KRISS Vector .308 assault rifle 1.2.0

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Fictional assault rifle inspired by Rainbow Six: Siege.

My earlier work.

Who wouldn't want to own a KRISS Vector that fires .308?


Two barrels: 11-inch standard, 185mm short

Two magazines: 10-round single stack magazine, 50-round drum magazine, 20-round magazine(1.1.0)


Just like other mods. Unzip and drop Mass_V308 folder into "[Your EFT Directory]/user/mods".

You should be able to find it and its parts in Mechanic's shop and on the flea market.

Feel free to drop your errors into the comments.

Known Issue:

Due to it's nature of mesh stretched KRISS Vector, the gun's shading in some place may look a bit strange.

  • Not sure if it was stated anywhere, but this mod DOES NOT work for Fika at the moment. The host of the Fika server (me) can get in with the gun working, but when someone else tries to join it doesn't work. Tried removing the SPT realism folder, and keeping it in, with no luck. This mod is outdated by now, as I don't plan on updating my Fika server for a bit, if someone could look into this, or maybe there is a work around?

  • Love this mod and the gun is awesome. I just have a question. The top rail looks like it should be able to accommodate a scope ring but it says it is not compatible. Is this the intended interaction?

  • I always thought Lion's gun was rad and bringing it to tarkov is pretty fun.

    I did notice that the rail position for 12 o'clock lasers seems to be the same as the standard vector, would it be difficult to move it forwards towards the front sight?

  • you think an update to 3.8.0 could do? with the new version of SPT if there are any issues with a mod detected then no mods will load so i cant even work out a way to get old versions of it to run on 3.8.0 like you could with the older versions.

  • cant load D.U.D.S in it :(

  • I really like this mod. After playing Ghost Recon Breakpoint, I fell in love with the excessively long Vectors. Need an even longer version!

  • For those wondering, this still works with 3.7.4

    Thumbs Up 1
  • *Can we please have AK-308*

  • Here's the true test. If it works with 3.7.0

  • works so far on 3.6.1? did my first raid no issues. wish the grouping of the hyper burst was tighter though.

  • How would I alter the horizontal recoil? I've altered "RecoilForceback" substantially which did change the horizontal recoil stat when inspecting the gun, but the recoil was still immense ingame when shooting. Is it possible to alter the recoil and how would I do so?

    • If you have SVM (its one of the top downloaded mods) you can find the item ID of something like the barrel or handguard and alter the items stats. I used SVM to increase the fire rate to 1200 on the V.308 and reduce its recoil and ergo, it can all be done pretty easily through SVM. Also if you're playing on pre 3.8.0 there are recoil tweaker mods that allow you to change basically everything in regards to recoil using the F12 menu in game.

      look up Item ID finder for EFT to find item IDs for items in official EFT but if its a modded gun or item not in official EFT you have to search through the files, once you've found it you can paste it into SVM's individual item changer, it should look something like this:


      I highly recommend SVM, I first tried going into the game files to change the recoil but it simply didn't work just like you described so your two options are to 1. get SVM and manually do it or 2. get a recoil tweaker mod but it will change recoil for all guns universally.

  • I would pay you to add an extended rail/fore-end to cover the longer barrel. This thing is wild and I love it.

    Also, I have no idea why so many people seem to have issues with a wild gun concept in a video game. An optional mod at that. If you don't like it, don't use it. I think it's rad, and I'm gonna keep blasting shit with it.

  • I find it hard to believe that .308 could be thrown into an upsized vector and have no vertical recoil that seems a bit unrealistic

    Crying 1
  • IT's a great mod :) .By any chance can you make a 20 round magazine?

  • Some rando: "Who the hell makes a vector chambered in .308 at 3 in the morning?"

    You:"DOH BOY 3AM!!!!"

  • Great mod, pairs well with .308 D.U.D.S mod. Kinda wish 30 round mags were included due to the drum's high ergo penalty.

  • I like it a lot. There is only one problem: it seems to have some compatibility issues with SPT Realism Mod stances.

  • Sick mod 10/10

  • jeeez, why put an rifle caliber on an smg?

    why dont use instead huge pistol caliber like 50AE, 500 s&w or the FN 5.7x28mm with the e.g. military SS190 bullet???

    the cardridge is much bigger.. u forgot about the bigger and heavier magazines i own an Haenel CR308 ;)

    some research in pistol calibers recommended ;)

    ? 4 Thinking 1
    • Alright soo:

      1. morph the vector model and mags so the 50 ae model fits

      2. port the round and all its code from KMC

      3. code in prices , when you can buy from trader etc.

      4. debugging

      5. and then publish

      oh my its 5 steps! Why dont you do it?

      Happy 1
    • Quote

      jeeez, why put an rifle caliber on an smg?


      some research in pistol calibers recommended ;)

      Some research on where this gun originated from is recommended. kanacurious

      This isn't an original creation the mod author did for fun, it's a fictional firearm a AAA game company did for fun, and the mod author made a version of it for SPT.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • If you'd have read the very first text (the short description) and done your own due diligence in researching, you'd find out that it's a fictional rifle chambered in .308 for Rainbow: Six Siege, based on the Vector. Yes; it's not a real rifle. :)

      A quote from a comment mentioning the gun in a Steam thread: "... and is just plain badass considering it's a Vector chambered in .308."

      The mod author simply (well, not so simple to do maybe) ported it for use in SPT. Even if it were a real rifle, we don't really decide what guns people upload on the workshop nor what said guns are chambered in. It's a community and people upload what they want within the guidelines. Real or fictional. Thus, your comment is redundant.

      Aside from that, I would LOVE to see a functional Deagle chambered in .50 AE. It's a beaut. Thanks for mentioning that caliber!

      Thumbs Up 2
    • Quote

      Aside from that, I would LOVE to see a functional Deagle chambered in .50 AE. It's a beaut. Thanks for mentioning that caliber!

      May I recommend Katto's KMC Gear and Weapons? It takes some fenagling to get working on the current build, but it does have a functional .50 AE Desert Eagle.

    • Yup, I've seen and used it in the past. It had some issues, mainly the aim not aligning properly. Besides that, I'm not a huge fan of adding in modded weapons due to the possibility of the save or stash going kaput. I have also seen and had that happen.

      If Katto's fixed the Deagle since then (which isn't an obligation), I'd be happy to give it another shot. I loved KMC's Weapons!

  • My favourite goofy fictional gun, never expected someone would port it to SPT AKI lol.

    Cool mod!

  • Suggestion: Add like a modified grip or muzzle attachment that reduces the recoil by a ton so it actually becomes usable beyond 5 meters.

  • Awesome mod.

    The one criticism is that the fire rate takes me out of the immersion. 840 RPM for a .308 round is nonsense to anyone that has shot irl .308 (I have).

    I can see the next update to this mod being a 600-700 RPM rate. maximum, or at least make it the same as other .308 chambered automatic rifles in the game, like the SA or the SCAR-H.

    • 850rpm is the estimated rpm of KRISS Vector's bolt mechanism firing .308. High rpm is kind of the gun's characteristic.

    • Quote

      850rpm is the estimated rpm of KRISS Vector's bolt mechanism firing .308. High rpm is kind of the gun's characteristic.

      While true, they did lower it in R6 to compensate for the larger cartridge's power and cycle time in the larger frame, allowing Lion the operator to control the .308's recoil better with the slower RPM

    • Massivesoft, read my comment again. An 850rpm .308 is not something you would see in IRL, because it is not possible to shoot such large cartridge out of a tiny puny smg like the Vector, without a significant recovery time. People don't realize just how big of a round is .308, and how much powder it contains.

    • If I wanted to shoot 308 at a slow rate I would just use the FAL or the MDR.

      You can just go SPT\user\mods\Mass_V308\Mass_V308\items_clone.json change ["bFirerate": 848,] on line 29 to ["bFirerate": 700,] or whatever you want it to be.

      Personally I think the 850 RPM is too slow considering the bolt has such a tiny space to travel and probably has to go back up without much delay and I don't see this Vector having any increased dimensions to allow for that.

      • "If I wanted to shoot 308 at a slow rate I would just use the FAL or the MDR."

      Sure, but there is a purpose in having different guns with same rounds. You're logic is akin as me saying "why do we need an AK chambered in 5.56x45. If I wanted to shoot 5.56 I would just use an M4."It's not a sound argument. Different guns offer different feels. And in videogames, they offer different play styles too. There is absolutely space for a .308 Vector, though incredibly unrealistic IRL, in the game it's a fun and creative idea. So no...But since the whole game of Tarkov revolves around "realism" (LOL), having a 308 shootting at anything more than 600 RPM takes me right out of the immersion. That's all. Not saying it's a sin or evil. Just, a bit un-immersive.

      • "You can just go [...]"

      Great! Thanks. Appreciate the direction.

      • "Personally I think the 850 RPM is too slow"

      And that is why it could never work in real life. But aside from that, the fire rate is not just dictated by the bolt length. It's a mix of factors. Springs, gas block, cycling rate mechanism (haw fast can the system reload the next round), recovery rate of the firing pin (also mechanical limitation), and feeding mechanism settings. Besides manufactures limit the speed on purpose because shooting anything at a higher rpm leads to several issues: recoil management, heating and ammo name few of the most important ones.When you shoot 9x19 ammo or 45ACP, you are shooting a relatively cheap round. When you shoot a .308, you understand you are dealing with a far more expensive round. So clearing a 30 round mag in less than 2 seconds is not ideal for anyone. Chances are most of your shots will not be on target, and you blow through your ammo budget in a tenth of the time.
      The last thing is thermals. Shooting a small round like a 45 or a 9 mil, is one thing. Shooting a brick sized round like a .308 is another. Here's a number that will blow your mind: In a 9mil round there ar roughly 5 grains of gun powder. In a .308 there are 56 (give or take). You do the math on how much heat that explosion in your barrel produces compared to a conventional 9 mil or a 45ACP (about 15 grains of powder).

      So no, 850 RPM is a stupid speed even for pistol caliber guns like the Vector.

      Does it look, sound and feel cool, though? Hell yeah!

  • "Better shoot accurately brother, cuz you spendin' a thousand bucks a second with this bad boy"

    Happy 1
  • this is honestly super cool, but i kind of wish it had a slower fire rate similar to how it is in siege. firing .308 at 850rpm is just crazy. nonetheless its a great mod :thumbup: