Light's Automatic Armband Assistant 1.1.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

This mod was originally created by Drewgamer, but has not been updated since 3.5.0. With the help of Refringe (especially!), Dirtbikerjc, JustNU, and Anthal, I have restored this mod and added functionality to bloodhounds as well.

This mod was originally created by Drewgamer, but has not been updated since 3.5.0. With the help of Refringe (especially!), Dirtbikerjc, JustNU, and Anthal, I have restored this mod and added functionality to bloodhounds as well.

Please go into Aki_Data>Server>Configs>pmc.json, search "Chance", and change "chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent" to 0! One day, this mod will do that for you...... one day ;)

This mod makes it so that all USECs, BEARs, Scavs, etc. will wear the same armband per faction, which is configurable by you. Current options include white, yellow, red, blue, green, and purple (twitch2020).

This mod is great for those who make pmc's of their faction friendly, as you will hopefully have a much easier time identifying who is BEAR, USEC, and SCAV (I doubt you need the purple armband to tell it's Tagilla, but who knows).

THIS MOD IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH ALGORITHMIC LEVEL PROGRESSION, and any mods that change bot loadouts without load-order dependency. I am hoping that the author of ALP will make this mod compatible with theirs, I quite like their mod but sadly it overrides this mod no matter what I've tried.

If you use ALP anyways, you have to change ALP's armband chance in their AdvancedConfig to 100%. This will still cause inconsistent / wrong armbands, but will be better compared to not changing it. I still highly recommend picking one or the other based on what you want to do.


...y'know, maybe one day I'll actually fix it being broken with half the featured mods... oh well


    Thumbs Up 1 Crying 1
  • Still feel like an absolute noob without this mod (because I probably am). But I should do less Scav runs anyway. ^^

    So i hope you have merry holidays and take some time for yourself and all those that matter to you.

    • I honestly didn't think people still used this mod, so I didn't update it. I'll have to get it working soon, then :D

      Heart 2 Thumbs Up 1
    • just started with spt and fika and am annoyed that bots actually wear them :<

      so if i at least could color them different than what i identify my friend with, that would be great :D

    • This mod is a must have...especially with Questing/Looting Bot mods. It makes it impossible to tell Scav from PMC

    • I also use this mod. I love it.

  • Curious if this is related to this mod? I thought so as it said armband in it. My apologies if not. I'm not exactly skilled at reading logs, at least not as much as I would like to be XD

    • I don't know. This mod hasn't had errors in months

    • No worries. I just brought it up in hopes of figuring this out. Wasn't sure what else could cause an armband error since this was the only armband mod I had XD Thank you though :)

    • I can check

  • Everything works fine except that my mate (friendlyPMC), has sometimes a green armband like i configured but sometimes also a blue armband that i never configured for nobody whats a little bit confusing. i set the armband mechanic in friendlyPMC also to false.

  • Can't live without this mod

    Heart 1
  • Thank you very much for the update. Really appreciate it and if we don't ask for it, it's just because that's rude (and we don't want to get banned). ^^

    Heart 1
  • This works with 3.8 also, I havent tested any new bosses tho. Just change Version in Package.json to avoid seeing the error in console.

    • That's awesome to know! Thanks for testing that for me

    • must have mod as i play with my horse allies to identify them) sad that if i use sptrealism i need to alter spt realism files to get armbands to work properly, thank u for this mod from NEIIIIGH ponies pikapika bugcatrainbow bugcatdrunk

    • How did you make it work with realism?

    • change\delete some id of armbands in spt realism folders files leaving only blue\red ,but its complicated to make it again and again after spt updates

  • Any way to make it compatible with SPT Realism?
    thank you

    • Only a matter of time before someone asked (again). I'll look into it soon, I've got some other projects I'm working on atm though. I'll figure it out eventually

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Not possible without manually editing files, Realism gives them unique armbands but not brightly coloured

    • A wild Fontaine appears! What will you do?



    • bruh it took out the extra spaces

  • Just tested it with 3.7.1. Works perfectly fine until now.

    (I'm using it with SAWG-Donuts)

    • sweet! I kinda forgot this wasn't up to 3.7.1 lol, I just updated my own game to 3.7.1this afternoon

  • This mod works with 3.7.0. I'll push an update in a bit so that you don't get that "ThIS mOD iS iNcOMpAtibLe wiTh ThE CurrEnt VersiOn" debug in the server

    • Oh, I'll also make it so that this mod changes the chance a pmc will be hostile to 0 for you, and make it configurable as well. Might as well

    • Nice, that's the last thing I was missing for 3.7.0.

      Thanks for your work. I didn't get to test it myself.
      I just need it for marking PMCs in general, but that bit's really elemental. I guess I'll never be able to tell Scav from PMC in a heartbeat simply by their clothing :D

  • uh oh, they updated SPT. I'll let you guys know in a couple days if the mod works on 3.7 or not, until then be safe

    Thumbs Up 1
  • File size should be almost non-existent now! Make sure you download the top zip file, not "source code"

  • Is there anything I need to do in order to get this to work with SPT Realism?

    • I do not personally play Realism so I have no clue. My guess would be this: Search all config files for armband equipment chances (should be something like equipment{ armband, other equipment stuff}, and make sure it's 100% chance. Check with whoever created realism, they know a lot more about modding than me :p

  • Is it correct that the mod is 66 MB?

    • From what I heard, there's some extra stuff in the zip that isn't entirely necessary, but this already took a day longer than I meant it to, and it's my first time uploading a mod, so I wasn't aware of a better way to upload the mod yet. I'll try to change the download file in a bit here to make it skinnier. Sorry about that!

    • Ok Perfect.

      Thank you for your hard work


  • I always wanted a mod like this. Good stuff!

  • Good stuff, Congrats on your first mod!

  • This mod saved my life. ♥️