Lilly EFT Plugin 1.5.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Plugins of personal taste

# WASD key click in InventoryScreen

A : Extend the center panel to the left

D : Extend the center panel to the right

S : Hiding the mounting slots in the center panel

W : Change center panel scale


# scale,pos in WeaponPreview with WSAD key

min/max Tilt : 30 -> 90

WS key : scale

AD key : x pos move


# inventory

wasd key : move

x key : size

No further modifications possible due to limitations in ability

# option

# code

GitHub - lilly1987/LillyEFTPlugin
Contribute to lilly1987/LillyEFTPlugin development by creating an account on GitHub.


  • This mod is actually really interesting and well-done.

  • do you plan on updating for 3.7?

  • Hey used older version not sure what exact version and the inventory scaling worked now in 1.5.0 only the presets section is working.

  • seems like the dll is the same from the first update are you sure your posting the updates correctly?

    • I uploaded it again.

      The capacity is definitely strange.

    • Versions 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.4.0, and 1.4.1 were all the EXACT same size [10.5 KB (10,752 bytes)], down to the byte. Now version 1.5.0 has doubled in size [22.0 KB (22,528 bytes)] all of a sudden? You're right, definitely strange.

  • This breaks the insure page

    • What version are you using?

      It has been corrected in the latest version,

      I use it well

    • I used the latest version ill try it again and see if it works.

  • I have a question for the author. What mods uses for the inventory in this video? and what instead of subbags with so many slots? =)


      This is a mode I modified to my liking as an experiment.

      I created the plugin because I needed it. :)

    • @lilly, So I see you have replied to this question, but two users have informed you 8 hours ago that your version 1.5.0 file is not even available and nothing? Just seems a little odd. Hope all is going well for you.

    • The dll file was not attached.

    • Thank you so much=)

  • @lilly, there is no .dll file in the 1.5.0 version in the GitHub.

    Also. Amazing mod! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR WORK!!!

    • I've attached it now

    • Thank you! Amazing work on the mod! It's awesome

  • @lilly, for v1.5.0, there is no [LillyEFTPlugin.dll] file to download on your GitHub page under the Assets???

  • I cant find the dll what should i do ?

  • Any plans of having the ability to zoom out the weapon more in weapon modification screen? That would be a killer feature imo!

    • It is very difficult for me to make the connecting lines follow as the scale changes. ||

      So I only created scale and movement.

  • off topic but what makes all of those items and gear so small in the reference pictures? I'd love to know! <3

  • Decided to try this out and test it to see what it actually does and what it adds to the game. It appears to simply adjust the layout/position/size of the [CHARACTER] screen's Stash, Containers and Slots. I found TWO ISSUES while trying out the settings. 1) Changing the SlotPanelX: [1.05] value did NOT seem to do anything. 2) There is an issue with the Stash Panel toggle on/off in that while set to [*]Enabled it is NOT showing, and set to [ ]Disabled it is. Also, in my opinion, any Mod by DEFAULT should NOT have the changed options/values set by DEFAULT. Let the user change what they want. Hope this helps anyone else wondering or having issues. Thanks.

    GUI Options: Press [F12] to Change:

    [W] - Toggle the Center Containers size (percentage)

    - Containers: [0.75]

    - ContainersSizeKey: [W]

    - ContainersSizeOn: [*] Enabled (*** Should be OFF/Disabled by default)

    [A] - Toggle the Center Containers postion to the Left

    - Left Panel: [*] Enabled (*** Should be OFF/Disabled by default)

    - Left Panel Key: [A]

    [S] - Toggle the Center Slot Panel (i.e. the 3 TACTICAL RIG / BACKPACK / POUCH) icons on/off

    - SlotPanel: [*] Enabled

    - SlotPanelKey: [S]

    - SlotPanelX: [1.05] (*** Changing value does NOT seem to do anything???)

    [D] - Toggle Stash on/off

    - StashPanel: [*] Enabled (*** First press it changes to Disabled but it's still showing???)

    - StashPanelKey: [D] (*** Second press it changes to Enabled it's NOT showing???)

    (*** Third press it changes to Disabled but it's back showing???)

    (*** From then on the indicator is toggled wrong)

    • Enabled id Collapse the panel 'on'.

      The value will be reflected only after restarting the game.

      I think this is inconvenient and needs to be modified again.

  • That looks awsome

  • this is good mod for sorting in stash, also probably for looting I guess, recommend people to give it a go.

    I did have a problem when got to insurance screen though, not sure if I had something enabled when went in.

    Lilly, please look at insurance screen if problem. And thanks for share.

    • Unfortunately, the panel object is different there.

      This means further development is needed.

      The problem is that I don't feel the need to develop it, so I have no motivation to develop it.

    • It's probably been modified

  • Hello!

    What is the name of this inspector?

  • If this has a dependency fix the link, if not, remove the link.

  • a description for whatever this is would be great, as the images posted are somewhat a mess

    Heart 1 Thumbs Up 3
    • It's easy to see this can redimension and change the locations of the inventory spaces, and aspects of the interface on the inventory, wasn't that hard for me to understand it.

    • urmm, okay? me and 2 others think otherwise but hey-ho

      Thumbs Up 2
    • Beggers can't be choosers, man. It is clear that English isn't this person's first language. It's also clear that it allows you to scale the UI.

      Quit being lazy and just download it and play with it to see what it does.

      Thumbs Up 1 Thinking 1
    • it says "test plugin" so if you dont know what it is, then it probably isnt for you.

      having said that the description says you can adjust the scale of the UI and the bepinex menu in the third picture shows plenty of options for folks to deduce from.

    • some arrogant ass replies man.

      Thumbs Up 2 Thinking 2