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G28 Blacked 1.0.0
This mod replaces the textures for the following items:
HK G28 7.62x51 marksman rifle
HK G28 7.62x51 upper receiver
HK417 Extended Free Float handguard with flip-up front sight
HK417 Patrol handguard with flip-up front sight
HK Sturmgriff foregrip
HK G28 B&T QD 7.62x51 sound suppressor
AR-15 HK Battle Grip Beavertail pistol grip (RAL 8000)
HK417/G28 7.62x51 10-round magazine
HK417/G28 7.62x51 20-round magazine
HK G28 Buffer Tube
HK Adjustable Buttstock
HK Adjustable Buttstock cheek rest
HK417 E2 Buttstock
HK471 E1 extended charging handle
This mod does not touch:
Recknagel Era-Tac 34mm ring scope mount
Schmidt & Bender PM II 3-12x50 34mm riflescope
Recknagel Era-Tac Sunshade mount for Aimpoint T-1 sights
Simply unpack .zip and drag the G28-Blacked folder (not G28-Blacked-1.X.X folder) into your mods folder.
After installing, it is recommended that you delete the Battlestate Games folder from your User/Appdata/Local/Temp folder so inventory thumbnails are forced to regenerate on game restart and reflect new textures.
Simply remove the G28-Blacked folder from your mods folder.
After uninstalling, it is recommended that you delete the Battlestate Games folder from your User/Appdata/Local/Temp folder so inventory thumbnails are forced to regenerate on game restart and reflect original textures.
I didn't touch the default optics because I personally don't like or use them. If there's interest in giving them the blacked treatment, I could do it in the future.
Anyone who wants to use these textures in a mod that actually adds the black variants as separate items may do so, I'd just ask that you throw a credit in your description.
Version 1.0.0
- ChazLTK
Stunning work! Thank you for sharing! A blacked version of the scope would be the cherry on the cake...

could you adding full auto on this mod?

ChazLTK Author
That's beyond the scope of a texture mod and I don't know how to make a mod to do that. However, it's relatively easy to do this yourself using just Notepad.
Go to YourSPTFolder\Aki_Data\Server\database\templates
Make a copy of items.json in case you mess something up and need to revert back to original.
Open items.json in Notepad.
Search for "weapon_hk_g28_762x51"
Ignore remington_rll_rsass stuff below it. Scroll down about 200 lines or so until you see :
Change to:
A few more lines down you will see "bFirerate": 700,. That is the full-auto RPM if you want to alter that, too.
You may need to putz with recoil values to make full-auto usable.
Save and reload game.
If you have any mods already altering weapon attributes (ie SPT-Realism), they may override things like fire rate and you'd need to go elsewhere to adjust it.
Be advised that bots like Shturman might take advantage of this and you may find yourself bent over a pile of logs on your next trip to Woods.
really appreciate
very helpful
have a happy day bro XD
can u make a m9 beretta in black
ChazLTK Author
I am looking into this.
ChazLTK Author
This is awesome thank you! Would love if you released a separate mod for the Schmidt & Bender scopes and mounts!
This is awesome!
would love to see all the BROWN (FDE) guns and parts and even gear replaced with green tones. because why would anyone be using dessert colored equipment in this part of Russia.
One "dream" feature, either as a mod(no idea how possible any of this is) or added into live game by BSG. If for example hideout had a station for adding camouflage to weapons. Going from spray painting basic patterns or maybe part by part, adding more options and more sophisticated processes as station is upgraded. Using colored strips of tape or pieces of fabric on top for extra points.
Also on the topic of tape; Why can't my PMC tape two magazines together? Same side up spaced with empty casing so they have the shape as a "V" but I digress
Could you please make mk47 mutant blacked?
need this for the m9
ChazLTK Author
hi, don't know if this is a mistake but the file requires access of some kind, guessing the mod isn't public?
The share link is still private btw. I would be down to try to make this into a non-replacement mod.
ChazLTK Author
Ok, it's public now. Feel free to use it as you wish.
You don't happen to have the weapon_container.bundle for the G28 do you.
ChazLTK Author
It's just part of the original files. It's not in the mod because it didn't have any texture or material data.
I'd need it to assemble the item in a mod, I think the path to it could also work,I could try doing it with the path but I don't have the BSG unpacked as I lack the tools to do it on my end so I don't know what the file structure is.
ChazLTK Author