Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
1. Unzip and copy Andrudis-QuestManiac folder in user/mods/
2. Change config options to your liking (Andrudis-QuestManiacsrcconfig.json)
3. Delete unwanted bundles from Andrudis-QuestManiacdbQuestBundles or replace with alternatives from Andrudis-QuestManiac_AlternativeBundles
!!! IMPORTANT !!! Normally all new traders will start with blank inventory and all assortment is intended to be unlocked with corresponding quests. If you want all trades to be available from the start - check config options.
### Core Quest Bundles - 4553 quests total
* Ammo Proficiency (283) - [requires "Weapon Proficiency" bundle] Chains of quests to unlock barter/purchase trades for each ammunition type (except grenades) and better magazines. Introduction quest is started by Warden, and 5.45x39 chain will become available right after introduction quest. Rest of chains will become available once you unlock barters for weapons of that caliber in "Weapon Proficiency" bundle.
* Boss Follower Hunt (10) - Chain of quests to kill each boss follower 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 20, 50, 100 anywhere. Chain is started by Khokhol
* Boss Hunt (10) - Chain of quests to kill each boss 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 20, 50 anywhere. Chain is started by Khokhol
* Cultists Hunt (10) - Chain of quests to kill any 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 27, 35, 50, 75 Cultists anywhere. Chain is started by Khokhol
* Deep Pockets (70) - Chains of complex quests to unlock barter/purchase trades for Chest Rigs. All Quests are started by Elder.
* Deep Pockets Legend (274) - Chains of quests to kill specific target while wearing specific gear. Each quest in chain target only 1 type of enemies and 1 gear piece.
* Errand Boy (920) - bundle with 4 chains of quests to handover specific items on request. All chains are started by Fence on behalf of his customers. Each chain additionally rewards 1 container (ranged from Grenade Case to THICC Item Case) when each 25% of quests in chain are completed.
* Headless PMC (70) - Chains of quests to headshot 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 33, 50, 100, 200 PMCs in each location. Each chain is started by Trader of that location. Round N quests will become available only after all round N-2 quests are completed (except for Labs)
* Headless Raider (10) - Chains of quests to headshot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 20, 50 Raiders. Chain is started by Lab Rat.
* Headless Rogue (10) - Chain of quests to headshot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 20, 50 Rogues (ex-USECs). Chain started by Fence. Quests are NOT limited to Lighthouse in cause you have mods to spawn Rogues on other maps.
* Headless Scav (60) - Chains of quests to headshot 1, 5, 10, 20, 35, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500 Scavs in each location. Each chain is started by Trader of that location. Round N quests will become available only after all round N-2 quests are completed (except for Labs)
* Iron Head (62) - Chains of complex quests to unlock barter/purchase trades for Helmets. All Quests are started by Khokhol.
* Iron Head Legend (229) - Chains of quests to kill specific target while wearing specific gear. Each quest in chain target only 1 type of enemies and 1 gear piece.
* Juggernaut (50) - Chains of complex quests to unlock barter/purchase trades for Armor. All Quests are started by Warden.
* Juggernaut Legend (200) - Chains of quests to kill specific target while wearing specific gear. Each quest in chain target only 1 type of enemies and have multiple conditions for several different gear pieces.
* Keys Proficiency (27) - Chain of quests started by Fence and continued by local Map Traders to find keys and unlock rewards
* Meds Proficiency (40) - Chains of complex quests to unlock barter/purchase trades for meds. All Quests are started by Warden
* PMC Hunt (70) - Chains of quests to kill 1, 5, 10, 20, 35, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500 PMCs in each location. Each chain is started by Trader of that location. Round N quests will become available only after all round N-2 quests are completed (except for Labs)
* Raider Hunt (10) - Chain of quests to kill 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 20, 50, 100 Raiders in The Labs. Chain is started by Lab Rat
* Rogue Hunt (10) - Chain of quests to kill 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 20, 50, 100 Rogues (ex-USECs). Chain started by Fence. Quests are NOT limited to Lighthouse in cause you have mods to spawn Rogues on other maps.
* Scav Hunt (60) - Chains of quests to kill 1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 500, 1000 Scavs in each location. Each chain is started by Trader of that location. Round N quests will become available only after all round N-2 quests are completed (except for Labs)
* Sniper Life (90) - 4 quest chains to kill(headshot) a Scav(PMC) from the distance with min distance requirement increasing by 10m with each next quest in chain. All chains are started by Fence.
* Stims Proficiency (16) - Chains of complex quests to unlock barter/purchase trades for Stims. All Quests are started by LabRat
* Survivalist (40) - Chains of 5 quests for each location started by location Trader (+free of location chain started by Fence). You now has to be at least lvl 5 to start these quests. First 3 quests require to just survive 2,5 10 times, no fail conditions. Next 2 quests in chain require to survive 5,10 raids and exit with 'Survived' status, otherwise you'll have to restart (NOTE: 'Run Through' status neither fail nor advance those quests)
* Tarkov Mule (40) - Chains of complex quests to unlock barter/purchase trades for Backpacks. All Quests are started by Bashkir.
* Ultrasound (16) - Chains of complex quests to unlock barter/purchase trades for Headphones. All Quests are started by Lab Rat.
* Ultrasound Legend (72) - Chains of quests to kill specific target while wearing specific gear. Each quest in chain target only 1 type of enemies. Each quests chain will become available when Ultrasound Trade quest for corresponding headset is completed.
* Weapon Proficiency (92) - Chain of complex quests for weapons mastery. Elder = Shotguns, LabRat = Handguns, Colonel = Assault Rifles, Khokhol = SMGs, Bashkir = Marksman Rifles. Each category is split in 4 Tiers: Rookie, Seasoned, Veteran, Elite. Complete Barter quest for each weapon type and category to unlock Proficiency quests for weapons in that category.
* Weapon Mastery (1702) - Series of quests started by Fence and location traders for eliminations with specific weapons. Each chain is started by Fence.
### Special bundles - 334quests total
* Barter Only (334) - quests that can be enabled by separate config param. They will require to complete barter for item as handover quest before that barter will become available permanently
### Alternative bundles - 931quests total
* Gunsmith Assistant (16) - Assistant quests for Gunsmith series. Turn In non-FiR set of items required to build gun for corresponding Gunsmith quest. All quests available from the start. Fails if corresponding Gunsmith quest is completed earlier, but gives the same rewards. Recommended if you play WITHOUT Flea Market or even with BarterOnly.
* Gunsmith Assistant Lite (16) - Same as "Gunsmith Assistant" bundle, but quests do not auto-fail if corresponding Mechanic's quest is completed.
* Gunsmith Assistant Strict (16) - Same as "Gunsmith Assistant" bundle, but quests are available in chain one after another.
* Gunsmith Assistant Strict Lite (16) - Same as "Gunsmith Assistant" bundle, but quests are available in chain one after another AND quests do not auto-fail if corresponding Mechanic's quest is completed.
* Hideout Assistant (48) - Assistant quests for Hideout upgrades started by Elder. Turn In non-FiR set of items required to upgrade each workstation. All quests start at once. Completing quests will get all handed items back to use for Hideout upgrades. No trader loyalty requirements included in conditions. See alternative bundles.
* Hideout Assistant Lite (48) - similar to Hideout Assistant, but trader loyalty requirements are included as completion conditions.
* Hideout Assistant Strict (48) - no trader loyalty requirements and you see only few quests for which all pre-requisite quests are completed. I.e. you will not see Generator 3 until you have completed Generator 1, Generator 2 and quests for all other stations required before Generator 3. If you commit to complete quests of this bundle before building corresponding station, than you will see only quests for stations that can be constructed/updated next.
* Hideout Assistant Strict Lite (48) - same as Hideout Assistant Lite but with trader loyalty requirements in place.
* Killboard (1) - alternative bundle with 1 quests started by Fence to track number of kill for each enemy type made during gameplay. Kills made before activation of this quest are not counted. This quest is not intended to be completed ever and does not provide any reward.
* Killboard By Weapons (5) - alternative bundle with 5 quests (1 for each weapon category) to track number of kill for each emeny type made during gameplay with gund from specific weapons category. Kills made before activation of this quest are not counted. This quest is not intended to be completed ever and does not provide any reward.
* "Ammo Proficiency Barter" (142) and "Ammo Proficiency Trade" (141) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Ammo Proficiency".
* "Deep Pockets Barter"(35) and "Deep Pockets Trade"(35) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Deep Pockets".
* "Iron Head Barter"(31) and "Iron Head Trade"(31) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Iron Head".
* "Juggernaut Barter"(25) and "Juggernaut Trade"(25) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Juggernaut".
* "Meds Proficiency Barter"(20) and "Meds Proficiency Trade"(20) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Meds Proficiency".
* "Stims Proficiency Barter"(1) and "Stims Proficiency Trade"(15) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Stims Proficiency".
* "Tarkov Mule Barter"(20) and "Tarkov Mule Trade"(20) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Tarkov Mule".
* "Ultrasound Barter"(8) and "Ultrasound Trade"(8) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Ultrasound".
* "Weapon Proficiency Barter"(20) and "Weapon Proficiency Trade"(72) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Weapon Proficiency".
NOTE: "### Trade" and "### Barter" bundles can be used together, but will lack internal dependencies between Barter and Trade quests present in original full bundles
WARNING: do not use "### Trade" or "### Barter" bundles along with original full bundle. You will have to wipe if you switch from Barter/Trade bundles to original full bundle or back!
### Legacy bundles - 811 quests total
* Gear Mastery (99) - series of quests started by Peacekeeper, Mechanic, Ragman, Jaeger to do series of eliminations with specific gear. This is alternative version for ###Legend quests, still can be used alongside with new version, but basically do the same.
* Honor Skills (280) - Quest chains for progression with each skill at levels 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. Grouped by skill category per trader: Khokhol - Physical, Elder - Mental, Warden - Combat, Bashkir - Practical
* Skills Guru (16) - 4 Chans of 4 quests each from Fence for mastering all skills grouped by skill category
* Weapon Expert (416) - Chain of quests to kill 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 20, 25 Scavs with weapons from each Weapons Group. Chain is started by Colonel
### Added 6 new traders:
* Warden - Lighthouse, specializes in Armor, Meds.
* Elder - Private Sector, specializes in Shotguns, Chest Rigs
* Сolonel - Reserve Base, specializes in Assault Rifles, Reserve Base quests
* Bashkir - Shoreline, specializes in Marksman Rifles, Backpacks, Shoreline quests
* Khokhol - Suburbs, specializes in SMGs, Cultists and Bosses, Helmets
* Lab Rat - The Lab, specializes in Handguns, Stims, Headphones, The Lab quests
### Mod options
* AllQuestsAvailableFromStart - FOR DEBUG! Make all mod's quests available from the start, leave 'false' unless you know what you are doing. Does not affect vanilla quests.
* AllTradesAvailableFromStart - when enabled, will remove quest completion requirements for all trades added by this mod (does not affect vanilla quests and trades).
* EnableJaegerFromStart - Jaeger will be unlocked without Introduction quest. Introduction quest will still be available to complete, just not required for unlock.
* ProgressionOverhaul - when enabled, changes XP progression up to lvl 100 and locks flea Market till lvl 50. Will also change Fence inventory size to 3 items per refresh. This can be overridden with new "FenceInventorySize" settings to whatever value you like. Read "Recommended configuration" for best use.
WARNING: some mods like 'Ereshkigal-TerragroupSpecialist' may override XP progression. If you use such mods, make sure only one of them overhaul XP progression.
* FenceInventorySize - changes number of items Fence sells per refresh. Default is 'null' which will not change anything. Valid values are between 0 and 200. If set to integer value - will also override changes made by "ProgressionOverhaul".
* EnableBarterOnly - when enabled, will override all vanilla trader's assortment and remove all money trades leaving only barter trades.
WARNING: will conflict with any other mod that overrides vanilla trader's assorts.
* EnableBarterOnlyQuests - when enabled, will lock barters for Vanilla traders behind quests which will literally require you to complete first barter trade for each item as quest before that item will be unlocked for good.
NOTE: EnableBarterOnlyQuests - does nothing if EnableBarterOnly is not enabled.
* ShouldAddGammaContainer - Enable to Add Gamma secure container as reward for one of the quests
* QuestIdForGammaContainer - UID of quest which will get Gamma secure container as additional reward. Default is "Wet Job Part 4"
* RemoveAllMapsRestrictions - when enabled, remove map restriction from all mod's quests enabling them to be completed in any location. Does not affect vanilla quests
* RemoveAllGearRestrictions - when enabled, remove gear restriction from all mod's quests enabling them to be completed with any gear equipped. Does not affect vanilla quests
* ReplaceKillCounterForRaidersWithPMCs - If set to 'true' will count PMCs instead of Raiders for all conditions that require Raiders kills. Quest description, name and counter will still list Raiders.
* TraderAvatars - select which avatars to use for mod's traders. Valid values between 0 and 4, any other value is counted as 0. Old avatars from Beta have id = 1. You can preview all avatars at "<mod folder> es raders"". DO NOT FORGET to clear cache after each change at: %LOCALAPPDATA%TempBattlestate GamesEscapeFromTarkovfiles raderavatar
### Localizations Supported:
* English
* German (special thanks to @Khadafi)
* Japanese (special thanks to @higashi_35)
* Russian
* French (special thanks to @BarThi_Game)
For all other locales English version will be used instead.
Note: Folder 'Locales' is now added to root of mod and that folder contains templates for each possible localization. If anyone wants to add another localization - translate values in corresponding locale .json (skip technical placeholders in angle brackets <LIKE_THIS>) and send this .json to me by attaching to comment or via private message - I'll merge and release updated version of the mod.
### Recommended configuration
Best (intended) experience in conjunction with other mods and settings:
0) Andrudis-QuestManiac:
0.a) "ProgressionOverhaul" : true - expand XP ladder to lvl 100 and locks FM at lvl 50. Goal is to reach lvl 100 by gaining XP only through completing quests.
0.b) "EnableBarterOnly" : true - remove money trades from vanilla traders assorts
1) Andrudis-QoL-Configurator:
1.a) "EnableNakedEdition" : true - start with nothing at all
1.b) "RemoveExaminedByDefault" : true - start with no already examined items
1.c) "ItemsExamineExperienceMultiplyer" : 0 - no XP for items examination
1.d) "ItemsLootExperienceMultiplyer" : 0 - no XP for looting
1.e) "PlayerMiaMultiplyer" : 0 - remove XP from MIA raids
1.f) "PlayerSurvivedRaidMultiplyer" : 0 - remove XP from Survived raids
1.g) "PlayerRunThroughMultiplyer" : 0 - remove XP from Run Through raids
1.h) "PlayerKilledMultiplyer" : 0 - remove XP raids when killed
1.i) "AdjustItemsSpawnInContainers" : true - add to loot container pools all barrels, handguards, ammo, etc. items missing from loot pool in vanilla EFT
2) Any bots AI overhaul mod - get difficulty as high as you enjoy
3) Any mod to adjust loot spawn to your liking
### Known issues:
Infinite loading circle after completing/accepting any quest forcing you to restart after each ACCEPT/COMPLETE action with quests.
Possible cause:
This is a know BSG issue that happens in Live also: https://forum.escapefromtarkov…o-restart-my-game/page/2/ It is caused by one of active Started quests being in invalid state. Supposedly this may occur when you have 2 or more quests getting completed at the same time, for example if you are trying to complete quests "Colleagues - Part 1", "Anesthesia" and "Rigged game" during the same raid it may (not 100% guarantied) bug out one of these quests. Obviously, the more quests you have, the more likely you may encounter this issue.
You need to edit your profile, go to "characters"->"pmc"->"Quests" and delete records for quests where "status": "Started" - that unfortunately will cause you to lose some progress on these quests, but should resolve this issue. Leave quests with other statuses as is, especially where "status": "Success". Be sure to backup your profile before editing!
### Roadmap
You can track progress and plans for my mods here:
I can neither provide any ETA nor promise 100% of backlog will be implemented, but tasks that got into ToDo list at least will be attempted,
Version 1.4.2
- Andrudis
Changes in v1.4.2 from v1.4.1
Compatibility: SPT-AKI 2.2.2
Backward compatible with v1.4.1, except BarterOnly quest bundle.
***NOTE: This is going to be the last update from me. Anyone willing to take over future support for this mod are welcome to do so!***
### Changes
* updated mod to be explicitly compatible with SPT-AKI 2.2.2
* Updated BarterOnly quest bundle to be in sync with SPT-AKI 2.2.2 traders assorts
NOTE: If you are already using v1.4.1 version of this mod, then there is no point to update unless you are planning to start with a new wipe.
Version 1.4.1
- Andrudis
Changes in v1.4.1 from v1.4.0
Compatibility: SPT-AKI 2.2.1
Fully backward compatible with v1.4.0
### Changes
* Updated for compatibility with SPT-AKI 2.2.1
* German localization fixes - special thanks to Khadafi
Version 1.4.0
- Andrudis
Changes in v1.4.0 from v1.3.1
Compatibility: SPT-AKI 2.2.0
### New Quest Bundles
* Rogue Hunt - chain of quests to kill 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 20, 50, 100 Rogues (ex-USECs). Chain started by Fence. Quests are NOT limited to Lighthouse in cause you have mods to spawn Rogues on other maps.
* Headless Rogue - chain of quests to headshot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 20, 50 Rogues (ex-USECs). Chain started by Fence. Quests are NOT limited to Lighthouse in cause you have mods to spawn Rogues on other maps.
* Killboard (1) - alternative bundle with 1 quests started by Fence to track number of kill for each enemy type made during gameplay. Kills made before activation of this quest are not counted. This quest is not intended to be completed ever and does not provide any reward.
* Killboard By Weapons (5) - alternative bundle with 5 quests (1 for each weapon category) to track number of kill for each enemy type made during gameplay with gund from specific weapons category. Kills made before activation of this quest are not counted. This quest is not intended to be completed ever and does not provide any reward.
### New config settings
* AddTraderLoyaltyReward - when enabled, adds 0.01 loyalty reward with quest giver for all mod quests (except BarterOnly quests)
* OverrideTradersDiscounts - enable to activate mod traders selling discount changes made with TradersDiscounts
* TradersDiscounts - specify new selling discount for each mod's trader (higher value decrease payment for selling items to trader, can be set to negative value to increase payment instead). Does nothing if OverrideTradersDiscounts is not enabled.
### Changes to quest bundles
* Ammo Proficiency - added quests for new ammo from 12.12 patch
* Ammo Proficiency Trade - removed trick-shot requirements to body parts, you will need to kill PMCs with ammo of specific caliber instead.
* Deep Pockets - Added quests for new Chest Rigs from 12.12 patch. Added Lighthouse in Trade quests rotations.
* Errand Boy - added new 12.12 patch items in handover conditions, re-shuffled all quest chains
* Gunsmith Assistant (including Lite/Strict variants) - now covers only "shopping list" recommended by Wiki, but neither require nor reward gun itself and it's stock parts. It is up to you to have stock gun ready to assemble final version requested by Mechanic.
* Hideout Assistant - now quests are generated automatically based on data in area.json in SPT-AKI database. New quests order is the same as order of workstations listed in database. Skills requirements are now covered by quests also.
* Iron Head - added quest for new helmet from 12.12 patch. Added Lighthouse in Trade quests rotations.
* Juggernaut - Added Lighthouse in Trade quests rotations.
* Key Proficiency - added quests for Lighthouse keys
* Meds Proficiency Trade - all trade quests are now chained one after another. Lowered handover requirements for higher tier meds
* Tarkov Mule - added support from new backpacks from 12.12 patch, merged quests for backpacks of exactly the same slots, capacity and slots distribution. Added Lighthouse in Trade quests rotations.
* Weapon Proficiency Barter - re-balanced some barter schemes
* Weapon Proficiency Barter - you can now handover guns of the same or higher tier only. No more Rookie guns handover for Elite quests. Lowered total handover required amount for Veteran and Elite quests.
* Weapon Proficiency Trade - because some guns are banned from FM and it is impossible to get reliable pricing from tarkov-market any more, added hardcoded override price for each gun with more realistic prices.
* Weapons Mastery - lowered conditions for some quests, removed bosses quests for Seasoned tier guns
* all gear Legend - re-balanced conditions, removed some higher tier enemy quests for low tier gear.
### Fixes
* Headless PMC - fixed quests naming for Labs - by mistake quest names from "Hunt PMC" bundle were used.
* Deep Pockets - fixed incorrect condition spelling "Handover any Armor" instead of "Handover any Chest Rigs"
* all gear Legend - fixed sequential quest numbering
Special thanks to @VetoC, @spectrun7, @rickhawkins for help with testing.
Version 1.3.0
- Andrudis
Changes in v1.3.0 from v1.2.2
Compatibility: SPT-AKI 2.1.2
### Added new bundle:
* Sniper Life (90) - 4 quest chains to kill(headshot) a Scav(PMC) from the distance with min distance requirement increasing by 10m with each next quest in chain. All chains are started by Fence.
### Added new alternative bundles:
* "Ammo Proficiency Barter" (137) and "Ammo Proficiency Trade" (136) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Ammo Proficiency".
* "Deep Pockets Barter"(33) and "Deep Pockets Trade"(33) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Deep Pockets".
* "Iron Head Barter"(30) and "Iron Head Trade"(30) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Iron Head".
* "Juggernaut Barter"(25) and "Juggernaut Trade"(25) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Juggernaut".
* "Meds Proficiency Barter"(20) and "Meds Proficiency Trade"(20) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Meds Proficiency".
* "Stims Proficiency Barter"(1) and "Stims Proficiency Trade"(15) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Stims Proficiency".
* "Tarkov Mule Barter"(25) and "Tarkov Mule Trade"(25) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Tarkov Mule".
* "Ultrasound Barter"(8) and "Ultrasound Trade"(8) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Ultrasound".
* "Weapon Proficiency Barter"(20) and "Weapon Proficiency Trade"(66) - contain only Barter or Trade quests correspondingly from "Weapon Proficiency".
NOTE: "### Trade" and "### Barter" bundles can be used together, but will lack internal dependencies between Barter and Trade quests present in original full bundles. You also may start using one part and add another one later of you feel like you need it.
WARNING: do not use "### Trade" or "### Barter" bundles along with original full bundle. You will have to wipe if you switch from Barter/Trade bundles to original full bundle or back!
### Changes:
* Ammo Proficiency - for Barter quests quantity to handover is now progressive with lower requirements for earlier quests and higher - for later quests
* Ammo Proficiency - for Trade quests removed condition to handover ammo of specific type, but now all quests are chained and kill conditions could be met with any ammo of that caliber to advance quest
* Ammo Proficiency Introduction Quest - requirements lowered from 2000 to 1000
* Deep Pockets - Barter quests now require handover of equal or better quality instead of any, but amount required is lowered. Removed Handover requirements from Trade Quests, but first quest will require naked kill 1-2 Scavs
* Deep Pockets Legend - re-worked into chains of quests with single condition at a time
* Headless PMC - is now completely independent (do not have starting requirements for the first quest in chain). Now in order to access round N quests for location it is required to complete all round N-2 quests for other locations (except Labs)
* Headless Scav - is now completely independent (do not have starting requirements for the first quest in chain). Now in order to access round N quests for location it is required to complete all round N-2 quests for other locations (except Labs)
* Iron Head - Barter quests now require handover of equal or better quality instead of any, but amount required is lowered. Removed Handover requirements from Trade Quests, but first quest will require naked kill 1-2 Scavs
* Iron Head Legend - re-worked into chains of quests with single condition at a time
* Juggernaut - Barter quests now require handover of equal or better quality instead of any, but amount required is lowered. Removed Handover requirements from Trade Quests, but first quest will require naked kill 1-2 Scavs
* Juggernaut Legend - re-worked into chains of quests with single condition at a time
* Keys Proficiency - Lowered requirements for Lab keycards quests
* PMC Hunt - is now completely independent (do not have starting requirements for the first quest in chain). Now in order to access round N quests for location it is required to complete all round N-2 quests for other locations (except Labs)
* Scav Hunt - now in order to access round N quests for location it is required to complete all round N-2 quests for other locations (except Labs)
* Stims Proficiency - Barter quest changed to Handover only - removed elimination under stim effect conditions
* Stims Proficiency - Trade quests - now chained one after another and conditions changed to kill 10 Scavs and 3 PMC per each quest while under any stim effect
* Tarkov Mule - for Barter quests lowered handover requirements by 1.5-2 for each quest
* Tarkov Mule - Trade quests are now chained with next quest is no longer visible until previous one is completed
* Weapon Mastery - re-worked into chains of quests without starting requirements: one chain for each weapon type
* Weapon Proficiency - Trade quests are now chained one after another, but each quest can now be completed with any weapon from category instead of requiring specific weapon. Removed compatible ammo from rewards.
* Ultrasound - Barter quests are changed to kill Scavs/PMCs while not wearing headsets which are not yet unlocked for barter. handover requirements are removed and money reward is slightly lowered
* Ultrasound - for Trade quests removed Scav elimination requirements
* Ultrasound Legend - re-worked into chains of quests with single condition at a time
### Fixes:
* Weapon Mastery - fixed issue causing Elite tier quests to be available for Seasoned tier guns.
* minor localization fixes
Version 1.2.2
- Andrudis
Changes in v1.2.2 from v1.2.1
Compatibility: SPT-AKI 2.1.2
### Changes:
* ProgressionOverhaul - when enabled, now will also change Fence inventory size to 3 items per refresh. This can be overridden with new "FenceInventorySize" settings to whatever value you like.
### Added:
* FenceInventorySize - changes number of items Fence sells per refresh. Default is 'null' which will not change anything. Valid values are between 0 and 200. If set to integer value - will also override changes made by "ProgressionOverhaul".
* \QuestIds\ - folder now contains .csv files with list of all quest Ids with ';' used as separator. There is a separate file for each supported language.
### Fixes:
* some Gear Proficiency quests unintentionally accepted non-FiR items
Version 1.2.1
- Andrudis
Changes in v1.2.1 from v1.2.0
Compatibility: SPT-AKI 2.1.1
No other changes, if updating from v1.2.0 you may copy just 'package.json' and 'package.js' - the rest files are identical to previous version
Version 1.2.0
- Andrudis
Changes in v1.2.0 from v1.1.1
Compatibility: SPT-AKI 2.1.0
### Changes
* Ammo Proficiency Introduction - lowered requirements from 3000 to 2000 ammo handover
* Ammo Proficiency Barter quests - removed kill requirements, slightly increased ammo handover requirements
* Ammo Proficiency Trade quests - removed compatible ammo handover requirements, slightly increased specific ammo handover requirements
* Med Proficiency Trade quests - lowered usage requirements for some items. Replaced Med Supplies handover condition with any Med Item/Drug/Medkit, but increased amount from 2 to 5
* Description of new traders now include their specialization ('en' and 'ru' locales for now)
* Weapon Proficiency Barter quests - removed all requirements (ammo, magazines etc.) except to handover guns. Number of guns required is increased.
* Weapon Proficiency Trade quests - removed all handover requirements, now only kills are required
* All gear Proficiency quests - removed kill conditions for Barter quests and lowered requirements for Trade quests
* All gear Legend quests - lowered Scav and PMC kills requirements
* All quests now have prefix that indicates quest giver trader for easier navigation:
Prapor = [Pra]
Therapist = [Thr]
Fence = [Fen]
Skier = [Ski]
Peacekeeper = [P-k]
Mechanic = [Mec]
Ragman = [Rag]
Jaeger = [Jgr]
Bashkir = [Bsh]
Colonel = [Col]
Elder = [Eld]
Khokhol = [Kho]
LabRat = [Lab]
Warden = [War]
Version 1.1.1
- Andrudis
Changes in v1.1.1 from v1.1.0
Compatibility: SPT-AKI 2.0.*
Updates from 1.1.0 are fully compatible, update from earlier versions will require wipe
* Weapon Proficiency - magazines were not unlocked with Barter quests correctly
Note: If you are upgrading from 1.1.0 you only need to replace the following folders:
\Andrudis-QuestManiac\db\QuestBundles\Weapon Proficiency\
The rest of mod content is identical. Just restart server after replacing these 2 folders and you should see magazines if you already completed any Weapon Proficiency Barter Quests
Version 1.1.0
- Andrudis
Changes in v1.1.0 from v1.0.7
Compatibility: SPT-AKI 2.0.*
### Changes
* Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Mastery reworked - several weapons merged, so you can now use any weapon from the list to progress.
* Weapon Mastery quests for merged weapons have conditions requirements increased by 50-100% per each additional weapon, while money and XP reward is increased by 50% per each additional weapon.
* Weapon Proficiency re-balanced weapon tiers for some weapons
* Weapon Proficiency - for merged weapons there will be barter trades only for 1 weapon in merged group, but money trades will be unlocked for each weapon in group at once
* Added Ammo packs barters which will be unlocked along with corresponding ammunition
* Added magazines money trades - basic versions are unlocked with barters for corresponding guns while more advances versions require barter quests from Ammo Proficiency
* Several quests and quest bundles moved to a different traders. Mostly affected: Weapon Mastery, *** Legend, Hideout Assistant, Errand Boy, Gunsmith Assistant
* Added quest description to Weapon Mastery quests with list of allowed weapons for each quest.
* Minor improvements in EN and RU localizations
### Merged weapons list
1) MP-153, MP-155
2) M1911A1, M45A1
4) PM, PM(t), PB
5) TT, TT Gold
6) FN 5-7, FN 5-7 FDE Frame
8. Mosin, Mosin Inf (Mosin Obrez)
9) AS VAL, VSS Vintorez
10) MP7A1, MP7A2
11) Kedr, Kedr-B, Klin
12) HK MP5, HK MP5K
13) MP9, MP9-N
14) AKS-74U, AKS-74UB, AKS-74UN
15) AK-74, AK-74M, AK-74N, AKS-74, AKS-74N
16) AK-101, AK-102
17) AK-103, AK-104
Version 1.0.6
- Andrudis
Changes in v1.0.6 from v1.0.5
Compatibility: SPT-AKI 2.0.*
### Added auxiliary option:
* ReplaceKillCounterForRaidersWithPMCs - If set to 'true' will count PMCs instead of Raiders for all conditions that require Raiders kills. Quest description, name and counter will still list Raiders.
Andrudis Author
For updated version of this mod (for SPT 3.7.1)) please see Andrudis QuestManiac by LaurentMEKKA and Mighty_Condor. Don't forget to give your thanks to those guys for keeping mod alive
Good to hear back from you. Hope you are ok?
Glory to Ukraine!
Andrudis Author
Danersx, thanks for your concern! So far alive and well, not sure for how long through. Never could have thought I'll be forced to play EFT in real life one day...
Glory to Heroes!
Andrudis Author
Important note about possible future of this mod.
Due to Russian Federation invasion in Ukraine I will not be able to continue support and development of this mod. Martial Law is in effect in Ukraine from 12am February 24th local time .
This mean the following:
1) All future support and development for QoL Configurator and Quest Maniac mods will be discontinued from my side.
2) All existing downloads will remain active for as long as site owners will see fit and my Dropbox account will remain active.
3) Anyone willing to take over future support for these mods are free to do so.
4) I will not be available for communication by any means any more - either because of internet shutdown or because I will spend all available time taking care of my family and providing assistance to hospitals and shelters.
5) Regardless of scale, duration and outcome of invasion most likely I will not return to EFT even after the end of armed conflict.
thx for ur hardworking and God bless u
Even though you may not see this message ever, I wish you the absolute best. Safety and good health to you in this rough time.
I hope the occupiers brought enough sunflower seeds. Slava Ukraini!
Andrudis Author
We are doing all we can to make a good fertilizer from all invaders. Glory to the heroes!
another reason to hate the oligarchs
slava ukraini, heroyam slava
stay safe, much love to you in this trying time
he application had a critical error and failed to run
Exception produced: ReferenceError: Logger is not defined
ReferenceError: Logger is not defined
at new QuestManiac (C:\,spt\user\mods\Andrudis-QuestManiac\src\quest_maniac_mod.js:11:3)
at Object.<anonymous> (C:\,spt\user\mods\Andrudis-QuestManiac\package.js:16:22)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1105:14)
at Module._compile (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1894:32)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1159:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)
at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19)
at Module.require (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1855:31)
at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)
please update me boiii
It says the mod is outdated, will it still work as of now? Or is it too broken to use?
Andrudis Author
This original mod is outdated. It is compatible with SPT-AKI versions 2.2.* but will not work with any later versions.
For updated version please see: Andrudis QuestManiac for 3.2 - it should be compatible with the latest SPT-AKI version 3.2.*
PS: please don't forget to thank LaurentMEKKA for keeping this mod alive
Does anyone now how to update this to the lastest build or could tell me how to do it? This mod is THE reason I play tarkov, without it, there is no point.
getting a ton of error messages on the latest aki patch. they are as follows
[WARNING] trader with ID Colonel_Temporal_Id not found, falling back to default refresh time of 3600
[WARNING] trader with ID Elder_Temporal_Id not found, falling back to default refresh time of 3600
[WARNING] trader with ID Khokhol_Temporal_Id not found, falling back to default refresh time of 3600
[WARNING] trader with ID LabRat_Temporal_Id not found, falling back to default refresh time of 3600
[WARNING] trader with ID Warden_Temporal_Id not found, falling back to default refresh time of 3600
[WARNING] trader with ID Bashkir_Temporal_Id not found, falling back to default refresh time of 3600
This repeats itself indefinetly, any ideas on how to fix this?
Andrudis Author
Sorry, have not idea what was changed in the last SPT-AKI version - probably something changes in traders' configuration format.
its related to default trader restock, I added the traders on Ereshkigal aki configurator and the error vanished.
Vnyxz, mind explaining in greater detail about how you fixed it?
3600s is 1h, this is the "restock" time for each trader, since I haven't exactly found how to set this in the traders files, there's an option on AKI configurator that let's you edit or add restock time for each traders, mine looks something like this:
thank you for this explanation and picture. copied your config and the errors went away.
Does anyone know if this works on 2.3.0 or if anyone else has picked it up to update it?
why are all the traders locked? how do i unlock them?
4000 quests !
This is so amazing, nice job !
FYI: I've integrated the QuestManiac traders in the latest version of Path To Tarkov
Wait... It working?
Does anyone know how to apply the mode localization file?
With only this mod installed and a fresh AKI install I get the following error:
ModLoader: loading mods...
Loaded: Andrudis-QuestManiac
[AQM] Initializing: Andrudis-QuestManiac
[ERROR] Trace:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'user/mods/Andrudis-QuestManiac/src/config.json'
at Object.openSync (fs.js:476:3)
at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:377:35)
at Object.readFileSync (F:\Games\SPTarkov\EFT 12.12 AKI 2.2\Server.exe:239:55)
at Function.readFile (F:\Games\SPTarkov\EFT 12.12 AKI 2.2\obj\src\utils\VFS.js:70:19)
at QuestManiac.Start (F:\Games\SPTarkov\EFT 12.12 AKI 2.2\user\mods\Andrudis-QuestManiac 1.4.1\src\quest_maniac_mod.js:25:43)
at Function.executeMods (F:\Games\SPTarkov\EFT 12.12 AKI 2.2\obj\src\loaders\ModLoader.js:147:13)
at Function.load (F:\Games\SPTarkov\EFT 12.12 AKI 2.2\obj\src\loaders\ModLoader.js:17:19)
at Object.load [as aki-mods] (F:\Games\SPTarkov\EFT 12.12 AKI 2.2\obj\src\callbacks\ModCallbacks.js:9:19)
at Function.load (F:\Games\SPTarkov\EFT 12.12 AKI 2.2\obj\src\utils\App.js:22:13)
at Function.main (F:\Games\SPTarkov\EFT 12.12 AKI 2.2\obj\src\Program.js:26:13) {
errno: -4058,
syscall: 'open',
code: 'ENOENT',
path: 'user/mods/Andrudis-QuestManiac/src/config.json'
[SUCCESS] Started webserver at
[SUCCESS] Started websocket at ws://
[SUCCESS] Server is running. Happy playing!
If I install the previous version of this mod, there are no errors aside from the compatibility warning. Let me know if you need any other details.
Figured out the issue. I renamed your mod folder to include the version number at the end. Removing the added version number fixed the issue.
I love this mod,and could u plz add Chinese
Andrudis Author
Hi! I do not know Chinese.
All localizations were done by someone else. There are localization files in mod at \Locales\*.json
If you can translate templates at ch.json - send me updated file and I'll generate localization based on that translation
can i repost it in the CN bbs?And i'll indicate the source link.
Andrudis Author
Heyo, to update for compatility 2.2.1 from 2.2.0 are there certain folders i can transfer without wiping?
Andrudis Author
Hi! If you do not need GE localization - package.json file should be enough.
Is there a way to remove the base game traders and their quests from the game ? would love to play your trader quest mod without base game traders.
Andrudis Author
Base game traders also take part in this mod:
Peacekeeper - Hideout Assistance quests
Skier - all Customs-related quests
Ragman - all Interchange-related quests
Jaeger - all Woods-related quests
Mechanic - all Factory-related quests
Fence - Gunsmith Assistant and general versions of map-specific quests
If these trader did not exist in vanilla, I would have to add them myself.
You may switch these vanilla traders to barter only mode in config so they would not spoil progression.
As for vanilla quests - I can add option to remove them in future versions of the mod, or you can do it manually by removing content of \Aki_Data\Server\database\templates\quests.json, just leave 2 brackets inside file like this: '{ }', Warning: removing quests from the game that you have already accepted may corrupt your profile unless you remove all references to that quest from your profile also.
thank you very much for your answer will do that.
Thank you so much for the 2.20 and 2.21 updates.
Is there a way outside the fence and flea market to buy weapon parts and mods?
Andrudis Author
Nope, FM is the best bet to get prepared for end-game challenges
Sounds good, I like that you have to scavenge for parts especially with your qol mod active, but I didn't know if my game was bugged and not showing them. Thanks
Hi mate, great update) How can i disable non-quest discounts from traders? i have some items from start (helmets from bashkir, rigs from elder etc), but i dont like it at all, i want only quest items for ZeroToHero experience)
Andrudis Author
Could you please clarify what issues do you have?
This one, i want to delete this items from trading, i need only quest-unlockable items.
Andrudis Author
All trades on new traders are quest-unlockable.
If you see all trades before doing quests to unlock them - you need to check if you have "AllTradesAvailableFromStart" enabled in configs.
if you see only some items - then either mod's installation or your profile is inconsistent.
If you did not start fresh profile with SPT-AKI 2.2.0 and carried over quests progression from 2.1.2 - that may be cause of an issue too.
Overall, trade assorts for each trader are listed here:
and which trade is locked by which quest is listed here:
There could be 2 possible issues:
1) Either you have assort.json and questassort.json from the different mod versions
2) in your profile some quests are already marked as completed
In both cases that is why you can see only some trades unlocked from the start.
Hope this helps.
Like before, i installed fresh AQManiac, made new account - my mods.
I cleaned every quest bundle for "science"-
config settings -
Still have barter and trade items from start.
so i dont think its normal)
Hi Andrudis,
It would be great if some sort of Hardcore Mode was added that gave the quests more challenge. For example, the weapons after be unlocked in their most barebones version instead of the "space trooper" that is unlocked halfway through the mod. Eliminating bosses for every gun unlock quest would be a good direction to go for unlocking the purchasing of weapons (even pistols). A separate magazine unlocking quest would also be nice if that is possible as the game gets way harder if you can't shoot (a harder version of the current system would also be great!). My last suggestion to make the game a little harder in this mode would be to add more simultaneous conditionals for unlocking items that are good such as the m4 as this is too easy to unlock. I understand that is is going wayyy to the back of the backlog as I am asking a lot of you, but this mod makes SPT.
Thank you for developing this great mod,
Andrudis Author
Hi! Thanks for feedback!
There are several points I would like to highlight separately:
1) about too modded weapons like "space trooper" - currently I take weapon presets from ragfair default database - something with the most mods just to be sure that resulting weapon will be usable in the end. For some weapons this results in too advanced modded versions. To fix this I will either need to manually implement and maintain presets for each of about 100 weapons (I really do not want to waste 100h on this) or find a better way to do it with minimum manual intervention. I have this in plans, and have several ideas to try, but this is still in R&D phase with more R=Research then D=Development.
2) Multi-conditional quests - I've tried such quests earlier and they work poorly on practice. First - is you have multiple handover conditions, even if you have some conditions fully completed, items for these conditions will still be highlighted with yellow checkmark until whole quest is complete - this make it very confusing which items do you actually need and lead to too many micro-management where you have to spend more time moving items in stash and checking quest conditions, then running raids. That is why I've scrapped most multi-conditional quests in favor of chained quests with single condition each - they work much better, but require reasonable complexity curve.
3) Currently unlocking all guns and gear - is less then a half of all core quests. Final intended goal - reach level 100 by completing quests only (without XP from any other sources) and that would require to complete about 90%+ of all core and or/all vanilla quests. I doubt anyone actually has reached that goal in time span between major version updates. My current primary goal is to make smooth and interesting progression with core bundles, but I am open for ideas for additional high-challenge bundles as optional addition. That us how Sniper Bundle was added - one of players came up with idea for this bundle several months ago to create an additional challenge and at some point I was able to finalize vision for this bundle and implement it.
4) I am also trying to eliminate quests with duplicating conditions. There are already quests to eliminate each boss with most guns(Veteran and Elite tier), maybe I will return bosses elimination with Rookie and Seasoned guns as optional bundle, but hunting Killa with PM(t) - not sure it would be fun
5) If you can provide an example of hardcore progression - that could help: what the progression should looks like? What should be the final goal for hardcore playthrough? etc.
Hi Andrudis,
One suggestion to fix the ragfair would be to ask Fershte if you could use the prebuilt weapons in his vendor mods as a substitute to the vanilla ragfair, if he agrees and you agree, it would save many hours.
The next response is your choice, and I respect that and it won't change my enjoyability playing the mod as it is purely a design choice.
For response number 3, I suppose another level of weapon masteries would add greater challenge along with a bundle that unlocks attachments as barter only mode limits attachments to only in-game finds. So a bundle of attachment quests will add time plus difficulty to the mod and I'd assume it would progress like all the other bundles such as handing in X number of foregrips for the next best foregrip(s). Keeping with the core only theme, there could be expanded upon quests like the ones Jaeger gives out for hunting bosses and doing difficult tasks like surviving a raid on every map.
For number 4, I understand where you are coming from with this one. Not everyone sweats their ass off in SPT.
And finally for Number 5, Hardcore progression would be slower and more painful to get to better items and it would require more skill to get to the next tier of weapon, so instead of just killing scavs for a quest, its killing raiders, and instead of raiders, rogues and so on. It would not involve more time per say, but instead more know-how and skill. Another example would be starting with no alpha container and having to earn it though quests (same with the beta container). Higher prices in trader assorts or lower prices things are sold at. The final goal at the end would obtain the GL that is in the game through killing every boss 15 times (rough idea).
TL:DR, the hardcore experience wouldn't be longer, but instead more difficult through forcing the player to play on more difficult maps I.e. reserve and labs and also boss hunting.
And as a final note, I did finish the entire core questline on the 12.10 update for SPT.
Thank you again,
Andrudis Author
Thank you for extended feedback. I will keep in in mind for my future updates of this mod!
Really looking forward to the 2.20 update, not the same without this mod.
Could you give all the quests 0.1 rep for the traders ? some of them have it, others only have xp rewards. I want to raise my rep doing kill tasks, i don't like the over complicated quest system in tarkov, i only do the ones that unlock guns and armor.
Andrudis Author
Added task to Roadmap, will try to add this feature for the next release for 12.12 patch
Love the mod, and especially the recent quest progression changes - I feel like I'm using a broader range of items in raids rather than just giving everything that's good enough to the traders. Excellent work and thanks!
first of all, thanks for this awesome mod! I love it and it gives me a fresh kick after completing all the vanilla quests for x-times...
I would like to know if its possible to disable all vanilla traders and only play your taskline with your traders? I want a new challange and dont want to see the vanilla traders anymore
Andrudis Author
Disabling vanilla traders is possible, but will require solving several problems:
1) This mod uses vanilla traders actively, because in EFT lore there is 1 trader for each 1 location planned by BSG and Fence is an extra one trader for non-location specific quests. Skier - Customs, Mechanic - Factory, Jaeger - Woods, Ragman - Interchange. So first it will require to move all my quests for these locations to some other traders.
2) I am not sure you can just delete trader's folders from SPT-AKI without issues, probably you will need to remove traders during mods loading phase so it should be dome by a mod.
3) You will need to do something with vanilla quests also - either remove them or move to another traders
The way I handle this problem - enable BarterOnly mode without BarterOnly quests and add another mod that replaces vanilla trader images with something else: Alternative portraits
Great work on this mod, Andrudis. I'm enjoying it a lot and can't wait to use it during 12.12. A few questions, I'm confused on the Trade and Barter bundles and how to set them up in the config. I'd like for the traders to have 0 items at start and I unlock them by doing quests so they're available for purchase from then on and not just barter able. Is that possible? Also is there a better way to organize the quests or make markers that show there are items available to turn in? I seem to have to open every quest to see if i can turn in an item. Unless I'm missing something? Besides checking the little check mark icon on the items themselves. Thats just as tedious. I'm guessing maybe adding something like that is just a limitation of SPTarkov and there's no way to add something like that to the UI?
Anyway, sorry for so many questions but I've really enjoyed this mod and it's opened up tarkov so it's not the same old boring doing the same types of runs over and over. Thanks again for your work and dedication.
Andrudis Author
1) To use Trade and Barter bundles you need to remove normal full bundle from
\Andrudis-QuestManiac\db\QuestBundles\ folder and copy in that folder one or both Trade/Barter folders from \Andrudis-QuestManiac\_AlternativeBundles\
for example if you want to replace "Ammo Proficiency" bundle, if need to remove folder
\Andrudis-QuestManiac\db\QuestBundles\Ammo Proficiency\
and copy
\Andrudis-QuestManiac\_AlternativeBundles\Ammo Proficiency Barter\
and / or
\Andrudis-QuestManiac\_AlternativeBundles\Ammo Proficiency Trade\
folder(s) into
2) 0 items for all traders from the start only possible for BarterOnly mode that can by enabled in config. You need to set "EnableBarterOnly" and "EnableBarterOnlyQuests" in \Andrudis-QuestManiac\src\config.json
All my new traders have all their assortments locked by different quests from the start.
There is no option to do this for vanilla traders and normal trades with money because there is no quests to unlock normal money trades of vanilla traders
3) Current quest turn in system is limited by BSG's implementation. I've added prefix for each quest to easier understand which trader owns that quests ([Lab] - Lab Rat, [Mec]- Mechanic, etc). I'm also trying to limit number of handover quests and conditions available at once, but there are a limits to what I can do.
the most problematic quests at the moment are BarterOnlyQuests (you may skip them, especially if it is not your first time playing with this mod), Gunsmith Assistant and Hideout Assistant. - for *** Assistant quests you may look at their *** Strict alternative to have less quests active at the same time if that will still suite your playstyle
Yea, I think I'll skip the assistant quests. Thanks for all the info and the explanation!
Just some feedback for the mod, obviously this is my personal opinion, but maybe others share this sentiment.
I feel that getting leg/arm kills is rather hard.
I think it'd be nice if it would be changed to x number shots IN the leg/arm, instead of deaths by shooting in the leg/arm.
Could easily bump this number to like 10 or so even on the first quest as getting shots into legs/arms is definitely doable, but kills by them is rather difficult.
I also feel that the very first tier of any ammo type, shouldn't be bartered for with an other ammo type, but rather some common barter items. Every subsequent tier requiring the previous ammo in that respective type seems very good, but the first tier goes to a very, very long loop if you want to barter for it.
Again, this is definitely my opinion and it might be exactly how you want this mod to be, I just feel that it makes it a bit more tedious rather than more difficult.
Edit: Not to take away any credit from your mod, as I feel it's extremely nice. So, thanks for your work on it.
Andrudis Author
Thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate it. Your feedbacks help me to improve mod and make it better and more fun. My goal is to make progression smooth and fun, rather than frustrating like Jaeger tasks. Of course difficulty should increase, but slowly and optinally.
1) As for trick shot conditions - I agree that they feel out of place right now. I've put a ticket to roadmap to change it - not sure how exactly yet. I may replace with kills to thorax/head/any other body part (instead of legs and arms), or make it to count hits instead of kills, like you've suggested, or more trick-shots to a separate bundle and replace condition with something different at all or remove it completely... At the moment I can only say that it will be changed in the next major update, but because that update will break compatibility and will require wipe I would prefer to delay it till 12.12 update or until I'll get enough significant changes to justify requirement for a wipe.
2) The problem with the first tier of ammo is not my intention, but a limitation of BSG's trade engine: it is possible to trade many-for-1 and 1-for-1, but it is not possible to trade 1-for-many. And because most weakest ammo cost 12, 20, 30 Roubles while the cheapest junk barter item like cricket lighter cost more than 1000 Roubles it is not possible to make any meaningful trade except 1 cheap ammo for 1 another cheap ammo. It was not my intention, but I had to do it for most ammo there are no better barter options available. The only small workaround that exists - ammo boxes. These boxes allow to exchange 1 barter item for several bullets. But unfortunately only few calibers have ammo boxes and not for all ammo types. I have included ammo box barters, but they are more like convenient additions but do not allow to fix situation fully.
Thanks for your answer.
Is there a way I can edit the quest requirements myself?
It's really holding me back enjoying the mod as I feel that especially the arm shots just aren't doable.
If there's no way, I think I'll wait on using it until it's changed.
Thanks for your hard work.
Andrudis Author
All quests are stored as plain text if specifically those ones can be found at
\Andrudis-QuestManiac\db\QuestBundles\Ammo Proficiency\<TraderID>\quests.json - but you need to understand quests format to edit and changing quantity of conditions for already started quest will corrupt your profile.
The best you can do - edit quest.json file for each trader and look for:
and then delete that "bodyPart" section - it will name each condition to count any kill for progression and you will be able to complete with just 2 kills of any scav in any body part
Yeah I tried looking into it, but I am definitely not good enough at this stuff to manually edit all this unfortunately.
Thanks for explaining though.
I just figured out what you meant and it's working.
Thanks, this is very nice.
Great update! Thanks to the author for his great work !
With this new update, for some reason my game now freezes for ~20s in raid, and after that it works fine again.
Really odd.
Andrudis Author
How often do you have these freezes?
I Have 5-second freeze at the start of every raid, but after that everything runs smoothly.
Could you try without mod or with lower quests numbers?
I only have it at the start of the raid, then never again.
But I didn't have them at all before I updated this mod.
I'll try a different profile without the mod and see if that changes anything tomorrow.
Your mod is great ! Is it possible to make barter and purchase quests optional ?
For example, if I choose only barter, I don't need quests that unlock the purchase. I will leave only the quests for barter.
Thank you in advance
Andrudis Author
Hi! Will be included in the next update
Flamber aka SimpLord
Hey erm loving the mod so far, but does the trader's usually have nothing to offer? or am I still new and I need to complete tasks for them to unlock trade offers?
Flamber aka SimpLord
nvm i just realised u need to do tasks for them to unlock
Hi, I love the idea of this mod and would love to try it but I keep on encountering this error every time I launch the server. Something about it not being able to find a module, I'm really unsure on what any of the error means.
Nevermind, I somehow solved it.
Cannot wait to try out this mod