BitsNBobs 1.0.1

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Adds crudely made .22 Gun and Ammo, New Tracer Buckshot, New shotgun, and Multi-Vitamins with a use.

BitsNBobs v1.0.1 (Built on 3.7.0, works on 3.7.1)

This is my first mod since 2020

For any errors please use the provided Support Thread (Left side of screen under VirusTotal section)

Upon request I have uploaded this mod, It adds a few odds and ends, BitsNBobs, such as.

  • Crudely made Ruger 10/22 (Made with in-game assets, possibly temporarily)
    • 45-Round magazine that shares its model with a PPsh mag
  • .22 Ammo (Modeled as 9mm, Hopefully temporary)
    • .22 Red Tracer
    • .22 Green Tracer
    • .22 Yellow Tracer
    • .22 AP
    • .22 Subsonic
    • .22 High Velocity
    • .22 Hyper-Velocity
  • Tracer Buckshot (40 Pellets, 9 Damage = 360 Damage if all pellets hit)
  • ShtG-12 Automatic Shotgun
    • Uses Ash-12 and Saiga-12 magazines
    • Uses 12 Gauge ammunition
  • Multi-Vitamins
    • 12 Uses
    • Stamina Recovery +>0.1
    • Health Regen +6 per/minute
    • Immunity +1
    • Health +1
    • Endurance +1
    • Memory +1
    • Metabolism +1
    • Vitality +1
    • Take your Vitamins, They are good for you.


  • Version 1.0.1

    Day one patch :S

    • Added barter for ShtG-12 (DjLang would have been pissed, He specifically requested this :P )
    • Fixed ShtG-12 category from Rounds to Shotgun
    • Fixed ShtG-12 parent from AssaultRifles to Shotgun
    • Fixed Ruger 10/22 45-Round magazine not being purchasable from trader
  • Version 1.0.0

  • When do you Update the mod or do you Update the mod?

    • I only really update the mod when I play the game and tbh if I play the game I'm playing 0.13.5

    • OK

  • I'd love a standalone vitamins mod :)

  • i like the plink and the brrrt :)

  • Did BSG add Rabbits? :D

  • I really love the idea of the ruger 22! its just a really satisfying gun to use, practically no recoil and quiet as heck! i really hope a custom model is added, this is really cool! A full auto 22.LR gun would also be nice!

    • I agree! Something plinky but with full auto would be such a coop weapon to use

  • not working, did i install incorrectly?

    • Alrighty, I've done some testing on 3.7.1 and it works on there, so I believe you have installed incorrectly, I even asked The Magic 8 Ball and it said "Signs point to Yes" so let me give you a bit of common practice when it comes to mods, Lots of mods come as a drag and drop system (some do not) I have it setup where you open the RAR file and drag and drop the "user" folder into your main install of SPT. Typically if you open the file and find a user folder it's safe to just drop it in the main directory.

    • oh, ok. my bad

  • Really like the vitamin idea.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Thank you, I've had the idea for a long time now, My first attempt to add it failed, But I tried again and managed to get it implemented. (It was the origin point of this mod)

      Heart 1
    • +1 to Spoon Jacker ;) It's super neat! I always take my vitamins so i wont forget in tarkov~!