Dynamic External Resolution Patch (DERP) 1.3

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Dynamically change the resolution of the external image rendering when we enter the optical sight, which gives us an increase in frame rate

How the idea originated:

We all know that Tarkov uses a "Picture in Picture" system for optic scopes

And previously (before patch 0.13.05), the resolution of the internal rendering picture (in optic scope) depended on the resolution of the external rendering (player camera). So, if we lowered for example FSR 2.2 to level "Ultra Performance", it gave us good gain in fps from player's camera (external rendering), but very badly worsened image when we look through the optical sight (internal rendering)

Now (after the 0.13.05 patch), the external rendering resolution (player camera) has no effect on the internal rendering (in optic scope), I say even more, now the image in optic scope is always rendered in full native resolution

And that's why I came up with an idea to dynamically control the resolution of the external rendering directly (player's camera), and without any loss in the quality of the internal rendering (in optic scope)

This mod works this way:

1) It checks what scaling method is used (or lack of it) and with what settings

2) Then when you look through the optical scope, it lowers the resolution of the external rendering (a picture of what is outside the optic scope) to the specified in the BepInEx config

3) And when you exit the scope, it returns your previous settings

In the end this gives a very nice performance boost, BUT if you don't have a "bottleneck" on CPU performance

Known issue (idk how to fix it so far, it's beyond my capabilities ?(:(

- Not compatible with SurroundDOF option in Amand's Graphics

- Not compatible with Motion Blur option in Amand's Graphics
When using FSR2/DLSS and entering in optical sight, the screen will blink
Not compatible with FXAA anti-aliasing


1) Download file
2) Place this file in BepInEx/plugins
3) The mod works automatically with the default settings of 50% downsampling if FSR 1.0 or FSR 2.2 are not enabled, and 50% downsampling if FSR 1.0 or FSR 2.2 are enabled

Thanks to MarsyApp, who listened to me and tried to implement it, created a "base", which later I refined a little bit

Thanks to DrakiaXYZ for overall mod improvement


  • Version 1.3

    First of all, I want to express my gratitude to DrakiaXYZ <3


    • Add compatible with DLSS method
    • Now mod agnostic of the SPT version (i.e. compatible with future versions SPT, much appreciated to DrakiaXYZ)
    • Improved Switch Sampling - for now only for usually SuperSampling (not FSR1|2 or DLSS), this change remove black screen when entering into optic scope

    Known Issue:

    • Not compatible with SurroundDOF option in Amand's Graphics (idk how to fix it so far, it's beyond my capabilities ?()

    Tested on 3.8.0 and works fine

  • Version 1.2

    Fix issue when mod working only first raid :notlikethis: :notlikethis: (thx MarsyApp)

  • Version 1.1

    Temporary fix incompatibility issue with Amand's Graphics

  • Version 1.0.0

  • adjust for 3.9.x github

  • work absolutely fine for me at 3.8.x i can now use scopes with basically insignificant fps drops , I hope it will get updated to 3.9.x :thumbup:

  • Great MOD

  • i need this on 3.9.2 :c i cant play without this mod, Vanilla tarkov scopes are shit and drop mi fps from 50 to 10

    Thumbs Up 2
  • Code
    Жаль, но мод приводит к бесконечной загрузке 3.9.2(
    Thumbs Up 1
  • This mod is amazing. Nothing else to mention about the functionality, on my side at least.

    A suggestion: BSGs native implementation of super sampling is SH*T. 200% murders frames more than putting the actual resolution at 200%. I suppose this has something to do with how they calculate it and it not being correct... What could be added is a proper modern-style custom resolution scale for the normal resolution as well (for us that have the extra headroom)

  • "The mod works automatically with the default settings of 50% downsampling if FSR 1.0 or FSR 2.2 are not enabled, and 50% downsampling if FSR 1.0 or FSR 2.2 are enabled"

    was that a typo, because it makes very little sense to say it like that. Other %es maybe?

  • It's amazing.but i found it's unstable in3.8.3at least.in shelter,fps is higher when adsing than not.that's horrible! but in tarkov street fps is almost no changed. I found that in some maps,when in scope,graphic usage will drop almost 20%.if the mod is disabled,the usage won't drop but it's double render.as a result,fps not change.hope that the author could fix usage problem,waiting for update! :D

  • when i use DLSS or FSR,it doesn't work

  • Yes, I tried all the combinations, no DLSS, with, makes no difference, the framerate drops whenever I look through a scope. It doesn't help unfortunately. Also it blinks black, which is no fun either.

  • You what is funny? I tried this mod and it "works" in the sense that the external do get a lower pixelated resolution and internal stays native. But the thing is, even if I crank it up to 100% and my external view looks like a blurry bad acid trip there's absolutely NO change on performance whatsoever. 0% or 100%. The fps drops stays exactly the same.

    I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, if the mod doesn't work anymore somehow, or if BSG is just so fucking inhumanly bad at coding that the game is unoptimizable at this point.

    • Yeah same experience here. thought it was helping but still felt like my game ran really awful when i ads. Looked at the page to see if there was an update or maybe i missed some settings I'm supposed to change. I tried with dlss/fsr off and on and changing the external res and it made no difference. if i ads with a scope i lose around 20fps on factory.

      and also the slider is bugged, 100%=0% so 99% is the most you can downscale the res. and for some reason i feel like the 99% down scaling actually makes my game lag more, it feels way less smooth when i look around compared to 95% or lower. For the time being I'm just gonna uninstall the mod as even hitting disable in the f12 menu doesn't disable the mod.

  • HI,3.81It appears that he is no longer effective?

  • I was having problems with graphics failure in Windows while playing EFT (especially when my raids extend to ~1 hour) until I removed this mod.

    Using a 12 GB RTX 3080 with 537.58 Drivers.

    Mostly used a Vudu scope but some other scopes also gave the same result.

    Just wanted to give info, not 100% sure if it's on my side or due to mod.

    Keep up the good work :) :thumbup:

  • Downloaded and installed this mod but not sure if its working? :/

    Its not coming up on the launcher that it is working.

  • in my headcannon, peripheral blurs out (scaled resoltuion) are depth of field or focus weapon dof 😁

  • This one is a must have for me! Helped getting more frames on Lighthouse long range snipping, as well as other maps when using long range scopes or thermals.

    Mr FlashMode, will we get the privilege of having this updated to 3.8.0+?

    Thank you for all your work!

  • I figure that I should probably mention this as I see no mention of it, and I had to google it.

    This will cause flickers if you use FSR (and maybe DLSS?) by default. Some upscaling techniques apparently flicker if you switch them on the fly without going into the pause menu.

  • FSR user here, whenever I ADS i get a short black screen and I dont seem to notice and performance improvements. Shame, looks like a great idea.

  • I still face the black screen when ads. any advise for this? default setting, using dlss

  • just added this to my mod list and it has been hugely impactful for my performance so far even at default settings. thank you very much for this!!!

  • for some reason 100% just put make it like you put the slider at 0%
    so if you want it super low res outside of the scope just put it at 99%

  • weird issue im having. with this mod at any % lowers my frames by 20. No amount of fiddling increases my frames at all. I maybe cpu bottlenecked although my cpu is only at 30% usage. Also setting res to 100% downscale I expected a black screen or just a blurry mess but 100% does nothing?
    cpu: 7600x
    gpu: 4070 founders
    ram: 5200mhz 32gb

    • still having this issue. I really want to use your mod so i'm gonna try it again.

  • Thank you for your mod, works fine, appreciate your work!! :thumbup::thumbup:

  • Hey FlashMode! Just wanted to say thanks for incorporating my changes, happy to see an official release! :)

  • For some reason the insides of my scopes are low res too, not just the outsides. I use FOV Fix and Amands' Graphics.

    • What features from Amands Graphics do you use?

    • Found the problem's source. Turns out, it's the motion blur setting in Amands. Yes, I'm one of those people who actually like this effect. :D

  • Is this compatible with amands's graphics?

  • Excuse my bad English, I have not been able to run the mod, I have this error on the screen every time I run the scope

    Using AMD Graphics


  • My build is now deprecated, the author has incorporated the changed, so use the official release. The below notice about Amands' still applies

    Note: There is a conflict with the "Surround DOF" setting in Amands' Graphics and DERP. The recommendation for now is to not run DERP and the Surround DOF setting of Amands' Graphics at the same time. Choose either DERP (Performance) or Surround DOF (Visuals).

    Heart 2 Thumbs Up 2
    • I may have found a Bug or idk if its maybe intendet. When i turn on Surround DoF everything gets blurred, also the Image IN the Scope. Was this made with the intention to use it without Surround DoF?

    • I don't get this behaviour. But I'm also not really looking to modify DERP beyond making it work with the latest version of SPT, which is what my fork does.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Alright, maybe it was just bugged to me. Will test again and if its the same, then it is what it iiiiiis. =)

    • Discussed even more on Discord! And it appears there is a conflict between DERP and Amands' Graphics "Surround DOF" option. I just wasn't noticing it as badly because my DERP settings weren't as high.

      The recommendation for now is to not run DERP and the Surround DOF setting of Amands' Graphics at the same time. Choose either DERP (Performance) or Surround DOF (Visuals).

  • Edit : Use Drakia's version above this one! Is better

    With the help of Wara on the SPT modding discord, I got a recompiled version of DERPS for 3.6.1 :)

    The only thing that seems to not work that I can test (no amd card) is that in the bepinex menu the on/off button is missing. The resolution slider is still functional.

    While Wara did this for me this time, I hope to learn how to rebuild it myself for later versions if it becomes necessary. Good playing everyone :)

    Here be the file!

    VirusTotal Scan

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • Cannot live without this mod. I huff the hopium every day that you'll come back and update DERP for 3.6.X


    Thumbs Up 1
    • Got a recompile done and posted in comments above. Enjoy playing :)