Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans.
Updated to 3.10.*
Added SSO Lynx jacket and Birdeye Lower in Predator Camo.
Here is some retextures of some clothing items for the USEC side. I've used Multicam, Multitarn, Flecktarn, Pencott Badlands, and A-Tacs U|CON to give the side a bit more camo options. Bots will also use this clothing. Enjoy! All of these Clothing items are available for purchase for free from RAGMAN. Will try to move back over to PEACEKEEPER at some point.
Big Pipe Lower (A-Tacs U|CON)
Birdeye Lower (Pencott Badlands)
Birdeye Lower (Flecktarn)
G99 Lower (Flecktarn)
Tigr Lower (Multitarn)
USEC Base Lower (Multitarn)
Sage Warrior (Multicam)
Knight Lower (Pencott Badlands)
Birdeye Lower (Multicam)
Birdeye Lower (A-Tacs U|CON)
Recon Lower (A-Tacs U|CON)
Adaptive Combat (A-Tacs U|CON)
SPN (Flecktarn)
SPN (Multitarn)
PCU (Pencott Badlands)
PCU (Black)
Carinthia Softshell (A-Tacs U|CON)
Tigr Upper (A-Tacs U|CON)
Softshell Flexion (Multicam)
Aggressor TAC (Multitarn)
Lynx Upper (OD Green)
Summerfield (Pencott Badlands)
Summerfield (Multicam)
Version 3.0.0
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
Sorry for the long wait on this, had a lot of stuff going on in the real world that prevented me from putting in the time to update this mod. Shout out to Kopat1ch for the code without it I wouldn't have been able to update this mod. I do not know if the gear component of this mod will be updated, I'd love to do it but don't know if I would have the time. Sadly, these uniforms won't appear on bots like my old mod did.
Also this mod does not require a dependency. Just click the download button and move the user folder to your SPT file.
Thank you and Enjoy!
All of these Clothing items are available for purchase for free from RAGMAN. Will try to move back over to PEACEKEEPER at some point.
Added SSO Lynx and Birdeye Lower in Predator camo.
Version 2.0.0
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
Updated to 3.8.* requires BMWCore 1.0.0 found here.
Version 1.0.3
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
Updated to 3.7.1
Access updated
Version 1.0.2
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
Code error fixed- just uploaded a new version to prevent any confusion
Version 1.0.1
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
*OD Lynx should be fixed now. Found a line of code in the bundles section that I had double typed.
Is there anyway you can make a version where level requirements match the original clothing ? I like progressing and unlocking stuff
Sweet, will it be possible to update the gear pack aswell?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I’d love to do it but don’t know if I’d be able to find the time- I have a lot of items in those gear mods and its looking daunting to figure out the code for all those items.
Thanks for 3.10
Any news of updating this mod?
i love your mod, hopefully you will update it to 3.9. i miss it
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I'm currently working on trying to get it updated. It's more than likely going to be a full rewrite so its going to take some time.
looking forward for it, thank you!
I have been checking this forum every day since 3.9. I am so excited you are working on this!!! @AshleyShcaefferBMW take your time!
I love/miss the pencott badlands pants from Knight. hoping for a 3.9 update soon! Thanks for your work.
Hello! I love all 4 of your clothing and gear mods, they get me so immersed, especially when using snow camos. I am having an issue though, I don't think PMCs are spawning with your clothes in my current setup. I do occasionally see the backpacks and helmets on PMCS though. I am up to date on SPT and your mods and your core , but I am also using many mods, such as SAIN, Realsim, SWAG, and various other weapon and trader mods. Have you heard of this occurring with any mods I should be aware of? Sorry if this is a dumb question. Thanks so much.
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Believe my mod is not compatible with realism. I don't use the realism mod so I cannot be sure. I know when I'm using my mod I see the clothing more often than normal tarkov clothing.
Thank you so much for your reply. @AshleyShcaefferBMW
Very cool mods, all your addional usec/bear gear/clothes that is.
A dpm or m81 camo full uniform would be truly neat :3
I agree, I would also love to see a full DPM uniform.
This might be just my stupidity at work, but I can't figure out why the USEC clothes won't equip. Bear clothes work fine on my USEC profile, can buy the USEC clothes but they won't equip
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I just tested on my end seems like if you are in the Trader 'Services' Tab, they won't equip but if you go to Character Tab they will. Seems I got them to equip in Peacekeeper services tab by right clicking and left clicking until they equiped but use the Character tab and theres no issues. Could be that they don't like being over at Peacekeeper.
thank you
Medicinal Whiskey
Love your clothing mods. Do you happen to take requests? i.e. M81 camo for clothing?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I am probably going to update some of the retextures on USEC Clothing and maybe I'll add something if I have time. Retexturing BSGs items is sometimes a pain, for now I have a few errors with code I am trying to figure out.
Medicinal Whiskey
Understandable. Thanks for the quick reply!
what should I do if I have BMWcore, but fashion clothes just don’t work, as if it doesn’t exist?
oh god I'm so stupid, I didn't see the line with the text that all these clothes are from the peacemaker, sorry xdxdxd
Update please
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I have finally figured out the correct code for 3.8.0. This as well as my other mods will be back probably next week. I am in the process of updating some of my retextures on my clothing mods.
looks really good! I'm more of an "urban" camoflauge kind of guy but there's not much use for that in tarkov territory. XD
Unable to gain access to download the mod from Google Drive even though I am logged in, please double check to see if something isn't working correctly.
Screenshot -
I am getting the same thing
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
It's fixed now
Much appreciated my friend, can now download. Thank you for the quick response!
Is my 3.6.1 profile gonna get corruped if i launch new 3.7.0 version without this mod?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
In the process now of updating it.
cool tactical fanny pack
Awesome mod! You should go apply for BSG's new art director!
can we get some tops that dont clip with the boss bottoms maybe their tops?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Yes, I plan on adding a couple more tops
Can we get some more M81 clothes too? maybe knight and Big Pipes pants using Birdeyes m81 style camo?
i would be willing to pay!
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Plan on getting my Bear Clothing/Gear mods updated and then those should be easy adds
awesome! cant wait to see more of your work!
I'm getting the "Object you are trying to instantiate is null" when trying to use the OD Lynx. Might it be because it's a BEAR clothing? It works for the reskinned USEC ones but I haven't tried out the parkas yet.
Overall a really cool clothing mod though!
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I'll have to fix the CAB ID thanks for letting me know, will upload a new file later with the fix
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Should be fixed now, let me know if you have any trouble.
Still getting it with the OD Lynx
Exact message is "Object you are trying to instantiate is null"
My SPT version is still 3.5.7 if that has something to do with it.
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Hmm... I'll check when I'm able to get back to it. I don't have any trouble with the Summerfield parkas from Bear. Usually that message only comes across when its a CAB id error. Are you using anything else from my clothing/gear mods?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Believe I found the error. I had double typed a bundle file name in the bundles section. Give it a try and let me know.