Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Adds Oskar who will sell you all kinds of western gear and equipment. This is the counterpart to my other mod and I reccomend using them both. Just like the other one this mod was also balanced around the realism mod so I highly reccomend using that mod as well. If there is anything wrong with the mod or you think something needs to be adjusted please let me know and in the next couple of days and weeks I will be adding a few more things and changing prices as I finish my playthrough.
To install just unpack and place in your user mods folder.
Version 1.0.2
- IvanTheThicc
This should make my mod compatible with 3.7.3 let me know if anything is broken
Version 1.0.1
- IvanTheThicc
Added a ton of new guns, ammo, and gear. I will likely not be adding anymore items unless they are needed (missing magazines and such) as I want to make an update to my other mod and work on my final trader mod.
Version 1.0.0
- IvanTheThicc
Thanks as always for installing my mod and please don't be afraid to reach out to me if you think something is broken or needs to be changed.
This mod is really well balanced and lore friendly as well in my opinion. I hope to see and update for 3.8.0 when it comes out, would easily be my favorite! (Edit: I also wanted to mention the possibility of adding a better 5.45x39 ammo to his inventory since he sells 5.45x39 weapons but only sells 5.45x39 soft point? I personally think 7n40 would be perfect!)
IvanTheThicc Author
The mod is balanced around the realism mod which overhuals the ammo in the game. If I ever get around to it I might reshuffle the inventory for people who don't use the realism mod.
Did you clumsily add a bunch of custom traders and FUCKED yourself from accessing them all?
Then maybe you should use the Trader Scrolling Mod
I would LOVE to see questlines for all your Custom Traiders ! keep up the great work
Works on 3.7.3
thank you, author!
New guns?
IvanTheThicc Author
Are you talking about adding more presets or if there are brand new guns?
New guns
IvanTheThicc Author
No I won't be adding any new guns since I have no idea how to
Well preset. Auto sks=Like normal but auto. Price 74k rubles, Caliber 5.56x45 selling in mechanic shop
IvanTheThicc Author
This is something I might be able to do if I can find someone to teach me
So the guns he sells are still guns in vanilla game right?
no OP edited stat guns?
IvanTheThicc Author
Nope all guns are base game as well as the attachments.
Hello and thanks for the mod
Is there any way to change the trader's portrait?
It doesn't seem to work by replacing the jpg file in the res folder
IvanTheThicc Author
There's other things you have to change using something like visual studio code. I honestly wouldn't bother with it as you'd have to do this everytime I update the mod.
you need to clear the "cache" in windows temp folder or something
I don't remember the exact location
dogemods666 thank you
hi, so what does oskar sell pls, which makes him different from the rest ? (screen shot)
IvanTheThicc Author
He western guns and gear. If you will give me a bit I will compile what he sells and put it in the description.
from what country is Oskar?
IvanTheThicc Author
I didn't really choose one to be honest. I just choose that region since it's connected to Russia and if I'm not mistaken Tarkov is in the northwest region of Russia.
Geographically, Tarkov would be kinda like right above where St Petersburg is iirc, around where Выборг/Vyborg is irl, but many of the game's locales are inspired directly from locations in St Petersburg itself
IvanTheThicc Author
Makes sense considering BSG is based there as well
Ah yes, another Trader to add to my list of traders
Edit: Can't sell to him?
IvanTheThicc Author
Nope none of my traders you can sell to since most people I know just use the broker. Though at a later point in time I might change this.
Ah, well I don't use broker at all and never intend to. So I would love this as an option. Already have them placed in my world for my collection, wasn't sure if you joined the discord yet or not, I wanted to show you the map lol