Extra Ammo For Everyone 2.0.5

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Ever thought to yourself, "I need more bullets"?! This is the mod for you! A selection of various true to life, prototype and fictional ammo.

TEAM MADE MOD. YIAAAaaaaªªªªª!!!  bugcatrainbow bugcatheadbumping  bugcatchillin   bugcatdrunk  bugcatscared

This mods adds real ammo variants to the game, some prototypes and fictional.

The folder has TWO OPTIONS, "Vanilla" and one called "Realism" which tries to be balanced specifically to work with "SPT Realism Mod" by Fontaine.

IF YOU USE SPT REALISM, YOU MUST PUT IT THE LAST IN THE MOD ORDER (An easy way to do it is editing the folder name and writing 'zz' or 'zzz' at the start) !!!



  • Version 2.0.5

    3.8.x HOTFIX

    SiulSC here, I am posting the 3.8.x update for the team. I know it took a lot of time, but in reality we had the update ready like a month ago but I never got to push it because I had to fix realism compatibility. I finally finished doing that and I am posting the update.

    Fixed an issue where 12g Birdshot would randomly lose its icon and become a doge.

    Fixed realism for 3.8.x; The current realism values for 3.8.x version are from 3.7.x which I don't know if any significant changes were made to realism system that could affect realism gameplay using this mod (I don't play realism). Hopefully nothing major changed and if so, the realism version of the mod should work normally.

  • Version 2.0.3


    Fixed Ammo Stats for Realism Version.

    Cleaned up some files.

  • Version 2.0.2

    Hey, SiulSC Here. I wanted to post this update for the team. Pettan went ahead and fixed basically all of the prefabs. Thanks to anyone who keeps supporting the mod.


    Fixed Prefabs - You will see the impact this makes on the models themselves and how they are rendered for icons.

    Fixed 7N25 assort (Only for 3.7.x version).

    This mod is basically complete and not many major updates will be made FOR NOW.

  • Version 2.0.1

    oooooiiiiiiiii sacrifice


    REDOWNLOAD IT PLZ, fixed the hotfix animebuttmove animebuttmove

    Smol fixes: bugcatworking

    - Realistic Prices. trustme

    - Cleaning some code from non used items. bugcatchillin

    - 5.7x28 VBR id fixed in traders/assort. lolipanic

    Mod incompatibilities detected:




    VirusTotal id:


  • Version 2.0.0


    GIVA MEA MOAR BOULEEETS!!!!!!!!! aquadesperate

    Same mod but with new 3D Models and new variants too. animedancechikadancinganimedance2

    The team who made it possible:

    - KobalTt

    - Pettan

    - Sanote

    - SiulSC


    Tell about mod conflicting and errors (maybe we can fix it... or not) sacrifice bugcatmadbugcatohwhy

    VirusTotal Results:




  • Version 1.0.7

    Little fixes and ammo additions bugcatdrunk


    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lolipanic

    Ammo added:

    "SANOTE7BT3019x21": 9x21mm BT gs (a better SP13),

    "SANOTEMK262556x45": 5.56x45mm MK.262 Mod 1(match grade ammo for long range used by Mk12 SPR),

    "SANOTE7T2M1762x54": 7.62x54mm R T-46M1 gzh (7T2M1),

    "SANOTE7BZ3762x54": 7.62x54mm R B-32M gs (7BZ3-01)(API/Explosive round),

    "SANOTEVOG25M40MMRU": 40mm VOG-25M grenade (more explosion radius)


    THE NEXT UPDATE WILL BE HUGE animelaughing  sacrifice  animebuttmove



  • Version 1.0.6

    Fixed, yeeeeep!!! animehappyhop

    *I don't even know what was wrong so I remade it all sacrifice

    **Sorry for the fxckery animebuttmove

    ***Deleted some ammo types to avoid complications. Don't kill me bugcatdrunk

    Virus Total

  • Version 1.0.5

    This update will be for testing with the new build 3.6.0 and 3.6.1, and will have only two options:

    - Vanilla stats.

    - Realism RM stats


    Ammo added:

    "SANOTERIP20ga": 20/70 RIP Slug,

    "SANOTEAP20ga": 20/70 AP Slug,

    "SANOTEFLECHETTE20ga": 20/70 Flechette,

    "SANOTEP41762x25tt": 7.62x25mm TT P-41 (incendiary ap), recommended by Legendary_Dzik

    "SANOTETYPEP762x25tt": 7.62x25mm TT TYPE-P (Chinese subsonic),

    "SANOTETHV762x25tt": 7.62x25mm TT THV (high speed booooiii), recommended by Legendary_Dzik

    "SANOTE7N25M9x18": 9x18mm PM PBM-M,

    "SANOTEVBRM9x19": 9x19mm VBR-Belgium,

    "SANOTEVBR45ACP": .45 ACP VBR-Belgium,

    "SANOTERIP9x33R": .357 Magnum RIP,

    "SANOTEVBR9x33R": .357 Magnum VBR-Belgium,

    "SANOTEVBR46x30": 4.6x30mm VBR-Belgium,



    Virus Total: e730b5f5c7b52847b86adb50d8db80aa34bd6bf44e1110b457694ed19e1324b5

    *Enjoy bugcatrainbowbugcatmadanimeproudclap

  • Version 1.0.2

    - Added Dragon's Breath 12/70. Hot, warm and scorching round sacrifice (It does not burn, but has a massive chance to cause bleeding)

    Now we have 4 options:

    - Vanilla full

    - Vanilla without non real ammo

    - Realism Mod full

    - Realism Mod without non real ammo

    And also Russian locales thanks to Validoleech



  • Version 1.0.1

  • Maybe this could do with a balancing pass, why is M80A1 65 pen while M61 is only 64, as it is right now there is still not a consistent level 5 round niche so why not make M80A1 57 pen and bumping up the flesh damage a bit to make up for it.

    I think it would be more interesting to make rounds that fills niches in-between levels of protection instead of adding 3 new .308 round that all has level 6 pen.

    Also please for the love of god remove the space between A1 in M80A1.

  • do the custom ammo work with ammo stats mod if loaded before it?

    • Yes it Does, Thanks Me, i

      i wrote the question here and then i said < Why don't i just go test it myself!

    • thanks for doing my job

  • could you add the 12.7x55mm double bullet?

    • the 12.7x55 update will be released once vks is done (probably next month)

  • Its say something about cant find live-flea or handbook and setting the price to 1 for the ammo. I have the mod livefleaprices by drakia at the bottom. And extra ammo above. If i move the folder extra ammo bellow or more above i get an error that SPT cant find the folder.

    • I'll test it and tell you my results

    • there must be something wrong on your end because I just tested it and it works

      note: I have my live flea prices loading before extra ammo

    • I tried removing some mods. And It only happen when Raid Overhaul is installed. There might be a conflict with the ammos that Raid overhaul add and your mod.

    • i need to get dj to fix his shit

    • Is there really a conflict with raid overhaul ?

  • Hey so when I disable items in the gobals file (extraammo_items)

    I have another mod that performs periodic refreshes of the traders and it creates a log of when objects are not interacting properly

    The name of the mod is "Limited Traders" by Dead Leaves

    I am not sure how the config is enabling / disabling the ammos but if I am not going to use the ammo- would it make more sense to remove them from the assort?

    If I do that, do I need to remove them from any other files? such as skier's assort? or just remove leave disabled and remove from assort?

    Here is the server log if you're interested.

    Only the items set to "false" in the assort are listed as I mentioned above.

    Found trade with item that doesnt exist in the global database. This is most likely caused by a mod doing something wrong.

    Item ID of broken trade is: 661d377665f4f6d5b2f79588

    Found trade with item that doesnt exist in the global database. This is most likely caused by a mod doing something wrong.

    Item ID of broken trade is: 661d37828d4cbe7b8627057c

    Found trade with item that doesnt exist in the global database. This is most likely caused by a mod doing something wrong.

    Item ID of broken trade is: 661d378d2f03f6e065f1f7fc

    Found trade with item that doesnt exist in the global database. This is most likely caused by a mod doing something wrong.

    Item ID of broken trade is: 661d37a3b418f1d507eff4f7

    Found trade with item that doesnt exist in the global database. This is most likely caused by a mod doing something wrong.

    Item ID of broken trade is: 661d37a8941e775f924600b8

    • does it cause any issues in gameplay?

    • So I managed to remove the following ammo types from the assort (all 3 references of each)

      PS-M (545) -661d38453cfede65deecfcc5

      T-M (545) - 661d384d6c76c0368e35b77c

      M193 (556) - 661d386d3e5c3182cf940586

      type 56 (762) - 661d38cbb4a45c868ae750cf

      m-1153 - 661d37da79ab771556f70fed

      ps gsp (PSTM) 9mm - 661d37e20b5ef7dfb33c651c

      pp (545) - 661d385800c6d94542eff9a7

      bp gzh (545) - 661d385e018e9cdbffb1a16c

      SS-109 (556) - 661d3876f417524769c9a6e9

      Dm-11 (556) - 661d3890b016b9353c6d32d9

      m67 (762) - 661d38d4f637839ae6b5df63

      9x21 BT - 661d380b184eef7642735e00

      dm-31 - 661d3898ab93a323223dc771

      762 BP obr.43 (762 BP) - 661d38c247f59f72cee619c3

      Mk316 - 661d38ed8d3442023f3bf718

      Mk319 -661d38fac6d65f6e0fd3f092

      54R ps - 661d391d8fb80afc9e1cd98f

      54R - t64M1 - 661d39238a36fc0f16ba4373

      R PP - 661d392c9842f258c3465a63

      R BP - 661d3934ad29b95c18da86dd

      9x19 PBP M - 661d37ef41f7c2bb2c0cca25

      5.7 Vanguard - 661d383dc13d8e9d5247f916

      545 BSm - 661d3866f0936ff6749983d9

      556 MAI AP - 661d38aecdf104a03aedd0d9

      7n43 - 661d3904f12ed8b0496d82e7

      308 MAI - 661d3915f8f0e47457181984

      R PPBS - 661d393b91cecbbfcfc9abb2

      R MAI AP- 661d394b081bb3b1694f52cd

      338 7N45 - 661d3953302f0c9ec88e0abb

      338 API526 - 661d395b7ac55c24ee3420b9

      Vog 40mm

      I disabled these in the global using enabled: "false" for each

      No errors in the SPT server when it boots the files and MS Visual Sudio has no errors in the lower error indicator

      However - now I have this in game error as relates to the barter scheme in either the assort or another file


      Admittedly I did not have this error until I started messing with the file so I may have broken an enclosure somewhere in the JSON file

      I will post that segment of the coding of the assort that relates to that if you're comfortable offering that level of support-

      If so it would be incredibly appreciated but I understand if not

      If that's the case- it looks like I may have to revert to the base mod without being able disable ammos that conflict

    • Sorry I had left the page open and your last comment had not refreshed

      As far as I could tell it was not causing any crashes or noticeable bugs but I had only made sure I could purchase each type of ammo without an error -

      I did not go into raid to see if the ammos would cause errors if other entities tried spawning with them in their inventories ect

    • I figured it out- it was my fault

      I made a code error during the process of editing Skier's assort

      When removing the API 338 rounds from the stock table I accidentally deleted the enclosure for the barter scheme

      The MSVS then wanted a closure so I enclosed the loyalty table instead-

      Reverting this change has fixed all errors both in the server and in game

      For anyone else reading this later - this was all user error on my part

      If you are using Deadleaves limited trader mod - don't do what I did


  • there's any list to disable the fictional ammo?

    • yes there is a true/false query for each ammo in the config, you can also edit the stats and name of each round

      The models for each bullet are very cool

    • Sorry its not a config its an globals file.


    • but how I can identify which one is fictional ? D:

    • They're listed in the mod description and in the global as to whom the real world manufacturer of the ammunition is

      That said - there are some regarded as fictional that are still theoretically physically possible

      like pulling the bullet out of a 762x39 MAI AP cartridge and putting the projectile into a .300 BLK casing or other 7.62 casings such as 54R and Nato

      As far as i am aware - 5.56 MAI AP is completely fictional

      As is the Russian 762x51 Nato round (as far as I know they import their Nato rounds... but IRL do use several long-range sniper platforms that shoot 762 Nato)

      I may be wrong but 9x18 PBM1 also to my knowledge would have to be custom loaded from a 9x19 PBP round... 9x18 PBM and PSTM are already the maximum performance bullet for that caliber.

      I hope this was somewhat informative-

      This is random knowledge acquired from a video on forgotten weapons' channel on youtube done with a Russian Weapons historian

      He also reviewed the 9x21 platforms in the video and it is about 30 min long if I remember correctly

    • you should probably talk to sanote, I just code, make models, and fix shit. I don't have much knowledge on rounds but sanote tried to make the fictional rounds as real as possible.

  • Ohhh NEW ammo ? NOW we are talking .. the more the better.

  • i'll update this again once vks gets released

  • Hey any chance of an update? I try to load on 3.8.1 and it understandably gives 'unparsable string' error on launch.

  • would it work on 3.8,0

  • How to change the parameter of weapon wear, weapon heating, chance of misfire and failure of the cartridge?

    • You would need to add it in "Extra Ammo Realism/database/ExtraAmmo_items.json" for the cartridge you want to edit.

      I don't know which are the correct scripts for those statistics, but it shouldn't give you any problem if you add to them correctly.

    • I found a way to do it. You open the Extra ammo items (vanilla) config. There is a mod from MFAK. "MFAK ammo"(explode ammo's), Open the config of mfak ammo items, find the lines: "MalfMisfireChance": 0,

      "DurabilityBurnModificator": 0,

      "HeatFactor": 0,

      "MalfFeedChance": 0

      You copy them and paste the lines without forgetting the commas, it works. Otherwise, when the server starts (the window is special, everything swears and red lines with errors are issued). I found it through trial and error:)

    • And in order to change the cost of cartridges, even in vanilla, you need to go to the trader folder, and only change the cost in that config. Otherwise it doesn't change

    • For changes ammo stats

      open mMFAK ammo config and copy those lines mMFAK/databes/mmfac_items.json

      Then open ExtraAmmo config and changes all in stats:)))))))

    • example:

      "ExtraAmmo_762x25tt_P41": {

      "clone": "5735fdcd2459776445391d61",

      "enable": true,

      "item": {

      "_props": {

      "Prefab": {

      "path": "762x25_Tokarev/patron_762x25tt_type_p41.bundle"


      "Caliber": "Caliber762x25TT",

      "Damage": 53,

      "PenetrationPower": 33,

      "ArmorDamage": 15,

      "InitialSpeed": 487,

      "HeavyBleedingDelta": 0.1,

      "LightBleedingDelta": 0.25,

      "StaminaBurnPerDamage": 0.18,

      "RicochetChance": 0.4,

      "BulletMassGram": 4.8,

      "FragmentationChance": 0,

      "ammoAccr": 0,

      "ammoRec": 12,

      "ammoHear": 0,

      "CanSellOnRagfair": true,

      "TracerDistance": 0,

      "Tracer": true,

      "TracerColor": "tracerRed",

      "MalfMisfireChance": 0,

      "DurabilityBurnModificator": 0,

      "HeatFactor": 0,

      "MalfFeedChance": 0

      Heart 1
  • How do you change the price of the ammunition? I found the config file for the values. Changed them went into game and they were still the same. Any idea why? Appreciate the help!

    • - Extra Ammo Realism/database/traders/assort.json

      Important part: "barter_scheme":


      "count": price number, <---- Modify this
      "_tpl": "5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f"

      - Extra Ammo Realism/database/ExtraAmmo_items.json

      Important part, wherever it says:

      "handbook": {
            "ParentId": "5b47574386f77428ca22b33b",
            "Price": price number <---- Modify this

      It's kind of a repetitive work to do it for every item, so take it with chill.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Thanks brotha!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Great mod overall, although a lot of the ammo should probably be locked behind quests/higher trader levels. Getting access to them at tier 3 traders kind of completely breaks the balance, as well as the fact it can always be bought on flea market.

    • currently, we have not partnered with any custom traders for these type of things and are neither planning on implementing quests for now unfortunately.

      by: MusicManiac
      this might help ya

    • we are not directly associated with those who created MABP. However, we are not against anyone wanting to use it.

  • what are the ammo stats mods that are compatible?

  • is this compatible with ALP? you require your mod to load last, and ALP requires their mod to load last. I assume if I was to have both, ALP would need to load last to allow bots to have these ammo's in their kits? not sure. I feel like this is a question you have answered a lot in the past I just didnt scroll down past october 2023

    Thinking 1
    • What mod is the ALP?

    • Algorithmic level progression, the popular mod that lets PMC's (and now all bots) gear scale with your level to simulate a real EFT wipe. its very nice. I could see this mod complimenting that one really well

      Heart 1
  • are there any plans for some 12.7x55 ammo variants? id love to run around blasting people with new ash-12 ammo

    • The only official variant who wasn't included in the game is the "Двухпульный"(DP).

      It's a duplex bullet (two in-line projectiles).

      *The second starting from the left:

      Image 2 of 4

      I will add it in the next AKI version update.

    • the fact that this exists is super cool. please do not feel pressured to add it in, prioritize what you want to do first

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I will now be killing my enemies with even more passion than before

  • Hey I just noticed the damage and penetration value for the ammos are a lot lower than the last patch, I think it might be an error? The version I'm using is the realism (using it with the realism mod)

    This affects all the ammo in the mod, for example, the DM31 this patch has 50 damage and 43 penetration, but the last patch it had 65 damage and 70 pen.

    • Yeah the damage and pen is a lot lower than it used to be, hopefully the author would look at this. I think the realism version is using the same value as the vanilla that's why it's lower than usually.

    • will fix soon

    • Fixed

      Heart 3
  • Just posted an update for the mod. This fixes some stuff for newer AKI versions like 3.7.6. Thanks for the people who keep supporting the mod <3 .

    • Yeah! I love that they have custom models for them too! makes it a lot easier for me to tell the differences.

      Heart 1
  • Having an issue with the BBB birdshot icon not loading, got the error message from the in game console. Can you please see what's going on?

    Thinking 1
    • Ye, some people have the same error with BBB. I don't know what is causing it. I will eliminate the round in the next update.

      Heart 1
    • Update has been pushed

  • All ammos show up as the doge box as if the bundles are not there.

    Thinking 1
    • I need to update it. What version are you using?

    • 3.7.4 for SPT AKI

      1.0.1 for mod

    • You need to use the mod for the 3.7.x versions. You need to uprgrade your mod version to 2.0.x versions.

      Delete all the previous modded ammo to avoid problems!

    • OH shi- I completely typo'd, yeah no it's 2.0.1!

      Sorry my bad! I tried to refresh the icon cache, but that didn't help.

    • Which mods are you using?

  • The Little Dummer Boy isn't compatible?

    Thinking 1
    • I can make it compatible.Let me some time and I'll edit the json for the Little Drummer Mod to make it work :3

  • TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_parent')

    at RandomizeTraderAssort.randomizeStockHelper (G:\Games\SPT AKI\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\traders\traders.js:332:49)

    at TraderRefresh.modifyTraderAssorts (G:\Games\SPT AKI\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\traders\traders.js:551:37)

    at TraderRefresh.myResetExpiredTrader (G:\Games\SPT AKI\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\traders\traders.js:525:40)

    at TraderAssortHelper.resetExpiredTrader (G:\Games\SPT AKI\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\mod.js:126:38)

    at TraderController.update (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\TraderController.ts:100:41)

    at TraderCallbacks.onUpdate (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\TraderCallbacks.ts:26:38)

    at App.update (C:\snapshot\project\src\utils\App.ts:58:44)

    Scheduled event: 'aki-traders' failed to run successfully.

    After installing this mod along with SPT Realism i get this error, and the traders don't get randomized.

    • SPT Realism should be last in the mod order.

      Edit the mod folder and write 'zz' or 'zzz' at the start of the name.

    • https://imgur.com/a/AoPX2MP

      Did that, didn't work at all.

    • I had to disable spt traders for it to stop throwing errors.

    • ye, i don't have an issue with the errors but i like the randomized traders, having little to no stock and randomized prices is cool if you want a hardore aspect to the game.

    • Then I don't know how to fix that issue with randomized traders. I'll try to fix it for the next update. But for now I can't do a thing.

  • have error when i select the TraderModding mod option in the game :

    Item ExtraAmmo_762x25tt_9x18pm_7N25M not found in item base cache, regenerating cache

    Error: Item ExtraAmmo_762x25tt_9x18pm_7N25M still not found in base cache after regeneration

    Error: Item ExtraAmmo_762x25tt_9x18pm_7N25M still not found in base cache after regeneration

    Thinking 1
    • Oh, shet. So I have some incompatibilities. I don't know how, but I'll try to fix it (I have no guarantees os success) bugcatrainbowbugcatworking

    • Did you installed Custom Interactions ?

    • yap, the game fail to load if i dont install that

    • Maybe the mod order is the issue. I don't understand why it gives you that error.

    • here is my mod order;

      "order": [






      "!Realistic Trader Icons",





      "Virtual's Custom Quest Loader",

      "PNK GEAR 1.0.0",










      "Gilded Key Storage",




























      "zExtra Ammo Vanilla"



  • Appreciate the mod, i've always thought vanilla was always lacking in terms of ammo variety.

    Heart 1
    • Whenever someone tell me this I laugh because I don't know if it's sarcasm or if it's serious. Thanks bro bugcatdrunkbugcatrainbow

    • I'm serious, the base game has only 1 or 2 bullets per armor level, which i think is too few there should be more variety like PP and BP ammo they are similar but serve different purposes, i think it's way better when you have ammo that exactly fits your needs.

      Heart 1
  • Beigger weipouns

    Heart 1
    • wa?

    • I was referencing the guy in the image, that's one of the things he says.

      Heart 1
    • Then should be: "Beigger weipouns" bugcatchillinbugcatdrunk

    • Now is perfect ;(

  • A few rounds that shouldn't be tracer are a tracer for me. Is this just a bug on my end? This is happening mainly with the 5.45 rounds this mod adds. I am using the Realism set.

    • No, it is an error from my part. I will fix that in the next update. You can deactivate it in:

      - user/mods/zExtraAmmo/database/items.json

      Then edit this as you want:

      "Tracer": true,


      "Tracer": false,

    • Ok, thank you!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • When will the dragonbreath be back, I'm just so curious what would it be like in tarkov.

    • Like a BBB birdshot (60-80 pellets) with some penetration, more damage, a lot of bleeding probability and also tracer bugcatrainbow

  • Error with the PP 7n27 obr. 43 fixed. Now Fixed lifeworththinking

  • thank you, you blessed bastards for adding 3.6.x version to latest update despite 3.7.x being out as i am still waiting for other mods i feel is needed for my enjoyment to be update i can still at least enjoy yours while waiting for them so yeah thank you a thousand times you blessed bastard :-p

    Heart 1
    • animebuttmove animebuttmove animebuttmove