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! This mod is designed for those who want to play without currency trade/Flea. !
It's an attempt to simulate a Painting service. So you can transform a regular item into a retextured one. Why I didn't said "paint" ? because you will create a new Item, it mean, if you want to change your regular M4 black with 76/94 durability, into a FDE one, you will have a 100/100 durability M4 FDE.
It will be the same for all other items with durability stat.
It's absolutly not perfect, But it's all I can do for now.
So basicaly, the real mod is MoreHideoutCrafts by papershredder432 (thanks for his awesome work). .
Then you need one of these retexture mods (or all if you want)
- Civiciam mods…file-list/33069-civiciam/
- mag tape 1.0.2
- SandCore 1.0.2
- BlackCore 1.0.6
- WhiteCore 1.0.4
- GreenCore 1.0.5
- RedCore 1.0.2
- DEFINITIVE RETEXTURE IMMERSION PROJECT (DRIP) 1.1.2 Definitive Retexture Immersion Project (DRIP)
- JustNu Additional gear - Tan 1.0.3
- Vanilla extension 1.0.5
- Kawaii Weapon Mods 3.6.1 Kawaii Weapon Mods
- lukewarmpudding's blackgear(updated) 361.0.0 LukewarmPudding's BlackGear (Updated))
with 5 presets (All made with my personnal taste)
- Solid color
- Camo
- Custom ( some cool Custom paints)
- Flashy (same as Ssolid color but to flashy for me)
- Fancy (same as custom but I don't use them)
You have 2 presets:
- Craft: don't requier money, but you need 2 Metal spare parts for armored gear and lower receiver, and 1 for helmet.
- Paid: Cost 10 000 rubles for armored/lower receiver, 5k helmets, 2.5k for other. (except for Mags tape which stay as craft)
Where can you "paint" your stuff ?
- Every Armored gear : Security lvl 1
- Backbacks: Stash lvl 1
- Weapons: Shooting range lvl 1
- Attachements: Vents lvl 1
- Rigs: Rest space lvl 1
- Other stuffs : Heating lvl1
Warning: the more crafts you add, the more time your stations will need to load everything !
What's planned ?
- Do it as Custom Trader (But I'm a newbie, It can take some time)
install MoreHideoutCrafts
Open the archive
into craft or paid, as you prefere
then drop all of the preset you want into user\mods\shredder-MoreHideoutCrafts\src\configs
If you have any question, recommandation, or if you see any mystake, tell me please ! I hope you will enjoy.
Version 1.2.2b
- DevilFlippy
Infinite load fixed
Sorry for that -
Version 1.2.2
- DevilFlippy
Update Civiciam: ( paid version only)
- SandCore 1.0.2
- BlackCore 1.0.6
- WhiteCore 1.0.4
- GreenCore 1.0.5
- RedCore 1.0..2
Version 1.2.1a
- DevilFlippy
- Civiciam Greencore 1.0.4
- Civiciam WhiteCore 1.0.3
Add Backpacks, rigs and other stuff to paid preset (I just forgot them, sorry for that)
Version 1.2.0
- DevilFlippy
- Add Paid Preset (10k Armored/Lower receiver, 5k Helmets, 2.5k other)
Version 1.1.0
- DevilFlippy
- Add KAWAII WEAPON MODS 3.6.1 with 5 presets (If you want all the Items, intall the 5 presets) :
- Solid color
- Camo
- Custom ( some cool Custom paints)
- Flashy (same as Ssolid color but to flashy for me)
- Fancy (same as custom but I don't use them)
- Update mag tape 1.0.2
- Update SandCore 1.0.1
- Update BlackCore 1.0.4
Now Attachements can be craft to Vents lvl 1
Version 1.0.3
- DevilFlippy
- Update JustNU Additionnal Gear Vanilla Extension to 1.0.5
- Fix Civiciam BlackCore M4 and Aug Craft.
Version 1.0.2
- DevilFlippy
Add JustNu Additional gear - Vanilla Extension 1.0.4
Version 1.0.0
- DevilFlippy
Is there any plan to update and change this mod? I love making the game as realistic as possible and I don't like how easy the Painter trader makes everything, but love having different colors of parts. I plan to just disable the trader or maybe delete all the money trades if a bartering system is made. Excited to hear what will happen with this mod
DevilFlippy Author
Not really, it's to heavy for the loadout, but it maybe will come as a custom trader. Not sure
Ah ok. That could be quite useful for getting better and high cap mags too. Maybe through questing and barters rather than just grinding to level up traders all the time. Just throwing ideas out
DevilFlippy Author
Do you think I should delete tool requirement for paid version ?
DevilFlippy Author
If the receiver vltor mur-1s green 2 is missing, please, re download the mod.
You should add support for lukewarmpuddings blackgear
DevilFlippy Author
I could for the next update
this is super, keen to try this out
Instead of adding crafts and making the hideout crafting tables even more cluttered and slow to load considering the number of crafts you are planning to add... Why don't you just add barters on traders where they take a item and then some money to paint the weapons and throw in a stock limit.
DevilFlippy Author
This mod is designed for player who want to disable currency trades
probably just read it wrong
DevilFlippy Author
Haaa yeah mb
It's a good Idea But I have 0 knowledge about code and making mod by myself. So I do this for me and just share it, that's all.
But I'm just starting to learn, so I possibly could do that.
Thanks for advise