Custom Spawn Point Maker Reuploaded 2.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Do you remember "Lua's Custom Spawn Point Maker"? This is it! Use it to create new spawn points for mods like Traveler.

## Description
- Generate JSON file with custom spawn point template to use
- It doesn't give you Ready-To-Use spawn points but quick template without taking a screenshot or building AKI-Modules
- Required to edit lines like "Sides" and "Categories", plus a little bit of care

## Install
Place DLL file into %SPT%/BepInEx/plugins

## Usage
- Go to the place where you want to make custom pawn point
- Press the "INSERT" key or change the key in BepInEx config menu (F12)
- Check JSON files are generated in %SPT%/CustomSpawnPoints/ by daily format
- Use it to your own presets for Custom Spawn Point mod also "How to add" Guides are included in the Custom Spawn Point mod.

## Credits
Original outdated mod: Lua's Custom Spawn Point Maker

  • work 3.9.0 ?????

  • Does this work with 3.6.0?

    • I haven’t checked, most likely not

  • Sweet, thanks for updating this!

    Heart 1