I know how to do it, but the amount of effort is not worth it. I would have to literally generate the container loot before you loot it for all containers and then keep track of which container has what. Im not about to go mess around in the loot generation systems of the game. If you want, github link is there, do it yourself, make a pull request.

    • Amanda sens has the same thing its shows witch container has valueable loot maybe you can copy from them or something ?

  • Im new to spt and this is the only mod i cant get working. Not sure how to get the logs you need to help me...a brief explanation of how to get them would be greatly appreciated. in the this what you need?

    [Info :MoreCheckmarks] MoreCheckmarks Started

    [Info :MoreCheckmarks] Configs loaded

    [Info :MoreCheckmarks] Assets loaded

    [Info :MoreCheckmarks] Loading data

    [Info :MoreCheckmarks] Quests

    [Info :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 6617f39100058c7f4aa8c0d7:/MoreCheckmarksRoutes/quests

    [Info :RequestHandler] Request was successful

    JsonReaderException: Error reading JArray from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not an array: StartObject. Path '', line 1, position 1.

    at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray.Load (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JsonLoadSettings settings) [0x0004c] in <a188f91889dd430ea0449cfb94e0c4ca>:0

    at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray.Parse (System.String json, Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JsonLoadSettings settings) [0x0000c] in <a188f91889dd430ea0449cfb94e0c4ca>:0

    at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray.Parse (System.String json) [0x00000] in <a188f91889dd430ea0449cfb94e0c4ca>:0

    at MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.LoadData () [0x0001e] in <a525ddedde14416faf1a6aa1d7aac781>:0

    at MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.Init () [0x00039] in <a525ddedde14416faf1a6aa1d7aac781>:0

    at MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.Start () [0x00016] in <a525ddedde14416faf1a6aa1d7aac781>:0

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Not working for SPT-AKI 3.8.0 - 0c404c build without any mod

    Heart 1
  • I was using morecheckmarks for 3.6.1 and when I would move items to the stash it would immediately update how many I have/how many I need counter. But I am noticing in 3.8.0 it seems to take a few minutes. Have there been any other reports of this? Is there a way to have it immediately recognize when an item is in stash and to count it in the counter?

    • See comment by Vakari below

    • Hmm interesting. I do not have LootValue mod and like I said it pretty much instantaneously updated the counter when I moved the item to the stash in 3.6.1. I wonder why it was fast for me in 3.6.1 and now it's slower.

    • i'm having the same issue. nothing to do with lootvalue mod in this instance as i don't have that either.

      The counter did used to take an extra movement of the item once transferred from the inventory to stash to update but now i have various items that say i have 0/4 etc either for the tasks or total, all items either in my stash, scav junk box or rigs/bags

    • Vakari's issue had nothing to do with lootvalue, see comments below

  • Doesn't seem to quite setup right with AKI 3.8.0 / Client: 29197:

    [Message: ModVerify] MoreCheckmarks Version:1.5.13( CRC32:687A2C09

    [Info :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 6614074200059911973052ae:

    [Info :RequestHandler] Request was successful

    [Info :RequestHandler] Request GET json: 6614074200059911973052ae:

    [Info :RequestHandler] Request was successful

    [Info :MoreCheckmarks] MoreCheckmarks Started

    [Info :MoreCheckmarks] Configs loaded

    [Info :MoreCheckmarks] Assets loaded

    [Error : Unity Log] MissingMethodException: string Aki.Common.Http.RequestHandler.GetJson(string)

    Stack trace:

    MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.Init () (at <a525ddedde14416faf1a6aa1d7aac781>:0)

    MoreCheckmarks.MoreCheckmarksMod.Start () (at <a525ddedde14416faf1a6aa1d7aac781>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class358:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    This results in no checkmarks being loaded and only showing the default FIR check. LootValues is also installed and appears to be working, so I'm guessing it's that failing REST call to the backend.

    Dug into the source, couldn't get it compiling due to the Assembly-CSharp from Tarkov missing ActionsReturnClass & ActionsTypesClass, went digging around and the GetActionsClass::smethod_4() looks quite different from the method seems to expect but I'm not super familiar with Harmony patching tbh. Either way the stacktrace above points to a totally different issue.

    • looks like youre not actually running 3.8.0

    • Running SPT-AKI 3.8.0 - 0c404c; But fixed it for myself rebuilding the dll replacing ActionsReturnClass and ActionsTypesClass for GClass3007 & GClass3008

    • could you show how you did that?

  • Hi, I set the config for barter and craft to false but they both still show.

  • Wont work for me for some reason. I deleted all the mods and just installed morecheckmarks and it still doesnt work. I only have the foundinraid checkmark

    ModLoader: 1 Server-Mods werden geladen...

    Mod: MoreCheckmarksBackend Version: 1.5.10 von: VIP geladen

    Server: Startprozesse werden ausgeführt...

    Datenbank wird importiert...

    Datenbankimport abgeschlossen.

    Profile: 66151fbb0000879ba1b5b6e1 took: 0.624000000000251ms to load.

    Profile: 661520c400008024618348e8 took: 0.8917999999998756ms to load.

    Webserver bei gestartet

    Websocket auf ws:// gestartet

    Der Server läuft. Schließen Sie ihn nicht, während Sie SPT spielen, Viel Spaß beim Spielen!!

    • Try latest version, 1.5.13

    • I've installed the latest version now but the problem still persists. There just arent any checkmarks. I am running: SPT-AKI 3.8.0 - 0c404c

      I also checked the config but everything looked normal. Any other ideas?

      The mod worked for me on 3.7 a few weeks ago.

      Pressing ingame F112 and checking advanced settings, it shows Morecheckmarks under "Plugins with no options available", so i dont think its not loaded or installed incorrectly

    • u fixed that?

  • Sorry if you mentioned it before but I am curious if there is a simple way for custom traders to be added to this rather than things like "custom trader 18"?

    Or at the least an easy way to identify which custom trader is actually custom trader 18 lol.

    • Not sure how to get their name, don't have time to spend researching how custom traders work. You can do it and make a pull request on github though