Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Some retextures of gear in Multicam, A-Tacs U|CON, Multitarn, Flecktarn, Pencott Badlands. These items are available on Flea and will be unlocked by Trader when their respective base item is unlocked. Requires BMWCore1.0.0 found here.
*3.8.** bot generation issues are fixed*
Blackjack Backpack (Pencott Badlands)
Switchblade (Pencott Badlands)
Switchblade (Multicam)
Paratus (Multitarn)
Paratus (A-Tacs U|CON)
Trooper 35 (Flecktarn)
Trooper 35 (Multicam)
RBAV Tactical Rig (Pencott Badlands) - Same Layout as Crye AVS, level 4
RBAV Tactical Rig (Multicam) - Same Layout as Crye AVS, level 4
Crye AVS (Multicam)
Crye AVS (Pencott Badlands)
Crye AVS (Multitarn)
TacTec (Multicam) - Same Layout as Bagary Rig, level 5
TacTec (Flecktarn) - Same Layout as Bagary Rig, level 5
TacTec (A-Tacs U|CON) - Same Layout as Bagary Rig, level 5
Halfmask (Pencott Badlands)
Halfmask (Multicam)
Cold Fear Balaclava (Flecktarn)
Cold Fear Balaclava (A-Tacs U|CON)
Ops-Core Fast MT (Multicam)
Ops-Core Fast MT (Pencott Badlands)
Ops-Core Fast MT (A-Tacs U|CON)
TC-800 (Multitarn)
TC-800 (Flecktarn)
Backwards Hat (A-Tacs U|CON)
Backwards Hat (Multicam)
Version 2.0.0
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
No new items, bot generation issues fixed- set to true by default in config file.
*Requires BMWCore 1.0.0 found here.
*Fixed Doge icon on Fast multicam helm.
Version 1.0.2
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
*Add to bots feature is turned off by default. Seems to be causing issue with bot generation.*
Version 1.0.1
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
Updated to 3.7.1
Access updated
Version 1.0.0
- AshleyShcaefferBMW
*Fixed the Switchblade backpacks.
is this a bug from this mod?
plate carriers don't support SAPI plates for some reason, only 6b12 plates are supported
Just ran into this myself, idk how to edit the bundle type files, but if you open the mod, go to db->items-> edit itemData.json (I use notepad++ but just notepad works too)
Find the TacTec lines for each different camo and replace the "BaseItemID" value of each to "5b44cad286f77402a54ae7e5"
This will mirror the stash and armor compatibility as the original TacTec rather than the KIASS Bagariy plate carrier as the OP has it set
thanks, good code wizard! i already fixed this tho, installed the no armor restrictions mod
this is quiet good
Think if you were to ever upgrade you could add a plain tan version of the half-mask? that would be super dope. and maybe a plain tan version of the backwards cap too. love your work and your mods bro. thanks again.
For some reason, with this mod and the bear clothing, my game wont boot up, and will just sit in a black screen. I have bmwcore installed and am updated to 3.8.1, but the usec clothes, gear and bear clothes and gear all dont work for some reason. I went through to test them individually too but no luck
(wanted to put this in the support thread but its still broken for me)
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Any other mods?
Borkel Bloody wounds
nvg mod / amands graphics
algorithmic lvl progression
module additional clothing
fika server
ammo stats
- I was wondering if the djcore would interfere with the bmwcore at all?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Make sure that BMWCore and DJcore are loading first then any clothing mods. Mine and DJcore are written a different way but try to accomplish same thing so I would think that they aren't really interferring but I have not tested.
I know one issue for certain with my core mod and I think also with DJcore is just the soft armor missing from rigs and helmets only on Traders.
I have a doge texture for the fast multicam i tried to download and install the mod multiple times but it didn't do anything, sad that the only item i can see so far thats is broken and it's the one i downloaded the mod for
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I'll take a look when I get a chance usually that means a CAB ID error
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Peuchot, this should be fixed. Was missing some bundle code.
Re-download and let me know
Yes thank you for the quick fix ! it works fine now
I found an issue where there's no armor inserts, or plates from both gear mods with the traders, However the flea market they're fine. I don't have the MFAC armor inserts like Ice has.
Still thank you for updating the mod!
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I've replicated it..... soft armor is missing when listed on a trader.
Will try to come up with a fix.
For now I would use Chomp Flea Market Blacklist as for some reason they appear fine on the Flea.
Похоже дело в BMWCore, когда ждать исправление)?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
В настоящее время у меня нет исправления, полагаю, что это может быть ошибка BSG. у других с модом одежды, похоже, такая же ошибка: у торговцев отсутствует мягкая броня
in fact, this is your omission. you clone the ITEMS ID assortment but do not clone the child elements.
there must be some such check.
Take the item ID, If there are matches in the file assorts parent ID of this merchant, then clone 1:1 child elements, with the new ID of the child element
and then the soft inserts will be in place
example true assort variant:
Weird thing, when I go to grab the armor/helmets, it has no armor inserts at all. I have the MFAC Armor Inserts mod if that makes a difference.
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
It could be interferring, I didn't test with other mods just mine and it seems on my test profiles its working perfectly. But not the first time someone has let me know about them missing soft armor inserts. I'm going to do some additional testing later when I get a chance.
What traders have what equipment and at what LL?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
The mod is set up so that when an original BSG equipment item is unlocked via quest or loyalty level the retextured item will appear on the respective trader that has the original item unlocked.
Some of the rigs in this mod though use different layouts though, like my TacTec rigs uses the Bagariy layout so that item will be under the trader that normally sells Bagariy rigs (Ragman LL4), RBAV Vest uses Crye AVS Layout so (Ragman LL4.) At least that's how it should work.
I don't know all of them since I normally use Flea market backlist and just buy from flea, the way my BMWCore mod interacts with these Clothing and Gear mods is, it'll pull the original item from the trader and add the retexture it's based on to the respective trader.
Please add Blacked-out Crye AVS and TacTec rigs in the next update!
I can't seem to find the backwards hats in trader. Are they in raid loot only?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
In-raid or flea
Gotcha thank you much
does this need and Uptade?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
I have finally figured out the correct code for 3.8.0. This as well as my other mods will be back probably next week. I am in the process of updating some of my retextures on my clothing mods.
hey Add more !! itens Like the OPS core Mandible mask,SLAAP armor plate
Can you please add black versions?
No access?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
It's fixed now
Is my 3.6.1 profile gonna get corruped if i launch new 3.7.0 version without this mod?
Gives a ton of errors on server and prevents launch.
and now it started to work when I went in to check which exact errors it gave. WTF.
Jose Ou
just change the config "AddToBots": from true to false and try again
Hello, are those items been added in bots loot pool ?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
Yes but you can turn it off if you want in the config file.
do you think you could do a version of the camelbak trizip but with the USEC patch on the back?
will this affect the multicam gear Mod?
AshleyShcaefferBMW Author
It shouldn't affect any other clothing mod.